Your eyes tell - jungkook

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I was sitting up in the hospital bed, with an anesthesia shot to my body, I felt a little weak. Waiting for the doctor to check me before I go into surgery.
" Y/n I'm here " I felt a warm hand touch me, I realized it was jungkook, I slowly moved my hand up to touch his face.
He was probably the most handsome man to ever exist, it was a pity that I couldn't see him. He kissed my head, making me sit up straight, I couldn't see anything, but I felt the warmth of him. Even if I was blind, I could feel things much deeper than normal humans did, I used to hate this so-called " disability " but I dont anymore, jungkook made me do that.
" Y/n are you scared? " his honey like voice whispered beside my ear as he slowly kissed my temple lovingly.
" Not really kookie, I won't be a burden to you, and I am really excited cause I've never actually seen anything " I smiled.
His hands touched my face, stroking my chin lovingly, I felt him put my hand on his mouth, I felt his smile through my fingertips. I felt happy knowing he wasnt scared.
" Y/n, you're finally gonna see how beautiful you are- " his voice cracked as I felt a drop if water fall on my palms.
" Kookie are you crying? Baby please dont cry? " I said slowly moving my hands to touch his cheeks.
" These are happy tears baby " he said before holding my hands tightly. I nodded and smiled.
I felt really excited, I was finally going to see how my fiancee looked like, and the world, it wouldnt even matter if I couldnt see, but now that there was a donor, I felt really grateful to whoever that was.
My heart pounded quickly at the thought of seeing my love. Jungkook's beautiful laugh filled my ears as I felt his hand on my chest.
" Why is your heart beating so fast? " he asked chuckling, I let my head down.
" What if you are too handsome baby? " I asked him slowly regaining my confidence.
He was speechless, I deduced that he was probably flustered.
" Baby are you worried I'm gonna be disappointed? " I asked feeling serious suddenly, I fiddled with my hands and reached his hands.
" I- I can't say that that thought didn't cross my mind. " his voice cracked a bit, showing that he was clearly in somewhat pain.
" Jungkook, you think you're not enough? You are the best man any girl can ever find jungkook. You are a true and beautiful person baby, who would want to get married to a girl that was declared blind for life? But you did. You wanted to-" I felt his hand on my shoulders.
" I still want to be the one down the aisle, seeing you walk to me." he said, his voice sounded a little better.
" I want to be able to show you how much I love you, as I smile at you walking down, hopefully with my eyes after this." I felt a smile on my mouth, jungkook took my hand in his placing it trapped between his hands.
" Trust me when I say I can see it, I can see how much you love me baby, but I want you to see how much I love you too-" his voice said, sounding calmer.
I gripped his hand tighter and put it back on my chest, breathing deeply.
" I may not be able to see it jungkook, but I can always feel it in my heart." I kissed his hands. A knock was heard and I heard a guy walk in, saying I was ready.
" Are you scared baby? " jungkook asked.
" How could you tell? " I was surprised.
" Your eyes tell, your eyes tell me everything baby- " his voice said as the nurse took my bed into the operation theatre. My heart was so moved that I felt tears come out of my eyes. I wiped them quickly and slept still.
This guy, I wanted so badly to kiss him but I knew I couldnt delay further, the thought of finally seeing his every feature excited me to depths no one could ever think of. He said he could tell I was scared by my eyes, I was blind, just how much did he love me? How much kindness does he have? He was completely dripping with love, I knew what he felt was so much deeper than love, it couldnt just be called love, he had devoted himself to me, he understood me even if I couldn't express it, just how much does he love? One couldnt put it in words. Your eyes tell. Just these three words. They were enough for me. No one had ever said that to me, I felt so strong. I felt so happy. Someone loved me to this extent. Going into surgery just to see him is gonna be nothing to me. I can endure anything. Now I knew in my heart, even if I die because I love him, I will die a hundred times over if it made him smile. I felt myself get dizzier as the cold spirit touched me.

•|•|• Time skip •|•|•
I sat up in the bed, my eyes were still covered with bandages, it was probably just a day that passed by. I felt jungkook's arms touch me, slowly stroking my head.
" Three more days baby, just three days." I nodded.

•|•|•three days later•|•|•
I felt the bandage open, I was so excited that I tightened my fists. The bandage finally fell off.
" Open them."

I opened them slowly. A bright wave of light hit me but I tried to open them, the doctor waved his hand in front of me and everything was still blurry. But soon, it started getting clearer.

The room was a little dark, I looked around, wanting to see jungkook, soon a guy walked in front of me and held my hand.

That familiar scent and the familiar touch brought tears, I looked up to see a guy with the brightest smile on his extremely handsome face.
His doe eyes were red with tears, his long black hair was put behind his ears, a smile appeared on his face as he nodded.
" Jungkook? " I asked feeling unreal, he nodded as a sign of confirmation.

I couldnt believe it, I may not have seen a person, but I can tell, he is going to be the most handsome one in the whole world.

" I love you jungkook " I whispered. He kissed my eyes lightly and smiled.
" I love you too y/n "

191130 jungkook is superior.

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