Argument - jimin

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I was sitting on the couch with a hot pack over my legs, they were hurting really bad from the last practice and I haven't been able to walk properly later. Jimin was in the kitchen making some pasta for us to eat for lunch.

" Y/n I'm gonna finish in 5 mins, be ready to eat baby- " his voice said, as I sat on the couch unmoving.

" Okay jimin " I said as I massaged my legs lightly.

Soon, we were eating the spicy pasta while watching TV silently. My legs were kinda numb and I felt slight tingling pain.

" How long did you play tennis for? " jimin asked before sighing.

" Five hours I guess? It's not a big deal jimin it will be okay- " I said to him after putting the bowl in my hand on the table.

" Why did you play for so long baby? " he sighed before taking the bowls into the kitchen and coming back after a few minutes.

" Y/n you do know that your feet are going to hurt like hell if you play for that long right? " he sounded as if he was lecturing me.

" Jimin I have a match in a week, I can't just rely on an hour a day. " I said trying to keep my mood okay.

" Y/n you do know that it's gonna hurt you even more if you get injured right? " He looked serious.

" Jimin do you think I'm a kid? " I snapped at him, without realizing what he said was actually good for me.

" Y/n just because you have a match you can't torture your body like this, look at the bandages on your ankles." he snapped too, making me even madder.

" So you think you know my body better than me? What tennis player doesnt have sore ankles? " I said loudly.

" Tennis players may have sore ankles but they treat themselves later, they dont torture themselves like you-" he said standing up.

" Jimin I dont need you lecturing me right now- I feel like you are my mom right now do you hear yoursel-" my words stopped as my body was currently experiencing a painful leg cramp.

" Ha, look, You have another cramp now don't you? How many times do I have to tell you not to play for so long? " he snapped at me again.

I wordlessly took a bottle of water and some painkillers and swallowed them hoping that the pain would go away sooner.

" Jimin do you see your behaviour right now? Are you the one playing tennis? No, I am, I know my body and I can take care of myself- " with thise words of mine, the expression of jimin changed from being angry to hurt.

But that didnt catch my attention at that moment, I kept throwing my harsh words at him.

" You're always nagging me, telling me not to play for so long, I know you do it out of care but do you realize how much it annoys me? I practised. So what? If I want to win, I should work hard, leg cramps? They're nothing to me, I've seen way worse jimin and I don't need you nagging me all the time." I said and took a deep breath.

" Y/n you- " he stopped himself from saying anything further and stood there silently.

" Do you know what it's like? Do you think I dont know that I shouldn't hurt myself? But to be professional, we need to sacrifice a few things jimin, god you're so dumb " I was frustrated at that point.

" Y/n you are being unreasonable. " he tightened his fists as he bit his lip.

" Yes, so what if I was? I don't care. I'm the one in pain and I'm not even saying anything, why do you keep bringing it up? Do you think I'm stupid? " I kept going without realizing how much of an idiot I was being.

" Y/N STOP SAYING THAT " he screamed as he wiped his eyes, I dont know why but I just stopped.

" DO YOU REALLY THINK WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS RIGHT? I JUST CARE FOR YOU, GOD- I need space y/n I'll come back later. " He said before walking out of the door with his phone.

I angrily sat back on the couch and vit my lip trying to release the anger.

He was the one that nagged me and he's the one that's angry and he called me wrong? But my leg really hurts tho-
I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone rang.

" Hello hobi? " I said putting the phone to my ear.

" Y/n how is your pain now? " his voice sounded through the speaker.

" It hurts a lot hobi, and I just- " I sighed remembering jimin.

" What happened y/n? " he asked.

" It's just me and jimin, I kind of- snapped at him for nagging me- " I said feeling slightly guilty.

" Uh well he's right, your scan is back and you have a torn muscle, I'll come pick you up." he said ending the call.

Now I realized why the pain wouldnt stop even after I took 4 painkillers,the guilt slowly seeped into me as I realized how harsh I'd been to jimin.

I took my phone and immediately dialed him, he picked up after it had been ringing for a while.

" J-jimin I'm sorry-"

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