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I was entering the dorm holding a box of donuts and a coffee in my hand, slightly exhausted from work.

" Y/n! You're here! " Jimin jumped in for a hug and kissed my cheeks excitedly, without noticing all the stuff I had in my hands.

" Woah, what's up? Why are you so excited? " I asked smiling and putting the donuts on the table after walking in to the living room.

" Wah you're finally here! Y/n you're on cooking. " Yoongi said making me frown, if I remembered correctly, there were no birthdays.

" Ahh jin hyung's been a little down lately, so we decided to throw him a little party since moon hit 110 #1's on itunes " namjoon explained after seeing me frown.

As his friends, we were really worried for him since the last week and this idea sounded perfect.

Jungkook and taehyung were decorating while hoseok was cleaning and writing letters and stuff.

yoongi was  printing photos and namjoon was prepping vegetables for dinner.
" Joon, let jimin and me do the cooking " I said immediately going into work mode again.

" Yeah hyung, we have already ordered cake so we only need to make the salad and the curry, and fried rice anyway," jimin said to namjoon.

Soon, I went to the kitchen, dressed in an apron and some comfortable clothes.
" Let's start? " I asked tying the apron tight and pulling my sleeves up.

" What curry should we make? " Jimin asked, holding the half cut carrot in his hands.

" I'll make butter chicken, can you roll the dough for the rotis jimin? "  I asked, pulling out the chicken from the freezer and smiling at him.

" Roti? Ahh you mean Indian food? " he asked, I nodded and smiled at him, peeling the plastic off the chicken.

" Do you know how to make it tho? " I asked smiling at him.
" Ah ye, no. " he said looking at the floor, looking extremely cute and bubbly.

" Let me take them out for you. " I laughed, pulling out the all purpose flour and wheat flour with salt and cumin.

" It was just this? " he asked, pouting.
" Yeah, thats was it. " I giggled.
" Then why is it so tasty! " he said pouring a bit of water, soon he started kneading the dough.

But the baby forgot to roll his sleeves up and ended up getting flour all over his sweater.

" Ahh shit- " He cursed, taking his hands out of the bowl.
" Minnie you're so cute like this " I laughed pulling his sleeves up for him.

" It's been a while since I cooked. " He said laughing awkwardly.
" I know. You've been ordering " I said while I worked on the curry paste.

Just then hoseok walked in and smiled at us.
" Wah you're making chicken? Hyung will be happy " He smiled after taking a glass of water.

" Right! Hobi do you wanna eat paneer? " I asked, he frowned, signalling he had no idea what that was.

" That ' cheese ' curry you guys ate " I said laughing, he smiled knowingly and nodded.

" Wont that tire you out y/n? " Jimin asked, still kneading the dough.
" You guys need to gain more weight. And I like it myself so yeah, it's not much work " I said taking the paneer out.

We didn't talk much as we were at the different sides of the kitchen, but jimin soon walked closer smelling the curry.

" How can you cook indian food this well? " he asked wrapping his arms around my waist without touching me.

" I learnt from my grandma, and I can teach you if you want. " I said smiling at him after putting the spatula aside.

" Mhm, my girlfriend is amazing. " He said placing a kiss on my cheeks.
" Yeah? " I hummed before turning around and enveloping him in a hug.

" You are. " he kissed my nose and smiled.
" Jin's gonna be here soon, let me make the Rotis baby, go and rest for a while." I pecked his temple.

" You're gonna be tired as hell, let me help you. " he took out the rolling pin and started making the rotis.

I sighed, knowing he wasnt gonna budge, I just started cooking the rotis silently while he rolled them out for me to cook.

Soon we were done and jimin and I were covered in mounds of flour and sweat, from all of the cooking.

" Y/n- " yoongi walked inside the kitchen and was surprised at all the work we did.

" I should have let jungkook help you, you guys go rest, let hyung do the rest " yoongi took the spatula from my hand, sending me and jimin out laughing.

" That hyung pretends like he doesn't care, but he's so caring. " Jimin laughed, taking the apron off.

" I know " I laughed and kissed jimin's cheeks, I never knew that doing simple things like these would make me so happy.

Maybe it wasnt the cooking or anything, it was probably jimin.

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