Ocean eyes- hoseok

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The guy with the ocean eyes - hoseok.

I was on the way to school, with my best friend yoongi, I was rushing up on homework that I forgot to do while yoongi drove, playing some music. Just before we reached the school, I managed to finish the worksheet.
" Y/n you really shouldn't procrastinate anymore" yoongi sighed.
" I promise I won't, let's go, we're gonna be late okay?" I smiled as I got down, feeling the cool breeze lift my skirt up while I frantically adjusted it.

" Let's hang out at the grill today?" I asked as we walked to our lockers, to get the books for the first class of the day, maths.
" mhm, I just wanna eat a burger and fries without getting cut in by someone," he said while I smiled guiltily.
" I know, but my mom really needed help, I won't leave you okay?" I ruffled his hair.
" Yeah, it took me 20 minutes to do my hair stop please" he took my hand off of his hair.
" Aww my Lil meow meow, it's okay, I can fix it." I took out my mini hairbrush and helped him while he stood there like a little boy who was being groomed by his mom.

" Did you eat breakfast?" yoongi asked me after reaching the locker. Before I could answer, my stomach growled, giving the response. He sighed and pulled a fruit jar out.
" Just eat this in class quietly okay?" he patted my head.
" Wah yoongs, did you really make this" I was shocked, he usually doesn't get up early.
"mmh, I did. Now let's just get our books, or mrs.cha will kill us." he smiled as he took his notebooks out while I opened my own locker and took my books.

" Wah- wow- don't push me jungk-" someone screamed, and it was too late before I could dodge, soon I was on the floor, and a guy with black hair and coffee hot as hell fell on top of me, his face right in my boobs.

" ugh-" I groaned in pain as I opened my eyes, seeing that guy look at me before I could curse at him and the hot coffee on my skin, His expression made me speechless.

He had the most beautiful skin, his lips were full and red, looking so soft and glossy like strawberries, his hair flew along the direction of the wind, it was like the most luscious hair I've ever seen, so shiny, so sparkly with glitter highlights, his collarbones were showing, giving dark and lusty thoughts and the wanting to mark them yours, the feeling of not knowing what's down them would drive you crazy, soon, my eyes met his, those eyes, they were the best ones I had ever seen.

The brown eyes that took a girl's breath away, and the way the light formed a smiley face in his eyes, giving the sense of reassurance and an immediate sense of admiration, I snapped out of it the moment his hands waved in front of my eyes.

" Hey, are you okay? You're burnt?" the guy said, giving me a hand to get up properly, but before we could get up, I realized the position we were in, his whole body was on top of mine, a blush made its way to my cheeks.

" Are your cheeks burnt too? I'm so sorry, really I'm so sorry" I stood there in a daze while he kept apologizing. Yoongi took my books and held them properly, giving a light glare at the other guy who was now standing like a guilty person.

" U-uh, it's okay really" I managed to get out while I stared into his eyes, feeling myself get lost in them.
" no, gosh you're not, your white blouse uh- it's-" he hesitated, I looked down yo see that it was completely transparent, showing off the new black lace bralette I wore. Wow. Good choice y/n. I scolded myself mentally.

" Y/n, I have a hoodie in my car, I'll go get it." yoongi said before patting my head and leaving, making the atmosphere okay.
" Look I'm really sorry uh." the other guy hesitated.
" It's y/n " I smiled, trying to ignore the sting on my skin.
" Uh y/n, Im jungkook, this is hoseok hyung, I'm really sorry, I was playing with hyung but-" he looked really guilty.
" Jungkook, hey it's really okay, it's just coffee, it's no problem, it's fine, don't blame yourself." I comforted, somehow I felt the urge to do that, he was like a little a baby.

" So um Y/n, I'm really sorry I touched you" hoseok apologized, his gaze at his shoes, looking guilty.
" Hoseok I said it was okay, you didn't do it intentionally, I know. It's really okay" I gave another smile.

" Wow you're really sweet" jungkook said, smiling finally. Yoongi walked to me and gave me his black hoodie, I gave a smile of gratitude.
" You guys look like you're new, just take this" Yoongi handed hoseok a shirt, giving them a light smile.

" Th-this?" hoseok hesitated.
" This is okay, it's a little big for me, so just take it" yoongi reassured.

" Y/n miss.cha is gonna kill me, I'll go, I'll tell her what happened so she wont scold you, change and come back quickly okay?" Yoongi patted my head as he turned to leave.

" W-wait, is it math?" jungkook asked, yoongi looked at him and nodded.
" Hyung I'll go with him, can you come with y/n?" jungkook asked hoseok.
Hoseok made an okay sign, giving a smile.
" C-can I go with you?" jungkook stuttered.
Yoongi sighed and took his arm, going to class.

" So, new guy, how about I buy you that coffee of yours that you spilled on me later?" I felt confident.

" That's a yes, only if it's a date." he smiled as I left, satisfied with his answer.

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