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Namjoon was sitting on the couch, wearing his tight black slacks and a silky black shirt, exposing his collarbones.

" Y/n are you ready? " he asked biting his inner cheek, I walked out in my outfit and smiled at him innocently.

I decided to wear a dark green bodycon with a slit near the thigh, my face didn't have much makeup, except for the eyeliner and a red lipstick.

" Um so you are ready, let's go. " he said and got up, his eyes never looked away from my body, signaling he wanted to stay home.

" Something wrong hubby? " I asked, putting my shiny heels on and smiling at him as I bent down.

I was doing this on purpose, giving him a clear view of my cleavage. He cleared his throat and gave me a smile.

We sat in the car, I drove to the hotel while he was speaking on the phone to jin. He ended the call and opened his front camera to take a selfie.

After clicking a few, he uploaded them on his twitter and smiled, seeing the love and support.

" Joon? " I called out, focusing on the road.
" Mmh? What happened babe? " he put his phone on the dashboard.

" Your collarbones look amazing. " I said, sounding extremely serious.
" I- I don't know how to respond to that."  he said scratching the back of his head.

" You can respond later, we're here. " I stopped the car and smiled at him, both of us got down and I gave the key to the valet.

" Let's go in, the hyungs are gonna be here in a few minutes. " he held my hand as we walked into the hotel, walking past the fountain.

" So they are on their way? " I asked, he nodded as a form of reply. We saw the restaurant sign and walked towards it.

The waitress pointed us to the reserved table and poured us a fe glasses of water before leaving us alone.

I was texting on my phone while join sat there patiently, looking around. I nonchalantly placed my hand on his thigh and felt him go still all of a sudden.

" Joon hyung " Tae entered the room smiling wide with his arm around jimin's shoulders.

" Hello Mrs. Kim. " Jimin chuckled before giving me a fist bump. Soon, the rest of the boys followed and the table was now filled with a lively atmosphere.

We ordered a lot of food and ate happily as we spoke to each other continuously. A risky idea came to my mind as I slowly brushed my hand over joon's crotch.

He choked on his food and tried to get a hold of the water glass.
" Hyung are you okay? " Jimin patted his back continuously.

" Mhm, I'm completely fine. " he gave a dirty look to me and bit his inner cheek.
I smirked and shrugged my shoulders

" Let's just eat. " Yoongi said cutting his steak. I sipped on my wine and touched joon's thigh.

This time, he was quiet, so I run my hand up and down his thigh, lightly brushing over his crotch from time to time.

Unable to take it, namjoon held my wrist tightly, preventing any kind of movement from my hands. I pouted and tried to wiggle free.

" Y/n please- " he whispered into my ear, the others were busy talking to each other and didn't notice him.

I grinned evilly, palming him harder and harder, seeing the beads of sweat form on his forehead.

" Y/n please- baby please- " he whined as I palmed quicker and reached for his zipper. He held my hand and looked at me. I bit my lip and pouted.

" But I'm too wet daddy- I really really need you " I whispered into his ears, letting my bosom touch his shoulders.

I never knew that those two sentences had that much of an effect. He immediately held my wrist and stood up.

" Guys I think we need to go. Y/n has a shoot tomorrow and we need to sleep first. " He said taking my hand and the purse.

" Just admit you're too horny to have dinner. Go you punk. Just go. " Yoongi laughed savagely, making the others laugh harder seeing the leader being teased.

He held my wrists tightly and pulled me out of the hotel as I stumbled in my heels, the valet immediately got our car and he got in the passenger seat.

" Drive fast baby. You would have to postpone your shoot for a week if you don't. " he said as I held the steering.

His long blonde hair was sticking to his forehead as his collarbones were exposed to the cold air from the AC.

He bit his lip, trying to ignore his raging hard-on and the extremely tight pants preventing his boner from standing up straight.

I felt myself soaking wet at his sight and if that wasn't enough, he unbuttoned his shirt feeling hot.

" Looks like I'm not giving you enough motivation to drive fast right? " he chuckled evilly and groaned.

It looked like I had gone too far with the teasing but I just kept driving quickly, He looked extremely hot and the only thing that stopped us from doing it here was our identities.

He suddenly pulled my dress up and slid my panties aside and inserted his long fingers in me.

" Now drive quickly or I'll edge you all night. " he smirked.

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