Silent treatment - namjoon

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Silent treatment - namjoon

I was waiting for namjoon to come home from his studio, he had not come back yesterday and it was already 9 pm right now, indicating that it was way too late, he would never stay at the office till that long, and would usually be back before 7 pm, two hours had passed and I was starting to be really worried.
I searched up bts on twitter to see if something was wrong, but nothing was, in fact, every army was doing their best supporting great causes and being the best fandom. I decided that it would be best to call him, I had already called him but he didn't pick up any of my calls, so I thought he was busy, but even now, my calls were going straight to voicemail.

I sighed and made a call to jungkook, he would probably be with joon, he picked up soon.
" Hey kook? Are you at big hit?" I asked him.
" No noona, all of us left the building at 6 pm, what happened?" he asked.
" It's nothing, joon isn't lifting any of my calls, so I was a bit worried." I consoled myself, he probably had an emergency or something.
" Oh, hyung probably ran out of battery, dont worry noona, you know how he is, he is probably gonna be back soon" he consoled.
"mmh, I hope so, have a good night kookoo" I smiled and ended the call.

After ending the call, I texted my sister to be distracted, soon I heard the door click open, my eyes made their way to the front door, I saw a very exhausted namjoon walk in, his hair dishevelled and his face completely drained. I got up and walked up to him, hoping to make him feel better, but I was ignored, he didn't bother to take a look at me.

" Joonie are you tired?" I asked him putting a smile on.
"......" nothing came out of his mouth, he just looked at me once and walked to the bedroom, soon I heard the sound of a shower turning on.
I felt hurt, even if he was tired he could've just acknowledged my prescence, but no, he just went straight to the bathroom.
Y/n he is probably tired as hell, he had a shoot today, he is really exhausted. I said to myself.

Soon, he walked out wearing some navy sweatpants, he was shirtless and wiping his hair with a towel, the sight of water dripping down his pecs made me gulp, I was really tempted to pin him to the wall and kiss him senseless.

" Babe are you tired? " I asked again, hoping to get a reply this time, soon that hope was crushed by silence.
He nonchalantly walked over to the couch and started watching T.V like nothing I said was audible to him.
" Joon-" my voice cracked. Does he not love me anymore? Am I being an attention-seeker? Am I annoying him? Was I behaving like an idiot? Does he need space? Does he feel irritated by my presence? I calmed myself down, I was overthinking again.
I sighed and sat beside him on the couch making him face me, he got up and sat on the armchair, opening his phone and scrolling through.

I couldn't take it, I let my ego fall behind and grabbed a chair and sat in front of him, and before he could get up, I held his hand and made him sit again.
" Joon this is bothering me. Please talk, what did I do? I'm sorry, can you please tell me?" I asked. He sighed and sat down.
" open your instagram." he closed his eyes.
" What did I post?-" a realization hit me, I
had posted few photos with his brother.
I sighed and smiled.
" Babe it's because of the photos isn't it?" I smiled finally, he looked so cute when he was jealous.
" Have you looked at the comments? " he asked, I frowned and opened my Instagram, I realized why he was so mad, many of my followers had commented that we look like a cute couple. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

He showed no reaction, I kept kissing him without caring and seated myself on his lap, soon his cheek expanded, showing that he smiled, I continued kissing his dimple and hugging him tightly like a cute little bunny, this guy made me tame in a second, I continued with the kisses and started kissing his neck, I knew he would immediately go soft.

" Y/n stop! I'm ticklish there-" he started giggling.
" But I want to kiss you" I giggled and kept going, he lifted me up and made me sit properly on top of him, he moved my face closer towards his and started kissing my lips as hard as he could, his jealousy and possessiveness could be seen through that, he hugged me tightly and didn't let go, I patted his head while he behaved like an obedient little baby who was seemingly happy with the attention he received.

" So that's what bothered you so much, I can delete that post if you want " I smiled at him, he immediately shook his head and revealed a guilty smile and scratched the back of his head.
" Actually I'm being immature, it's okay, also..I'm sorry" he apologized, I kissed his lips as a sign of accepting his apology.

"mmh, it's okay, but I think we should do something-" I smiled cheekily.
" what are you thinking about? " he asked me holding me close.
" let me announce our relationship, but only if you don't have problems " I kissed his forehead.
" Actually, we can do that, but I don't know if your fans want to see their bro cha being taken by me-" he smiled cheekily.
" joon it was one drama, I swear I'm never taking on a cross dressing role again-" I pouted and pretended to be mad.
" You looked handsome tho, I was also wondering if I was gay-"his one sentence made me roll in laughter.

" let's do it then" I smiled and opened twitter.

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