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Basorexia (n.): the overwhelming urge or desire to kiss someone.

I was getting dressed in the closet, trying to pick out an appropriate outfit for the birthday dinner we were having tonight.

It was just 4 pm but I knew I had to pick it out before, I didn't wanna end up in the last minute outfit and look out of place. I already texted tae for an opinion but he told me he'd text back in a few.

So I sat on the bed, looking at the closet in a daze, just then, jungkook walked in wearing his grey shirt and matching sweatpants.

" You can't pick? " He asked laying down on the bed, putting his phone on the bedside table. He patted his hand on the empty space beside him.

" Yeah, I wanna look good for you tonight " I sighed laying my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms on his waist and resting my head on his chest.

" But you look beautiful like this baby " he smiled placing a kiss on my lips softly. I smiled and kissed him back before pulling away.

I hugged him tightly, inhaling his scent, he smelled amazing, his cologne wasn't strong and pungent like others,  it was just right, making me wanna hold him tighter.

" You smell amazing " I placed a kiss on his clothed chest as I rubbed his stomach, his warm heart beating under my hand as he held my wrist gently.

" Mmh? I do? " he smiled warmly, booping my nose with his own, after placing a kiss on my nose.

" Mhm, you do " I smiled pecking his lips happily, I ran my hand over his cheeks as I looked into his bright eyes, feeling myself getting lost in them.

" It's yoongi hyung's cologne, he gave it to me " he smiled holding me close, I took in his warmth and let him play with my hair.

He lifted my chin and placed his lips on mine, he slowly nibbled on my bottom lip as he pulled my waist closer to his.

I closed my eyes, letting the feeling of his lips on mine grow stronger, as I felt it get more intense, feeling him bite my lip harder.

I held his hair, running my fingers through his soft and long black locks as I slowly kissed him back, sucking on his upper lip as I smiled into the kiss.

I soon pulled away and smiled at him, still playing with his hair, but he held my cheek and started kissing me again, holding me tight in his arms.

His kisses started getting more and more passionate as time passed by, his tongue and mine entangled in a round of endless craving.

He only let go when I was breathless, leaving me to catch my breath before he went ahead and kissed me again as I hit his shoulder, feeling that my lips were getting number.

" Why are you like this today? "  I laughed before I touched his fluffy cheeks happily.

" Maybe it's because you're beautiful " he smiled, kissing me again after seeing I regained my composure and my breath.

This time, he didn't give me the chance to continue talking, he went ahead and got on top of me, kissing me more passionately than before.

I held his shoulders, kissing him back happily as I smiled happily into the kiss, my heart felt like it was on cloud nine, I was so happy and high it felt like no one could bring me down.

He soon got breathless and pulled away, we looked into each other's eyes, not caring about whatever was around us.

After a while, we burst out into laughter, his adorable giggles full of love made my heat melt quickly. The sound was heart warming and it felt like I was in heaven.

Knowing I was one of the reson for causing his smile made me feel better of myself, it was a feeling that I never felt, I had never seen myself in such a positive light before, but he became my reason, he became the reason I started to love myself.

" Your eyes y/n " he said, looking into them, soon his gaze fell on my lips, and without wasting time, I kissed his eyes.

" I love you so much y/n " he said staring at my eyes happily, revealing a smile as he put his hand on his chest, signaling he was so touched.

" I love you too " and with that, I kissed him deeply, without wasting any more time.

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