Stopping you from embarrassing yourself - jimin

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I was sitting on the comfy  leather seats warming my body that was barely covered with a fake fur coat and my palms completely covered by jimin's.

He smiled at me and was about kiss my hands when the driver stopped the car at the red carpet.
Smiling at me and kissing my palm lightly, he opened his door and got out, filling our vision with continuous flashes from the cameras, taking jimin's hand, I got out and smiled at the reporters who kept clicking photographs and videos.

" Let's go- " Jimin said before smoothnening his tuxedo a bit, I wrapped my arm around his as the cool air touched my body.
" Miss y/n can you please answer a few of our questions?! " the reporters asked urgently as jimin and I smiled, slowly walking towards them.

" Let's welcome our Mr And Mrs park, you're looking very beautiful together y/n ssi " the host who was at the entrance smiled at us, greeting warmly with a smile on his face.
" Miss y/n, first of all, we would like to congratulate both you and jimin-ssi on your marriage, how foes it feel to attend the Jade awards as Mrs. Park? " The female reporter at the front asked excitedly.

" It feels amazing, and more beautiful than I ever thought it would be. " I smiled holding jimin's hand tightly.
" Jimin-ssi, congratulations on your new album, you look very handsome tonight, Mrs.Park is very lucky- " The host smiled as he calmed the excited reporters down.

" We can give you an interview, at the end of the event, let's not affect the flow " I smiled at them, they nodded, satisfied with our answer.
Jimin and I walked to our seats slowly and sat down, the soft leather was very comfortable and didnt have any problems.
" Y/n you look cold, lemme give you my jacket- " he said taking it off and handing it to me.

" I'm not cold baby, put it back on, you will be cold. " I smiled at him as I noticed a bunch of new male artists walk over towards us.
" Y/n I feel jealous, you look ravishing in that red dress and I can't control " he coughed pointing at my v neck that was slightly covered with some glitter.
" Jealous are we? " I took his jacket and put it over my shoulders.
" Y/n ssi can I have your autograph please- " a guy who looked like he was a little over 18 smiled, holding a small book in his hand.

" Sure, why not, you're Ni yang aren't you? " I smiled as he nodded excitedly.
Signing two more books, I sat back down as the show began quickly. Beside jimin, the boys sat down, Tae was constantly talking to jimin as jungkook and I cracked jokes.
They had to get up quite a few times to receive their awards, which was like every 5-10 minutes, I felt so proud and clapped profusely every time they won.
Soon, the category for the music was done, and the hosts proceeded with a few more performances, and moved onto the acting part.
Jimin and I were called onto the stage as presenters, standing there, jimin held the mic in his hand.

" So the nominees for the best actors are- Lin yiyang for Playing wei liao in my youth began with him, Ni yang for playing  yu mei in My youth began with him and Su yu for playing han yufan in hidden sword "  Jimin's voice said as the VCR played on the huge screen.
" And the award goes to- Ni yang! " I announced as the youthful boy stood up and jumped in excitement.
Taking his award, he thanked evry crew member profusely, wiping his tears. I smiled and held jimin's hand as we walked back to our seats.

" Now for the award that everyone's waiting for- " The host called the presenters up. I was nominated for it and everything felt like it was going to slow, jimin held my hand tightly.
" Miss y/n, the best actress of the year is miss y/n! " the guest said, I immediately got up and without bothering to take off jimin's jacket, I walked onto the stage.
Jimin was right under the stage, smiling and clapping loudly.

" Thank you so much for this award, I really hope to grow much more and produce newer and more interesting films " I smiled holding the award.
" The park couple are giving out sweets again- wahh " The host laughed.
" Jimin-ssi is technically on the stage, he gave her his jacket- " The co-host teased. As jimin laughed, the cameras were on him, showing his fond smile.

Suddenly, I felt my heel break, I stumbled on my two feet trying to get a balance, I was almost about to fall but jimin reacted quickly, he was beside me holding me properly.

He smiled at the hosts and lifted me up.
" We feel so single right now- " The co-host wiped her fake tears. Jimin didnt care about the PDA as he walked down, carefully placing me properly on the sofa before taking my shoes in his hands.
The show ended, starting the banquet, everyone had left except for me and bts, as we waited for jimin.

" Y/n I'm back, here " he helped me wear my heels properly and smiled, holding my hand as we walked towards the banquet area. As we walked, I heard the whispers of two women.

" President park is so rich, why didnt he just buy a new pair of shoes- " a lady sipping on champagne muttered.
" Are you dumb? New heels would be so uncomfortable, old ones would be more comfortable, president park loves mrs. Park dearly okay? " the other lady said.

I smiled. Tae looked at me and tapped my shoulder and asked me.
" What are you so happy about? "
" I feel lucky to have jimin-" I smiled wide.

" Of course you should, I gave you my soulmate and my best friend" he smiled pulling jimin under his shoulders.

" Yeah! Thank you tae tae" we spent the night happily.

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