After the concert- jimin

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I was sitting in the third row, holding my ARMY bomb up high and waving it with as much energy I could use to move it properly and support jimin.

The boys were singing anpanman, dancing with all energy they've got as their white t-shirts stuck to their sweaty bodies giving ARMY a feast to their eyes.

Smiling jimin pulled his shirt up a bit to give ARMY's a sneak peek, teasing them while showing his tattoo. All of went crazy for him.

" Army! I really love how all of you were so energetic! But sadly, we are now on the last track, but all of us can see each other later, so let's not be sad, will you be happy with us? " Namjoon asked.

The ARMY responded enthusiastically as magic shop started playing, our ARMY bombs turned purple as we waved them happily.

I didnt know why but a tear slipped out of my eye even if I knew I was gonna see them backstage. The other ARMY's were crying too, tears seemed to fill the dome.

" Army don't cry-" taehyung said as jungkook bent down and started smiling while taking an ARMY's phone and started filming themselves.

Saying goodbye, the boys went down, army didnt leave immediately like the other concerts, they were patient and started singing another song.

I sang along and got up after everyone left and walked to the backstage, the boys all had their masks on to help them breathe.

My heart ached but I knew they loved doing this, I smiled at all of them and wiped my tears.

" You were amazing back there " I smiled at them, slowly sitting on the floor beside them taking a deep breath.

" I'm just happy we made ARMY happy " hoseok smiled as he got up and took off his sweaty shirt and put a hoodie on like all the others.

" Let's go home " jimin smiled as he moved towards me, I saw his very exhausted body struggle to move.

I nodded and held his hand smiling.
" Guys take some rest okay? You all worked too hard " I said to the staff and the boys.

" Really, I'm like starving " Jin laughed as yoongi tiredly got up and sighed.

" How about all of you sleep over? I can make dinner and you all have a relaxing night? " I suggested.

" Wow, that sounds good but I think you are too tired, you kept waving the army bomb like crazy " taehyung laughed.

" We can just order take out guys, let's go? " jimin smiled.

" Sounds like a plan, but let me just tell sejin hyung and I'll come " namjoon said before going towards sejin who was busy directing the staff.

All of us reached home, the boys and I were seated on our couches, tired and hungrily waiting for the pizza guy to come.

Soon, we all devoured the pizza that arrived and drank some soda to push that down.

" Guys let's sleep here? I'll build a blanket fort? " jimin asked feeling giggly.

" That sounds childish but okay, also hobi can you cuddle with me tonight? " yoongi said out loud making hoseok flustered.

" Wah! I didn't mean to say that out loud- " yoongi looked flustered and embarrased.

" you dont have to worry, I asked for you anyways" hobi saved him from his embarrassment.

" You know what me kookie and jimin will build the fort " tae smiled. I was surprised to see them have so much energy after performing for 4 hours.

" You go do what you wanna do " namjoon waved them off as jin joined with them and started building quickly.

We were soon done and everything was cosy and warm, all of laid down, I was in jimin's long hoodies so I took a blanket to warm up my legs.

Jimin laid on my chest grabbing me close to him as he was sleepy, Kookie scooted close to me and held me close as well making jimin pout.

" Hyung don't be jealous, I want to cuddle you but y/n is in the way-" kook said making jin laugh.

" It's okay jimin, I'm your girlfriend anyway " I smiled.

" I'm not bothered by that, taehyung is alone- " Jimin said.

" You guys are soulmates. Literal soulmates." I laughed

" Taetae hyung come here-" kook sounded so cute, the complete oppositee of the boy that performed baepsae today.

" Let's just all cuddle together " jungkook smiled as tae moved over groggily, half asleep.

" You maknaes are so cheesy " jin said shaking his head.

" Stop saying that when you're literally on joon hyung " hoseok laughed as he held yoongi who was fully asleep in hoseok's arms, looking like a kitten.

" fine fine, as if you arent cuddling yoongi too " namjoon defended.

" Let's just sleep cuddling everyone " I laughed but soon stopped noticing three babies holding me tight sleeping soundly.

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