Locker room - jimin

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I was sitting on the bleachers, waiting for my bestie and my boyfriend to come and watch the football game together. Soon, Mickey who was all dressed up in a pair of skinny black jeans with a light pink v neck sweater was standing in front me.

" Mickey you're late" I pouted at her.
" Well y/n I was busy with Connor, you know-" she winked and sat down, I didnt have anything to say to her after, she sat down and grabbed some popcorn from my bucket.
" Wow you're all dressed up, I've never seen you wear such a revealing blouse?" she smiled suggestively making me embarrased.
" It's just a v-neck what's wrong with it?" I tried to play if off.
" Mmh, just a maroon off the shoulder, jimin's favourite, but sure y/n, whatever you say" she opened her phone, and started texting gabby.

Soon, a jimin dressed in a pair of jeans with a graphic tee and a jacket walked over holding his silver earring, biting his pink lips.

" You're here?" I smiled happily as he sat down beside me.
" Mmh, you look amazing" he whispered into my ear in a raspy voice as he kissed my cheek.
" Guys sit down, the match is starting-" mickey reminded.

We sat down and the match soon started, the players were so into the hame that they couldn't hear anyone of us cheering.
Just before I got up, I felt a hand on my thigh, I looked to see jimin's hand travel up while he pretended to watch the game intently, he was manspreading, making dark thoughts run through my mind.

He smirked as his hand moved towards my core, I couldnt control it and grabbed his hand.
" Mickey I have to go, sorry" I gave an apologetic smile as I dragged jimin's hand towards our school, soon we reached the boys' locker room, I got in and closed the door after pushing jimin in.

" Someone's impatient" he smirked.
" Oh hell yes, the moment you walked to us looking like that, you should have noticed" I smirked and sat on his lap, forcing my lips onto his plump and soft ones.

He smirked and started kissing me deeper, touching my clothed boobs, his kissed went lower as he sucked on my collarbones, my hands held his hair tightly, finding a grip to resist the amazing feeling.

He removed his lips with a 'pa' and wiped the corners of his mouth, proud of the bright red marks that were now all over my neck. I helped him take his jacket off while kissing his earlobe as he gasped.
His jacket was now lying on the floor, showing his white t-shirt.

I smirked and pulled his face close to mine, kissing his lips urgently, desperate for his touch.
" Take your shirt off-" I whispered into his ears, making him smirk and obey quickly. His abs were now on full display, making one's imagination run wild, I slowly ran my tongue over his nipple as he palmed my boobs needily.
I smiled as I slowly pulled my shirt over my head, leaving me in a black bra and jeans.

" So much better, now lets get these off" he smiled as he unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down in one quick swoop, and taking his off as soon as he was done with mine.
" Youre soaked y/n" he teased.
" Right, not shut up and kiss me jimin" I pulled him, making him fall on top of me, his lips found their way to mine, sending sweet shivers all over.

His hand palmed my right boob, making me feel so impatient as his sloppy kisses were making their way to my bosom.
" Let's get rid of this shall we?" he smirked as he pulled my boobs out of my bra, I sat up giving him access to my bra clip. In one short second, it fell down to the floor sending cold air all over.

" You're so pretty y/n, lay back okay?" he smiled as he slowly took my panties off, he kissed my stomach and spreaded my legs, slowly running his wet tongue over my folds.
" J-jimin I-" I wanted to speak up but he put a finger over my mouth.

" Shh princess, let me take good care of you hmm?" he smiled before getting on his knees and sucking on my clit. I moaned out loud at the sudden sensation, his fingers made their way to my core, rubbing lazy and clumsy shapes all over my throbbing core.

" mmh- J-jimin I need you-" I whined as I felt a digit enter me slowly, he smiled and started flicking my clit as he slowly moved his fingers through my wet core.

" God you're so wet! Agh fuck it!" he growled and pulled his boxers down, making his rock hard member spring out.

I smiled in satisfaction, he positioned himself and entered me without any warning, I screamed at feeling so full.

" Mgh ji-jimin agh " he stopped moving at my words.
" Does it hurt baby, shall I pull out ?" he looked so worried.
" N-no, d-dont stop" I managed to get out, even after the extreme pleasure.

" You want me princess?" he smiled as he slowly started moving, making sure I wasn't hurt in anyway.
" mmh yes, ahh that feels so good" I was gasping at the huge amount of pleasure I was feeling.
" Gosh you look so hot under me, uhh" he moaned as he spread my legs wider.

" F-faster babe, go faster" That one sentence turned him into an inhumane animal.
He pulled me and put my leg over his shoulder, pounding into me at an inhumane pace making me roll my eyes so hard in bliss.
Soon he started throbbing inside me, signalling he was close as I felt a knot in me.
I reached my high right after that, cumming all over him as he thrusted into me.
He slowly thrusted and soon, I felt his cum hit my womb.
" That was amazing princess, you're such a good girl" he kissed the corner of my mouth. We got dressed and I pouted at him.
" These are visible jimin" I pointed to my hickeys.
" Good, they will know you're mine"

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