Taking his virginity- taehyung

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Taehyung was my best friend. High school was a breeze with him and it felt amazing. He always made me feel okay and helped me get through stress together. The rumours, the comments that guys make were nothing to me when I was with him. It was going to be his birthday soon. He was just like this innocent baby that does weird things. He always gets yeontan to school secretly in his backpack. He ends up getting caught every time but he still does it.
I really liked him a lot. He was the most amazing, kind, sweet, cute and hot person to ever exist. He is really caring too, and he was not your usual playboy type. I wanted to ask him out since it's his birthday tomorrow.

So just before going home, I went to his locker and waited there for him.
He was walking out his last class, math. He hated it a lot but he just endures through it.
He noticed me by his locker and he instantly smiled and came towards me.

He had his signature boxy smile on his face, he slowly gave me a hug and arranged his locker.

"so y/n, did you want to tell me something?" he asked me turning towards me while looking into my eyes. I gave a slight nod and slowly told him.
" tae I r-really like you." I said blushing and hoping to get a reply from him.
His cheeks instantly turned to a shade of bright pink and he looked at me.
" I like you too y/n like a LOT," He said making me heave a sigh of relief and happiness. I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.
He smiled brightly and asked the question I was waiting to hear.
" so wanna have dinner tomorrow miss y/n?"
I nodded and suggested," let's do it at my place okay?"
He nodded and left.
I went home really happy. My mom was packing a suitcase and my dad was making few calls.
I asked my parents where they were going.
" honey we are gonna be going to Gwangju for a while okay? For like a week." my mom explained. I just nodded and got a really evil idea. I smiled to myself and planned.
I took some money from my mom for the cake and the food. I had some money for the new clothes I wanted to buy. I bought some really revealing clothes and lingerie. Tae is gonna get laid tomorrow ;)

* the next morning *

I got up slowly and checked the time. It was 9 am thankfully we don't have school today. I slowly got out of bed and walked towards my bathroom. I brushed my teeth, shaved, waxed, showered and in finally done getting ready. I went to the mall and bought the things I needed.
I went home, are lunch and set up everything. The table, cake everything was ready. I started cooking kimchi japchae taehyung's favourite. I also made some hot and sour chicken, some soup and I got some ice cream for dessert. I set up everything on the table and got ready. I finished everything right on time. I heard my doorbell ring. I checked myself quickly and opened the door. Taehyung was wearing a pair of black pants with a black silk shirt. He looked really HOT. He looked at me and was shocked.
" y/n you look really good," he said.
I smiled at him and took him in. He slowly walked in and asked me " where are your parents?"
" they went to Gwangju," I said.
He looked at all the preparations I made and smiled. " you worked really hard " he said.
" well the person I did all of this for is worth it," I said. He blushed at my words. I then took the cake and started singing.
" happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~". He instantly revealed his smile. We cut the cake and ate the food. He was really happy the whole time and we kept talking.
We finished and he helped me clean up.  After doing everything we sat on the couch.
I slowly moved towards him and kissed him. He was shocked and didn't do anything. He stayed still just like a statue. I stopped.
" tae is it too soon? " I asked.
" no. Y/n, it's just that it's my first time kissing someone." I then realized.
" oh so you are.."
"y-yes y/n"
" it's alright baby boy, I'll take good care of you."
I then kissed him. I slowly bit his lips while slowly taking off his shirt. I slowly led him towards my bedroom and threw him on the bed. I kissed him and slowly took his shirt of touching his pecs slowly. I left kisses all over his neck and I slowly started to make love bites all over his neck and chest. He let out little moans and he breathed heavily. I slowly took off my dress and kissed him. He was really shy and was acting really cute. I slowly took his belt off and pulled his pants down. I kissed his stomach once and slid his pants off. He was now blushing because his junior was standing up. He had a boner. He was really big. I slid his boxers off and slowly licked his yip. His breath got hitched and I took it all in. I sucked him off really hard and after some time his dick started twitching in my mouth. He came in my mouth and I swallowed it. He tasted really wonderful. He then got shy and covered his face with his hands. I took his hands and kissed them I slowly positioned myself and I started off at a slow pace. As his breath hitched I went faster. My pace got sloppier and it felt really amazing. He filled me up completely and his length kept hitting my G-spot. He was now moaning uncontrollably. His dick was making me lose my mind slowly and I kept going without stopping. I felt a knot forming in my stomach and I went at my fastest speed. My legs were wobbling as I felt the rush of Ecstasy. I finally came but tae didn't so I kept going. His dick was twitching really hardly in me and he came in me. We slowly stopped and I kissed him.
" did that feel good baby?" I asked.
" uh yeah"
" happy birthday babyboy," I said.
He just blushed and I kissed him.
" ready to get ruined again baby boy? Hm?"

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