When your friends insult you

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Payal was sitting beside me talking to our large group of friends as we all laughed at her stories. Jin and I were drinking some moonshine smiling at everyone being happy.

" Jin tell me one of your dad jokes " I smiled at him refilling my glass.
" You know what, fine, What is the colour of a burger? Burgundy. " he started laughing immediately after as I giggled.

Somehow, I found his laugh funnier and cuter than the joke itself and others were laughing too, including Payal, she was the passive aggressive friend but we liked her.

" Hyung you made me recite it to you so many times like- " Yeonjun who was holding his beer pouted cutely, it was almost believable but the lip piercing he had was too hot.

" But it still made you laugh didn't it? " he smiled cheekily and blew a kiss out of habit.
" That's because he is handsome. Right jin? " I said sipping on the bitter yet addicting liquid.

" mmh yes. Finally you agree, anyhow, why were you crying before? " Hoseok who was drinking some sprite and vodka asked.

" Actually, my dad insulted me again. " I said sighing, he was too busy to care about my feelings when he was scolding.

" What? Why would he do that? Is it about your grades? " Soobin asked, taking a few potato chips and putting them into his mouth.

" No, y/n is a Straight-A student. She never got scolded for that " Jin said.
" But you get scolded too often y/n, did you ever try to tell him? " Kai asked.

" He doesn't listen kai, he's too busy telling me being bisexual is a shame to the family. " I scoffed. Payal who was quiet now looked at me.
" Y-youre bisexual? Ew- " she trailed off.

" Um whoa, Payal you're not being a friend right now- " hoseok reminded.
" Hoseok stop, she's bi for god's sake! Isn't that embarrassing? " She spat.

" What's embarrassing now is your attitude. " Yoongi spoke up.
" Payal why are you being like this? " I asked, I didn't wanna get angry but it was hard not be angry at a friend that treated you like shit.

" Because Y/n, it's true, Melanie already told me that you were a slut, and if that wasn't enough, you became someone that fucks both the genders now " she said without knowing how much it hurt me.

" Shut up Payal. I wouldn't say it to anyone, but shut up. " namjoon said standing up.
" Being bi isn't fucking wrong. " jin cursed.

" It is, y/n you need to go to a psychiatrist or something. " payal said.
" Payal. Get out of here. " I said coldly.

" What? You don't tell me what to do, you're sick. Get treatment. " She said.
" Im sick right? Get out of my life then. Don't ever talk to me. " I said.

" Sure, I don't wanna be friends with a mentally retarded slut like you " she said. Her every word felt like a cut to my nerves.
" Consider us as strangers too. " Jimin said.

She left after scoffing as much as she wanted to. Tears soon came to my eyes but I wiped them, I wasn't gonna let her make me feel like a mistake even if I thought of myself as one.

" I can't believe we let her in our group. " jungkook sighed shaking his head.
" I reported and blocked her from all socia media and blacklisted her from our group. " Taehyung said.

" Great hyung I'll do that too " Taehyun said laughing.
" Y/n you do know that what she said isn't true right? " Beomgyu asked handing me a refill.

" Mhm. " I said downing the entire glass and refilling it again.
" Y/n we know when you lie. " Jin said.
" Jin I- " I trailed off as I felt myself buried in his arms.

" Love is love y/n. It doesn't matter between whom. And she is a sick freak, to be honest, about your dad, he is too homophobic. They are so toxic that even you couldn't bear them." he continued.

" So cut them out of your life and if you cant, turn a blind eye or blind ear to them. It may get too hard, but we will be here for you, so share your burdens with us and we will be there for you. It doesn't matter if it's big or small, as long as you are happy it will be worth it and I feel like I said so much but yeah. Being bi doesnt mean you're wrong or a mistake. " jin said.

" Yeah, what he said. " yoongi replied.
" You know y/n, you're brave, because existing itself is so hard yet you're brave enough to say it out loud when others judge you, We love you for that. " Jimin said holding my hand.

" Mhm, I hope you wont let her words get to you, we should love ourselves y/n. " Namjoon said.
" The hyungs sound inspiring, but I can beat her up with yeonjun and soobin if you want. " Jungkook said making us burst into laughter.

" But that's bad kookie " I smiled, finally feeling better.
" But she's a homophobe and she should be treated in her way. " tae laughed.
" I don't want you to dirty your hands. " I smiled, jin patted the back of my head and kissed my temple.

" we won't let anyone treat you like that again. " he said.
" Yeah, let's avoid toxic people from now. I always had a bad feeling about her from the start " taehyung said.
" You should've told us! " Hobi said.

" You're tae meter. You know exactly who is fake and real, don't be silent next time." Yoongi laughed.
" BRUH tae meter " I laughed so hard that I choked as jin patted my back.
" And she's back " he smiled looking into my eyes.

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