Piano - min yoongi

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I was sitting with the boys in the dorm, watching some new k-drama together while eating the black noodles that jin cooked for us.
" I gotta say these taste amazing jin hyung-" namjoon said as he took a bug bite of the noodle.
" Mmh yes they are-" I smiled as I looked at the male lead who was playing the piano.
" That song seems hard, jin hyung do you know how to play it? " jimin asked as he licked the sauce off his chopsticks.
" It is hard, I can play it but yoongi plays it better than me-" jin responded, smiling at jimin.
" Wah hyung that's the first time you accepted something like-" jungkook stopped himself before saying anything further at jin's death stare.

" Am I the only one thay can't even play piano? " I asked feeling a little weird.
" I think so, I couldnt play it before but I learnt a song I guess? " hoseok smiled.
" Baby can you teach me? " I looked at yoongi as I tried to make my eyes bigger.
" And people say I use puppy eyes the most- " Jungkook sighed as he took a piece of kimchi into his bowl.
" When do you want me to teach you? " yoongi asked, making me smile happily.
" Can you teach me after we eat? " I asked again as he nodded quickly.
" What you dont want to watch the drama? " Jimin asked curiously.
" What's the point of wasting my time when I know the female lead will die? " yoongi said making us all shocked.
" Yah yoongi why did you spoil it for us? "
Jin said sighing.

" I'm sorry jin hyung." yoongi pouted at him making jin go speechless and soft at once.
" I-it's okay, here have more-" jin put some noodles into yoongi's bowl.
" I gotta say aegyo is really useful-" namjoon smiled, showing off his dimples.
" Sin are so cute tho- " I smiled at them.
" Y/n he's your boyfriend " taehyung laughed.
" So what? I think I like them better " I smiled as we continued eating.
After talking for twenty more minutes, we finished the food, I helped jimin and taehyung with the dishes while jungkook and joon cleaned the table, leaving hobi and yoongi to do the kitchen while jin packed leftovers.
Soon, we cleaned everything up and they sat on the sofa continuing to watch the drama.

" Okay y/n, let's go now. " yoongi took me to his piano, and grabbed two stools for us to sit on.
" Do you know all the keys? " he asked as he let his long slender fingers touch the milky white and shiny black keys.
" Kind of? " I gave him a shy smile.
" Okay baby, let's try with the simple celebrated chop waltz okay? " he asked, opening that note on his ipad.
" Um okay, but I think I wont be able to play? " I felt a little doubt grow in my mind about my abilities.
" It's okay, everyone has a bad start, and the good thing is you can improve with time. " he smiled encouragingly.
" Okay yoongi, here I go " I took a deep breath and hit the key, slowly moving with a light pace and getting to know the sequence.

" Just do the warm up first okay? It's not serious y/n, you need to relax babe " he smiled patting my shoulder.
I smiled as a reply and continued getting used to the keys as my fingers now glided through slowly. Practice did actually work for me.
I slowly started playing according to the note but somehow it sounded messy and out of place. The notes were not hit at the right timing and my tempo was off.
I looked at yoongi for an opinion and noticed him staring at me with reassuring cat eyes that made one's heart shoot up in warmth.
" How did I do yoongi? " I asked.
" You did a great job y/n " he smiled stroking my head lovingly.
" You're lying " I laughed at him as I remebered jungkook.

" Hey y/n, how far have you learnt? " speaking of the devil, jungkook entered the room smiling.
" We are trying the celebrated chop waltz- " I said to him as I looked at the note.
" I learnt that too, it was pretty hard for me to master it actually. " jungkook smiled as he laid his chin on yoongi's shoulders.
" Right, yoongi taught you " I smiled.
" Yes, hyung is too much, he always tells me that I did a great job even if I suck at it-" jungkook pouted holing yoongi's arm.
" He is doing the same to me." I laughed out loud ahen jungkook said that.
Yoongi face was now covered in a deep blush making him look a thousand times more cuter and attractive.

" Anyways, you guys keep learning, I'm gonna go help namjoon hyung " jungkook left the room smiling at us.
" You're all shy now baby? " I smiled at him as I held onto him tightly.
" No, who said I was shy? Pfft- " he said as he held the note in his hand.
" Oh okay. " I smiled and grabbed yoongi's hand, pulling him towards me with force that made him sit on my lap.
Smiling widely, I kissed his cheeks as he tried so hard not to smile.
" Wrap your arms around me yoongles, I know you love it." I smirked as I held him tight.
" mhm I do. " he admitted as he held me in his snuggly arms and kissed my forehead.
" You're so cute, you're my little meow meow baby " I giggled, smiling at his childish behaviour.

" little meow meow huh? We'll see how you will call me that when I will have you right on top of this desk here " his cute smile turned to a devilish smirk.
" I think I will love that, daddy~"

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