Smile- jin

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I sat down on the empty couch beside the lights to take a little rest from all of my work. Being a model was definitely tough and tiring, but the results look beautiful and it's all worth it in the end. I smiled to myself thinking about the job I had to do tomorrow. I was gonna do a shoot for my favourite beauty product endorsement and the company gave me full freedom to choose my favourite photographer for it. I asked my manager to call him, Kim seokjin, my ace photographer. He was a really great photographer with a goofy personality and he always made me feel like I was the most beautiful girl on this earth whenever he took photos of me, every time he clicked my pictures, I saw a passion in him to do it in bis best ways. My manager agreed to my request which made me happy.

~ the next day ~

I got dressed in my usual outfit and went inside the caravan to get my makeup done, the artist took her sweet time since I had to dress up as a queen of the olden times, she then straightened my hair and did a beautiful half updo with lots of accessories and made me walk out. It was very hard to move in that heavy dress but I braced myself.

" Wahh y/n you look really beautiful," jin said smiling in awe at me.

"Than-" I was interrupted by jin continuing his words.

" Not more than me tho" he laughed.

I smiled at his silly behaviour and sat down in the wooden chair for the setting.

Jin took the camera in his hands and started to look for good angles and started changing lenses. He usually takes photos alone and enjoys the peace and quiet while taking photos. While he was adjusting everything, I couldn't help but notice his shirt that slightly rode up showing his perfect tummy while the waistband of his underwear poked out provokingly.  His arms formed muscles while he lifted them up to adjust the light and a bead of sweat dripped down painfully slow onto his collarbones making my heart flutter.

"Okay y/n, we are ready to shoot," jin said making me come back to my senses.

" o-oh, okay," I said and gave the first pose for the shoot, I slowly lifted my right arm and put it on the armrest while I smiled earnestly into the camera.

" Good y/n, now take the hiney and slowly put it on your lips and lick it lightly I'm gonna do a close up okay?" Jin informed me slowly moving closer with the camera and the tripod stand.

I hummed in response and grabbed the honey and lightly poured five drops on my lips and lightly rubbed them together. I gave a seductive yet refreshed expression while jin stared into my eyes shocked.

He gulped and looked at my lips and shifted his eyes back to mine and had a slightly taken back expression on his face.

" Jin? The photo?" I reminded him.

" h-huh? W-what?" he was really confused.

I bit my lip in a light way out of frustration from the irritating costume. He looked taken back and slowly put the camera back and walked towards me. I was shocked at his sudden unusual behaviour. He sat down on the table in front of me and stared into my eyes, making me flustered, and my heart was beating rapidly.

He smiled and slowly moved closer to my face making me close my eyes while he leaned into my lips. They finally joined after what felt like an eternity and slowly moved in harmony, his tongue was doing wonders in my mouth and he bit my lip while kissing me, his hands travelled to the back of my waist while he slowly deepened the kiss passionately. After breaking it apart, his face turned red and he smiled shyly.

" Y/n, do you want to go out with me?" he asked me

" I would love to." I said and pulled him in for another kiss.

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