The girl on the beach- jin

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The girl on the beach- seokjin

I was sitting on the sand, with some fresly picked daisies in my hand, in full bloom and a notebook in my other hand.

This has  become a daily routine now, coming to the beach and enjoying the warm sea breeze and basking in the bittersweet memories.

I smiled, putting the daisies infront of me on the towel and opened the pen and started writing.

It's been a year now, I can't even believe how weird it feels, I wish you were here right now, how good would it be? We would be making sandcastles, but I hope you're doing okay, I hope you will be fine up there, I wish to come up there and meet you as soon as possible, but mom needs me, but I know I will meet you someday, just wait for a bit.

As I finished those words, unwelcome tears fell onto the paper soaking it, and making the ink bleed.
I sighed and looked up trying to blink the tears away.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see a man dressed in a blue shirt with some slacks and his face looked like it came straight out of a movie.

" Hey, are you okay?" he asked me with a worried look on his face.

"mhm I- I'm o-okay" I hated myself for sounding so weak and as expected, the guy sighed and sat down beside me giving a light smile.

" Aren't you tired of bringing daisies every day?" he asked, I was a little taken aback but I regained my composure.

" How did you know I get daisies every day?" I asked him wiping my tears off and trying to smile. He turned around as if he was fishing something out from his pocket and turned around to give me a white cotton handkerchief. I smiled and took it slowly wiping my face carefully.

" You can blow in it, and as for your question, I live in that villa right there" he pointed to a luxurious looking one and smiled.

" You see me everyday?" I asked feeling a  little weird.

" Mhm, my friends see you too, writing something and staring off into the distance for 30 minutes" he said.

" Wow, saying it out loud makes me sound like a weirdo haha" I said.

" Nah, you're not weird at all, in fact, you are really cool, today I saw you crying, I mean you fo sometimes but today somehow I felt you would need someone, So I stepped out- uh" he trailed off.

" It's y/n, Cha y/n." I smiled gratefully.

" I'm kim seok jin, You have a beautiful name, it suits you completely" he said.

" mhm " I nodded in gratitude and looked into the distance.

" So, if it isn't too personal, do you wanna tell me what you write in that everyday?"  he pointed to my notebook with his chin.

" It's a long story, do you have time?" I asked him.

"mhm, I'm free today, you can tell me" he smiled.

" So, I have a sister, okay well had, her name was mihyun, when she graduated, me and her came out here to party, but on the same day, there was a storm, she was so hesitant and kept saying that she didn't want to go, I- I should have listened to her" I trailed off.

" Hey, look if it hurts too much you don't have to tell me okay?" he took my hand and gave me the mist reassuring face. I shook my head and continued.

" When we finally came, we drank a lot and the water flooded, causing her to drown to death, I somehow swam my way back to shore, but she d-died" I felt warm tears spring to my eyes again.

" Y/n, is it okay if I hug you?" he asked, I somehow felt that he was good, I felt safe so I nodded. He took me into his arms and held me tightly.

" Look y/n, I know how you feel, You think she blames you for her death don't you?" he asked me.

" Mhm, I do" I said wiping the warm tears off.

" She doesn't, see she's probably upset, seeing her baby sister in so much pain and grief, how do you think she would feel?" he asked me.

" I mean, I don't know" I said.

" She wants you to be happy, y/n happy, It's hard to move on, but try to do that, let it go, it's not your fault, stop beating yourself up for something you didn't do" he assured me.

" Thank you, I don't know what to say except for that" I sighed.

" There is something you can do actually" he smiled.

" what? There is?" I was doubtful.

" Be my friend." he said earning one of my bright smiles.

" Sure." I stood up taking the daisies and throwing them into the sea like I did every day.

" Mihyun loved daisies?" he asked.

" Yeah, she loved them and me a lot."

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