Going in labor

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I was happily married to namjoon. It's been a year now and I was already nine months pregnant. I was due in two weeks and it was not a good experience being pregnant but joon helped me through all of that.
Morning sickness, body pains, leg cramps, weird food cravings, mood swings, back pains, lack of proper sleep and everything else.
It was early in the morning. It was 7 am and I woke up. I saw namjoon all cuddled up to me with his blanket. His hair was messed up and he was dressed in an oversized sweatshirt with some sweatpants. He had drooled over me and when I shifted a little, he whined and pulled me towards him.

"Joonie, I have to go make breakfast baby," I said softly, kissing his cute dimples. He made a groaning sound and hugged me, unwilling to let go. I finally gave up and let him cuddle me.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and a liquid had completely wet the bed. I looked down. I saw that my water broke. I was panicking but I tried to stay calm.
I held joon's hand and tried to calm myself.
Joon slowly woke up due to the wetness and he realised what was happening.

He got up quickly and got the bags that we packed and picked me up.

" It's okay baby we can make it, alright? "
He said trying to calm me down. I nodded trying to distract myself from the radiating pains.

He slowly took me to the car and made me lay down on the backseat. He then started driving to the hospital. As he was driving I would feel more and more pains and it was a high level of pain. I couldn't feel anything and now my whole body was sweating like crazy. I slowly breathed hoping he would take me there really soon.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally felt that the car stopped. Namjoon got out and rushed out to call for help. I could see him completely worried while rushing towards me with the nurses.

He slowly helped me onto the stretcher and took me to the doctor. The doctor checked me and told me that I should be taken to the labour room immediately.

I was now surrounded by six nurses and a doctor all helping me to get ready for delivery. The doctor asked me to push because the baby now came to the right position.

" Doctor, I can't," I said struggling to even breathe from the extreme pains consuming me.

She sighed and called for namjoon. Namjoon was crying while he was hearing my screams. He rushed in and held my hands and kissed them continuously.

I pushed really hard and still, the baby wouldn't budge. The doctor told me to keep going. I feel like in going to die at this moment because the pain level is at a freaking 1000/10.

I decided not to give up and I pushed even harder and harder and that's when the baby came. The doctor slowly cut off the baby's umbilical cord.

She looked at me happily and said with a smile.
" it's a girl"

Namjoon sighed finally and he kissed me.

" I'm never putting you through this again   y/n, I love you so much. " he said wiping his tears.

" I'd go through this every day if it was for you," I said.

* A few years later.

" BABE! BRING SEONJOO FOR DINNER" I screamed for namjoon.

Both of them walked down and sat at the dinner table. I saw seonjoo pouting. I wondered why and asked her.

" what's wrong seonjoo-ah?
" I broke my toys. Daddy broke a few too." she said.

Namjoon was now blushing really hard and he looked at me with a flustered smile. I giggled happily and looked at them both. My little gods of destruction, smiling showing their dimples. All of that pain was really worth it.

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