Amusement park - taehyung

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I was sitting in the car, tapping my feet impatiently as I waited for taehyung to get dressed and come down quickly, so we could finally go.

He's been stressing a lot about some dance move and pressuring himself regarding it, I knew he did it perfectly and even after hoseok told him he was perfect, he didn't stop practicing.

I had finally managed to convince him to go out with me. I didn't plan to tell him where we were going to surprise him and make sure he would let go and enjoy.

" Y/n, do we really have to go? " he asked walking out dressed in a pair of black slacks, a beige sweater with a matching beret and a black mask.

He pulled his glasses up and sighed before opening the door of the car.

" Babe we really have to go, I want to go, please " I pouted, giving him puppy eyes and smiling at him.

" Aish- Fine. Okay, let's just go then. " He said getting in the passenger seat.

I smiled and pecked his temple, making a pa sound after I pulled away.

I started driving and put on some calming music, holding his hand and rubbing the back of it soothingly while I drove with my left hand.

Seeing him like this made me a little sad but it was gonna be better anyway, I am gonna try my best to cheer him up anyway.

We stopped at the entrance and I looked out of my window to look at the brightly lit up park, with the sun shining not so brightly with a pinkish purple glow.

" We're here love. " I said, getting out of the car, opening the door for him.

" An amusement park? " He asked getting out and standing straight.

" Mhm, the perfect remedy when we're stressed as hell. " I walked towards the entrance holding his hand tightly.

" Y/n- " I put a finger on his lips before he could say anything. He looked at me, I could tell he was kinda annoyed by his expression.

" It's gonna be fun tae! I promise, we can walk back out if you dont like it " I said, that seemed to convince him a little so I took the chance and bought two unlimited passes.

" Mmh, let's go in. " he finally revealed an amused smile as I held his hand and ran in  like a child.

Maybe it was because I had never behaved like this, he was a little surprised too but didn't say anything.

The first thing I did was pull him to an ice cream shop and order two scoops of his favourite ice cream in cones.

" Eat up babe " I smiled as I slowly licked my cone. He just ate it slowly, trying not laugh at my stupid behaviour.

I ended up with ice cream coated on my lips sending cold waves all over my lips.

After eating ice cream, I pulled him towards the roller coaster, even though I was a little, well a lot scared of it.

" Are you sure you wanna go on that? " taehyung looked a little concerned, maybe it was so scary because the lines were almost empty.

" I'm positive " I smiled before sitting and putting on my seatbelt. The worker signaled for tae to get in too.

He sat beside me and soon, all I could hear were my own screams and all I could see was lights flashing and the feeling of water on my face.

" Why'd you go on it when you were do scared? " Tae laughed hysterically holding his stomach and tears almost came out of his eyes.

" Why should I let you go alone? It's no fun that way and even if I am scared, atleast it made you laugh " I shrugged it off.

He was silent now, but without thinking much of it, I just continued to take him on rides.

First it was the bumper cars, then the columbus, and a much safer version of a rollercoaster.

We even went on the dancing horses, people were staring at us, they had probably never seen two grown ass adults having the time of their lives while riding toy horses.

He laughed so hard and he wasn't embarrased or anything, he just enjoyed everything, he let go of everything here, he wasn't an idol or an artist, he was just kim taehyung, the man I loved to death.

Soon, he walked towards the giant wheel, I wasn't scared of them until that one time I almost fell off.

So this was much scarier but it got much more real when we were at the top and stopped there.

People could see the beautiful view of seoul but all I could see was how high above the ground we were, my palms were sweaty as hell.

Taehyung suddenly held my hand and made me look into his eyes, without a second thought, he pressed his lips on mine.

I was still and didnt know how to react, but he slowly bit my lips passionately and pulled away.

" Your lips taste like the ice cream. So damn addictive.  " he said looking into my eyes, I held his hand tighter and put my lips on his.

And suddenly, the heights, the city, or the lights weren't that scary when I was with him, cause I knew, if I fell, he'd fall faster so I'd land on him.

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