Sneaking into his house-namjoon

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I was sitting at my study table, reading some of my biology notes, and trying so desperately not to fall asleep.

It was so hard to concentrate because I had to study human anatomy, I felt like my brain was heating up from reading.

Deciding to take a break, I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of hot tea to drink.

I took the cup and added some honey to it and a squeeze of lemon juice, sipping it seemed to instantly relieve me.

" Y/n, go back to bed, you can study tomorrow honey, you look tired " my mom said smiling.

" It's okay mom, I have to read it anyways and I'll be fine, you sleep first okay? " I said smiling.

" Mhm, it's 2 am already, try to sleep for a bit atleast " she said closing the door of the master bedroom behind her.

I shrugged it off and sat infront of my desk, just as I was about to get up and put my tea cup back in the kitchen, I heard a crash.

I noticed it sounded from a little far so I turned around to see that the sound was coming from my neighbour.

I was not that surprised, he always broke things, I was friends with him so we just laughed it off most of the time about the sounds.

The sight I saw was opposite to the usual kim namjoon with a hand in his hair, he was sitting on the corner of the bed shirtless and crying.

I felt worried, and surprised at how his parents didnt wake up at the sound of the glass being broken.

I slowly moved towards the window to see him better, he looked haggard and tired with tears coming out of his eyes.

" God he's a wreck, he needs me " I sighed before putting the tea cup on the table itself and slowly tiptoeing to the back door of the house.

I opened it slowly, hoping it didnt creak and thankfully it didn't, making me sigh in relief, the cold breeze hit me as soon as I got out.

" Shit it's really cold " I cursed walking over to namjoon's window quickly.
He was too busy crying to notice me.

I tapped on his glass window with my knuckles as I tried to stay still in my  crop top and shorts with slippers.

" Huh? Y/n what are doing here? " Namjoon finally asked as he walked over to the window.

" Open the window boy, it's cold out here! " I said rubbing my hands together and looking at him urgently.

" uh? Oh right! Okay I'll open it " he opened the window, I jumped in, careful not to make any sounds.

" Joon did you hurt yourself? " I asked after closing the window, I saw shards of glass everywhere on the floor.

He shook his head but the bloodstain on his grey sweatpants was out in the open, clearly making it obvious.

I sighed as I pulled him towards the bed careful not to step on the glass.
" Where's your first aid kit? " I asked, he pointed to the closet, I walked in and got it out.

Cleaning his wound with some spirit, I covered his hand with a bandage to protect it from being infected, he winced as I put the disinfectant over his wound.

" Does it hurt a lot? " I asked, he nodded and bit his lips, I sighed before taking the disinfectant and cleaned the smaller cuts.

His shoulder looked like it had been scratched by a cat, he winced as I cleaned them and put antiseptic cream on them.

" Okay, just stay here " I said and slowly went to his living room and found a dustpan with a small broom, being careful to not make any noise I tiptoed into his room.

I sweeped up all of the glass shards as he sat there silently, putting everything back into its place, I sat beside him.

" Look joon, you can cry if you want to, just dont cry alone " I said, hugging him without touching his scars.

He was currently shirtless, thus giving the scope for his shoulders to be injured, he sighed as tears fell out of his eyes.

He fell on the bed, making me fall into his arms, I got into a proper posture as he snaked his arms around my waist.

He cried all his tears into my arms with painful sobs as I stroked his shiny black hair lovingly.

Soon, his whimpers got slower and he stopped crying, he looked at me and wiped his tears.

I held him tighter, I didn't like seeing him cry like that, hell I never wanted to see the people I care about cry, but what can I do, life is a bitch.

" So, you wanna tell me what was that about? " I asked, ruffling his hair as he sniffled.

" Gianna cheated on me with min young " he wiped his tears, I was surprised to hear that, and at that moment, I wanted to hurt them so badly.

" Joon I-, I know you are hurting right now, but trust me it will be okay " I said kissing his temple.

" Y/n, I know but, I just cant believe she decided to do it, I keep wondering why I am not enough " he sighed as he pulled me close to him.

" Hey, dont say that, you are more than enough okay? She  was too blind." I said feeling angry.

" Y/n I-, Thank you so much for this. " He said as he held me tight, not feeling lonely anymore .

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