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Forelsket (n.): The euphoria you experience during the initial stages of you love, i.e the honeymoon period.

" Okay, you guys be careful and don't be careless okay? Y/n make sure to eat on time okay? " Jin reminded for the thousandth time.

" Jin hyung you've told them already " yoongi sighed as he watched jin put his arms around jungkook, holding him tight.

" Aiya, Why didn't you guys just come with us? " I asked holding my carry on with my arm around jungkook's as I hugged jin.

" Hyung it's just their honeymoon, they'll be back in a month " hoseok comforted jin as he smiled at me.

" We've never been apart for more than two days hyung, I understand why he's like that " Jimin smiled understandingly.

" Mmh, I guess that's the reason, I think I'll feel weird too. " jungkook smiled before giving namjoon a hug.

" If you feel that way, we can just come back, I can tell my parents I wanted to " I smiled.

" Mmh. Just make sure you guys keep your VISA's and passports safe. Enjoy Paris " namjoon and tae waved us off.

Me and jungkook got on the plane, only to relax and sleep through the long flight, after landing, we safely reached the hotel and checked in.

" Should I unpack babe? " I asked, moving his suitcase to a corner, he nodded and smiled at me, taking his towel and going to the bathroom.

I was finished with our suitcases when jungkook walked out, the towel wrapped around his waist, his body glistening with the droplets of hot water and his skin with a blush from all the steam on the shower.

He smiled before taking the second towel and wiped his hair dry with it, I realized I was staring but I couldn't stop doing so, he looked too attractive and soon he caught me and gave me a wink.

" You can look as much as you want babe, want me to take everything off? " he asked, I chuckled before shaking my head and walked into the bathroom to get a shower for myself too.

Soon I walked out wrapped in a towel, just like him, making it his turn to stare, I giggled happily and pecked his lips before taking my clothes and putting them on.

" Wanna go get breakfast? " I asked putting on a bit of lip gloss after combing my wet hair and drying it.

" Mhm, let's go, I'm dressed. " He tied his timberlands up and adjusted his beige shirt and jeans once before we walked out of the room, with our hands joined together.

After going downstairs, we decided to walk to the restaurant, linking each other's arms as we smiled, looking at the beauty of this place.

" So there's this place I googled- " I said showing him the address on my phone, he smiled and nodded.

" Let's go get this ' bread ' " he imitated my mom, making me laugh at the way he got her accent.

" Mmh. " I nodded my head, pexking his fluffy cheek. He took his left hand and took a photo of it with his right, making it look extremely aesthetic with a single click.

" Let's take more " I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arm on his waist as he posed for a selfie, but instead of looking at the camera, I looked at him.

He looked like the world's most handsome man and every little action of his made me weak for him, he cheeks turned red from the cold, making me want to wrap my arms around him and warm him up.

I smiled, seeing his bright eyes as he took more photos, I wished we were in bed in each other's arms, he poked my cheek, smiling at my silly behaviour.

" Look at the phone baby " he pointed to the screen, showing that I was looking at him in every single photo.

" But the sight of you is extremely addicting " I grinned, placing my nose on his as I smiled. He put his phone at a better angle and clicked photos, I couldn't believe how good we looked.So I took my chance and kissed his lips, resulting in photos that were worth framing.

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