My desires - jungkook

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Today, I walked into school wearing my favourite skater skirt with a lacy black top and a jacket, the guys were hooting at me but I ignored those idiots and walked towards my locker. I opened it and grabbed my math books and headed to the most dreaded class of my day, math. I stepped inside and took the last seat beside my friend jungkook who also hated math, I wonder if someone really likes math because it is such a painful subject to learn. Our math teacher actually didnt come in by her usual time so I thought she was gonna be late. But then a guy walked in and sat down at the teacher's desk.
" Hi I'm your substitute teacher, miss Alexa is on sick leave so please carry on with whatever you were doing quietly." he said and plugged his earphones in.
Jungkook smiled at me and asked me to play, but I was not able to concentrate at all since he looked so hot. He was wearing a pair of ripped black jeans with a black see-through shirt and his body looked too hot for me to concentrate on the game.
So I decided to seduce him with the old school trick. I searched for a pack of gum inside my backpack and "accidentally" dropped it on the floor and bent down. I made sure to bend lower giving jungkook a really nice view of my black see-through lace panties, I slowly got up by holding onto his thighs and then crossed my legs over.
" Y/n what do you think you are doing right now?" He asked me while gulping.
" What do you think I'm doing daddy? " I whispered into his ears acting coquettishly.
" y/n please d-dont do this here" he begged me.
" Dont do what daddy? This?" I asked while my palms slowly touched his thigh working its way up to his zipper.
" Fuck! Y/n get down now!" jungkook whisper yelled at me.
I slowly moved down on my knees and bit my lower lip to make him even harder.
" Daddy I want you~," I said looking into his eyes slowly pushing my jacket aside to show him my boobs.
He moved his chair forward and covered the desk with both of our backpacks and since our right side was the wall it was fine.
He unbuckled his belt and pulled the zipper down revealing his iron man boxers which I thought were cute. I decided to take matters into my hands by pulling his boxers down which made his member stand proud and tall with pre-cum coating his tip.
I kissed his tip slowly and gave him kitty licks while looking at his face.
" F-fuck y/n don't tease me, baby," he said and covered the left side with his jacket.
" Okay daddy," I said and slowly took his tip in my mouth. His dick was too big but I got used to it so I slowly swirled my tongue around his dick and started bobbing my head. I sucked on his tip hard and kept moving lower and lower till it hit the back of my throat. His dick was rock hard so I decided to go faster and moaned while sucking on him, the moaning gave a bit of vibration causing him to gasp in pleasure but he knew that he couldn't moan because we would be in trouble. I deepthroated him and went a bit slower slowly rubbing his balls with my hands, I kept moaning to give him vibration and pulled his dick out and stroked him while I took in a breath and I took him back inside and kept going down while bobbing my head continuously making him drenched in a cold sweat. His dick started twitching inside my mouth signalling that he was going to cum.
" Y/n is it o-okay if I cum inside?" He asked me trying so hard not to moan.
I just kept going do that he would get the message, his member twitched uncontrollably inside of me and I decided to deepthroat him and not stop till he came.
I then swirled my tongue around and slowly rubbed his balls while bobbing my head and then he came in my mouth. I got his member out of my mouth and slowly milked every drop of his cum into my mouth. He tasted like the salty ocean and the sea breeze.
I slowly took a wet wipe from my backpack and cleaned him and my hands which were now coated with his semen. He slowly pulled his boxers back on and zipped his pants up and buttoned his pants. I gave him another wet wipe and he wiped his hands as well and smiled at me.
I smiled at him cheekily and got back into my seat so that the substitute wouldn't notice that I was gone. I sat back in my seat and adjusted my jacket properly and gave him a wink.
Jungkook smiled and reached into his backpack and gave me some breath mints.
" You dont want to go around smelling like steamy hot sex do you?" he told me and put like 6 into my hand. I put them in my mouth and bit on them a little to release the flavour and drank some water.
" Why did you do that y/n?" jungkook asked me.
" well I was horny and those pants you wore today made it harder so ye," I said and shrugged my shoulders.
He gave me a dangerous smirk and signalled me to move closer as if he was telling me a secret. I moved closer to entertain his wishes but I regret it so much now that I decided to do it since what he said left me dripping wet in class.

" You actually thought I was done with you baby girl? Let's wait till the school ends Im gonna fuck you everywhere in your dorm"

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