Goodbye - taehyung

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I was walking on the footpath, looking through the crowd and smiling at every poster I saw.

So he was happy now? I wanted to see him smile. I really missed it and I wanted so badly to be the reason for his smile.

But I couldn't. It wasn't gonna be possible. Cause all that he and I share are memories. Maybe, he could smile with those memories?

He dyed his hair black again. His smooth skin was looking amazing on all of those posters as he was surrounded by the people that loved him.

I kept walking without any other thoughts except for the man. He is gonna turn 25 soon. The thought of his birthday left a smile on my face.

Everything about that man has made me crazy about him. The way he smiled, his adorable clumsiness, his eyes, and especially his monolid.

His bread cheekies and the faint sweet vanilla scent emanating from his body as I enclose his body in my arms.

His deep voice when he wakes up, his cute yet sexy fluffy hair after he rolls around in bed.

This man's smile could light up the whole world, the world didn't seem much cruel after seeing him.

Yet his duality, I was sure it had caused many people to lose their sanity. Whenever he started performing on stage, people would be shocked.

His amazing voice with his very smooth dance moves and charisma probably made many girls and guys lose their rationality.

Taehyung. He was every person's dream guy. But I had the honour of dating him and being his significant other.

It felt amazing to be his. The sense of extreme happiness that seemed to creep into you was a feeling to remember.

I was glad to see he was okay even if we weren't together anymore. I missed him a lot but it wasn't like I could go back to him.

It meant a lot to me, seeing he was doing well and he was okay, he made a lot of friends.

And his family, the boys were looking after him and are his biggest support. These put me at ease.

Seeing him get hate sometimes was a little painful, but I just hope he doesn't see it and lead his life normally.

I found myself walking by the park, the sakura flowers were now fully in bloom. The wind blew pleasantly.

The sight of those flowers falling down as a sweet couple walked down the street with warm coffees in hand was beautiful.

I and taehyung used to come here once a week, he was so excited to do this, since he rarely had any time.

Yeontan used to play with taehyung but whenever tae was giving me attention, he would be jealous and run off and hide under the slide.

Tae used to have a hard time convincing tan to come out. I laughed at all of our memories. I wanted so badly to make a call to taehyung.

I knew it wasn't gonna be possible to do it now, so I could only sigh. But I didn't want to be sad, so I walked away.

Soon, I found myself at the outskirts. I didn't know how long I was walking for, but I didn't feel tired.

I reached the cemetery, without thinking, I opened the gate and walked in, there was no one inside, or so I thought.

I saw a guy wearing a black turtleneck and a matching overcoat. He was holding white roses in his hands.

His long and luscious black hair flowed lightly due to the wind, the sakura petals rested in his hair and on his shoulders.

He looked like a painting, with his reddened eye rims and bright eyes. His lips were a light peachy shade making one want to kiss them.

" Hey y/n, how are you doing? " he asked, kneeling infront of the grave. I wanted to respond but I couldn't.

" It's me, taehyung. I know you love white roses, so I brought you these " he smiled. Sniffling, he put them on the grave.
" I miss you a lot you know. "

" But I have to accept the fact that you're gone now. It has almost been a year, it feels like I lost you yesterday " he sniffled and laughed trying not to cry.

" I still love you, you know, it's hard to actually stop loving you. " he said.
" Sometimes, I really wanted to come to you, but hyungs and jungkook helped me"

" I hope you're alright y/n. At least you're at peace. I will always love you y/n. " he smiled and wiped his tears.

" I will miss you a lot, but I have to say goodbye. I will always love you my angel. But, I need to do this " he stood up and wiped the dust off his pants.

" Goodbye y/n. Stay happy " he said before walking off.

" Goodbye tae. Thank you for letting me have the best life " I said smiling, knowing he couldn't hear me.

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