I love you- yoongi

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It was midnight, yoongi was doing a live in his room. The boys were waiting outside to go in at the right time. It was 11:55 pm and jin was scolding jimin telling him not to laugh too much because yoongi would then find out. Namjoon was being quiet but then he ended up tripping himself over one of the leftover candles and fell over. At 12 am all of them went inside the room and I couldn't go in since I was a kpop idol myself. I waited outside while they opened the door. Yoongi gave a little wave at me while I smiled and mouthed an I love you to him. Yoongi was smiling and acting surprised for the members' sake and everyone was singing happy birthday and smiling. Jungkook set the cake on the table while taehyung gave a back hug to yoongi and kissed his cheek. Yoongi was blushing and smiling like an adorable little cat. Jin patted yoongi and engulfed him in a really tight hug while yoongi pouted and started complaining.
"Aish Hyung-" yoongi was interrupted by jin's mom like a voice saying "yah yoongi-ah let me hug you quietly"
Yoongi sighed quietly at his defeat and hugged jin back with his cute paws.
Everyone surrounded yoongi and asked him to cut the cake. But the knife was missing and when everyone was looking for it namjoon found it.
As he was about to give it to yoongi he ended up breaking the knife into two. He was shook and sighed at his clumsiness. Jimin saw what had happened and erupted into laughter while the others slowly started laughing. Namjoon smiled shyly while yoongi took a butter knife and comforted namjoon.
All of them sang loudly while yoongi cut the banana milk flavoured cake excitedly like a little baby. After feeding each other, they all said bye to the army and ended the live. I took the cake I baked and entered the room.
" Happy birthday yoongles," I said smiling brightly at him. I kept the cake down on the table and engulfed him in a really tight hug. I kissed his cheeks and gave him my present. I actually bought him a lot of pillows and pyjamas. That's like the perfect gift for him.
Everyone else got him many gifts.
Namjoon bought him a lot of relaxation masks and other stuff.
Jin bought some jin merchandise for him.
Hobi bought him an album filled with all the sope memories.
Jimin got a cute stuffed toy of a cat that looked exactly like yoongi.
Taehyung shyly held his gift and when everyone saw it they erupted into laughter. He actually made a huge blanket with yoongi's memes printed on it.
Jungkook made a clay dining set for yoongi and also made customized air forces for him.
They all got into a group hug while yoongi pulled me in it. I suddenly got an amazing idea and decided to tell them.
" Guys, let's do a sleepover at my place? Just like old times, pizza and movies?" I asked them.
Jungkook jumped up and said," hell yes y/n! ". Jimin and the others nodded and looked at yoongi. He also nodded and gave an okay sign. Jimin looked at me and asked me
" But, do you have soju at your place? ".
" I have about twenty bottles." I said.
"Okay nice!" hobi said and gave an okay sign.
When we reached, we decided to see an animated movie because yoongi and hobi were scared of horror movies. When jungkook and the maknaes were looking intensely at the TV joon and I decided to put a horror movie on.
" No fair y/n," taehyung said pouting at me.
" Trust me taetae you'll like it." I said and sat down beside yoongi.
After the movie ended, hoseok was trying so hard not to cry while yoongi was all cuddled up in blankets while the others yawned.
" Wasn't that scary now was it?" jimin asked them while yoongi looked accusingly at me.
" But I'm scared y/n," he said and pouted.
" Aww my Lil meow meow, I'll cuddle you for the entire night okay? " I said.
He smiled excitedly and opened the blanket up, I moved into his embrace and kissed his lips slowly whispering an I love you to him while the others watched us like we were a cute couple.

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