Birthday on tour🖤-park jimin

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It was Jimin's birthday tomorrow, I was planning to make a really cute surprise. But its gonna be a little hard because he is in Saudi Arabia on tour and I'm in Seoul. It is early morning, so I have to ho to the airport. It is 12am. Yoongi just tweeted, wishing him happy birthday. I made sure not to text jimin cause I know he would be waiting for me to do so.

I packed for three days as I took a leave from the office. Even though he spent two months with me...I wanted more. I just can't help but miss him even if its only been four days. I just hope that jimin didn't overwork himself for ARMY during this concert.

I didn't even text any of the members cause I wanted them to be surprised as well. I met jimin's parents in the airport lounge waiting for me. I took them with me and we all sat in the flight. I made sure to book a flight that would reach them by 11:30pm so I can be there for him at 12:00.

It was gonna be a little long and I'm gonna have jet lag too but its ok. I wanted to plan my outfits properly and carefully. I got us all in the flight and we happily waited. I wanted to get my private jet, but I just didn't.

He was definitely missing all of us, so I was eagerly waiting. Waiting to be in his comfy embrace giving off warmth. Waiting to kiss his plump and sweet lips and run my fingers through his soft wavy hair and see his mochi smiles.

We reached after quite a long time and it was 11:15. We were a little early but its better. I asked their parents to wait for me in the private cabin while I go change my clothes.

I wore a very sexy revealing dress with some bold makeup. I even dazzled myself. I got a dress that has a really sexy but classy vibe to it. I put on my stilettos and then I wore a hijab with a long black kashmiri dress over it.

It is gonna be a great disguise and he will definitely be surprised. I held the white plastic strip in my hands but then I put it in my purse to reveal it later.

We sat in the car by 11:45pm. I held the cake that I ordered with the help of my friends and I knocked on their hotel door. Thank god I had sejin's number.

I then waited for about two more minutes, I saw yoongi come out sleepily walking like a cat. He was very cute like this and he definitely didn't expect me. So he was surprised but calmed down before saying anything. I then told him my plan to which he silently nodded.

I took two trays of food and then stood near the door and rang the doorbell thrice. As expected, everyone came out hungrily for food.

"Sir, here is your room service" I said putting the food properly on the dining table with a bottle of champagne.

Yoongi gave me a small smile and started talking.

"Happy birthday jiminie, and I know you're sad about not having y

and your parents with you, but we can celebrate with them later too." Yoongi said, slowly pulling jimin into a hug.

I smiled at yoongi and he nodded.

"Sir, but I am y

." I said, now using my real voice.

Jimin turned to look at me with tears in his eyes and hugged me tightly taking my scent in.

I signaled to yoongi, he walked out and brought his  parents in.
"Mom! Dad!" Jimin ran into their parents's arms and was chuckling happily.

I removed my hijab and everyone were shocked. Hell, even jimin was shocked. They had their mouths agape and then they returned back to normal.

Take walked over to jimin and gave him a black diamond ring. Soulmates duh!.
Jungkook and jin got him a cat, hobi got him a new phone, yoongi was too busy sitting in the couch, but he also got him a laptop, joongot him English novels and I.....

I removed the white strip from my pocket.
It was a pregnancy test.
It was positive.
Jimin is gonna be a dad.
He had tears in his eyes and was so surprised.
His parents started crying.
No one knew except me, so...
It was a surprise for everyone.

At night, I showed him the tattoo I got.

The next day at the concert, he introduced me as his girlfriend and proposed to me. And of course....
My answer was..



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