Thinking he's cheating - hoseok

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I was sitting at the dinner table, talking to hoseok and jin while we ate some dumplings that my mom made, happily eating them as we chatted.

Hoseok suddenly stood up and went to jungkook's room leaving both me and jin silent, he was acting suspicious since a week and I felt off about it.

Soon, hoseok walked out with jungkook and stood in front of us.
" Guys I have something I need to discuss with him so I have to go out for a while " hoseok said and left before I gave a response.

I continued eating quietly while jin kept blabbering and serving me more dumplings. It had been about 20 minutes and I felt like I ate too much, but jin was still eating when his phone rang.

" Hello jungkook " he kept it on speaker and continued to eat.
" Hyung- hoseok hyung is with a girl, they went into this suite, in hotel starlight where we planned to discuss, now I hear sounds- " I could clearly hear jungkook's voice through the phone, making my heart drop.

" Ahh yah! Jungkook! " Jin said looking at me awkwardly. I signaled for him to stop yelling and took my car keys.
" I need to go jin," I said, he put away his chopsticks and walked behind me, signalling he was coming.

Soon, we reached the hotel and jungkook was sitting in the lobby with his hands clasped together.
" Y-y/n why are you-" I didn't let him finish his sentence and interrupted him.
" What room are they in? " I asked.

" Tell her kook. " Jin said after jungkook looked at him cluelessly.
" Presidential suite " Jungkook replied, wordlessly, I walked there quickly as the sound of my heels filled the hallway.

I took the key from jungkook and opened the door, only to see hoseok's jeans and pantyhose with a bodycon dress on the floor.

Hobi's white shirt was on the floor to, with lipstick marks on the collar, making me scoff in disbelief.

I heard sounds coming from the bedroom so I just walked there quickly and threw the door open, and as expected hoseok was on top of a woman.

Hoseok's legs were tan compared to hers and he was giggling when I opened the door.

Wordlessly, I took a pillow and started hitting hoseok as I screamed.
" Hoseok you cheat! What kind of a bitch did you find to cheat on me huh? "

I walked to the bed and pulled the blacket down, the " woman's " skin was as pale as a canvas and " she " was dressed in a black lacy bra and boyshorts.

I gripped her hair and to my surprise, it wasn't what I expected.
" Yoongi? " I was shocked beyond belief to see him with red lipstick on his lips and the state he was in.

His cheeks were so red and he looked like he was about to burst from the embarrassment. I turned around to see namjoon, jimin and tae filming while kook passed a small box to hoseok who now had feathers in his hair from the torn pillow.

" Kang y/n, we've been together for what, 5 years now and I realized that you're my everything, you make me want to bring the best out of myself, you tamed my player ways and you were the only girl that was able to steal me and my heart. So-" he stopped there, and got down on his knee as his boxers moved dangerously low.

" Will you marry me? " he asked, making me fall down on my knees quickly and look at him with tears in my eyes.

" yes. Yes I will. " I said as he placed the ring on my finger as I cried holding his half naked body while tae laughed filming.

" Why are you crying? " Jin laughed patting my head.
" I was so shocked and angry " I said hitting hoseok's chest while he rubbed the back of my head comfortingly and placed a kiss on my forehead.

I stood up and sat on the bed, looking like a hot mess and that's when I noticed yoongi rolled up completely in a blanket, like a shy baby.

" Hyung it's not that bad- " jimin comforted trying to go near him with the dress from the living room.

" Yah punk! I literally had to walk through the hotel in a bodycon and a wig just so that we wont be caught just in case y/n checked security cameras. Shut up okay " he pouted as the wig covered his red face.

" Unnie! Yoonji unnie how could you do this to me huh? " I said playfully pushing yoongi.

" Hyung can you do this when I get a girlfriend too? " Jungkook asked taehyung, tapping his shoulder lightly.

" We'll see when you actually get a girlfriend. " tae said before jumping on the bed and hugging yoongi tightly.

" Hyung you're really pretty, why dont we get married too? Hoseok hyung and y/n and you and I can get married on the same day don't you think? " Tae kissed yoongi's nose, making the latter growl out loud like a kitty.

" Sounds good, unnie what do you think?"  I asked yoongi smiling.

Yoongi sighed and took the blanket off, revealing his amazing body and the lacy bra of course. He had sacrificed a lot for hoseok.

" Yoongi you're coming home in the same bodycon tonight, I didn't let jungkook get your clothes " jin laughed evilly. Yoongi gave a dirty look to jungkool but jungkook shrugged it off.

All that's left in the room was endless laughter and a very angry and shy kitten with pouty red lips and cherry cheeks that caught the attention of every man in the hotel.


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