Winter mornings- jimin

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I was awoken to the sound of the dreaded alarm. Even though it was set to my favourite song, I still found it annoying.

I rubbed my eyes, I found that I was still sleepy and tired but I had to get up. I didn't wanna be unproductive again.

I forced myself to get up, jimin was still sleeping, oblivious to the loud ass alarm. I pulled the blanket up and covered him properly.

He was half naked and I didn't want him catching a cold again. Smiling, I kissed his little forehead before going to the bathroom.

I wanted to wash my face to get rid of the sleepiness, but I moved away from the sink as the taps were cold as hell to touch.

I shivered from the extreme cold, I wanted so badly to go back to bed and put on the warm blanket but I also wanted to go do my work.

As I contemplated, I heard a soft voice.
" Y/n? " jimin called out in a deep and low voice.

Smiling, I got out of the bathroom and stood beside the bed, looking at him.
" Why are you up so early? " he asked, rubbing his eyes.

" It's 6 in the morning jiminie, I wanted to go for a walk " I said smiling at him. He pouted and started whining.

" A walk? You're shivering, and thermostat is on too, it's way too cold for you to go out " he said softening and moving his hair out of his face.

" But- " I wanted to refute but couldn't find anything to say to him. It got a bit too cold making me put my legs close together.

He giggled before patting the empty side of the bed. Looking at me with his bright eyes, he pointed to his arms.

" Uh no. Not today, I'm not gonna fall for your charms, but do you want breakfast? " I asked slowly rubbing my palms together.

" Please? " he said, pouting harder with his full lips. I almost found myself unable to stop looking at his lips.

His skin was pale and his lips were now a shade of rose. I wanted so badly to put my own lips on his.

" Jiminie " I pouted. Looking at me contemplating, he decided to take it to another level by revealing a wide smile.

" Come into my arms y/n " he said, making his eyes bigger. I was now unable to muster my self-control.

It almost seemed non-existant. He pulled his blanket down revealing his body. I now lost all the motivation I had.

Without thinking for another second, I jumped right into his arms and kissed his forehead.

" Wow you're cold " he said before pulling the blanket above our heads. I cuddled him, making sure not to let my palms touch his body.

My hands were really cold so I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, he held my hands tight and placed a kiss on my nose.

" Hold me tighter y/n " he said, his voice didn't seem sleepy anymore, it returned his normal one.

I grunted, trying to find a way to make sure he wouldn't be uncomfortable, he put my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his slender and toned waist.

" I'm not cold anymore," I said, feeling his really warm embrace. He giggled before turning and holding me tight.

" That's because you have a bed warmer miss y/n " he said chuckling. I pouted at him and bit my inner cheek.

" You should've called me Mrs Park " I smiled, I couldn't stay mad at him no matter how much I tried.

" Yeah, I'm sorry, I still can't believe you're mine " he said. I was surprised at how he managed to tease me.

" You really- " I was sleechless, he giggled and kissed my lips soft and passionate. I returned it with a smile.

" Let's go back to sleep okay " he said before stroking my forehead.
" I can't fall asleep that easily, can you sing for me? " I asked.

Smiling, he slowly started singing sweet night.
" You promote your best friend every chance you get " I smiled, I knew how hard tae worked for this song.

" That's because both of you are my soulmates " he smiled, and sang again, watching me drift into sleep.

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