Confession- namjoon

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I was eating my pizza watching a k-drama while sipping on some coke. I got a text from namjoon, bringing my attention to my phone immediately from the laptop.

' Y/n are you free?' the text said, I smiled and picked my phone up, pausing the drama that I was watching and made a call to namjoon.

" Hello joon?" I wiped my hand with the tissue on the table as I gulped down some coke.

" Hey y/n, so you're free I'm assuming," He said sounding a bit nervous but excited.

" Mhm, so what? Did you want to hang out?" I asked wiping the corners of my mouth.

" Well, it's just that I have something important to do, is it okay If I come to your place?" he asked.

" Yeah, we can watch a movie, and I've got pizza too so it's cool," I said happily grabbing another slice of the pizza.

" It's not about the food, pabo, anyways I'll be there in twenty minutes." he laughed before hanging up.

I got up and took a pizza out of the fridge, putting it into the microwave to reheat it. I smiled as I took a can of coke from the fridge and set it up on the table.

Soon, namjoon came and sat on the couch beside me, taking his jacket off as he rubbed his hands together.

" Grab a slice" I pointed to the huge-ass pizza with my chin as I chewed on another slice.

" You're seriously gonna live on just pizza lol-" namjoon said before taking a piece and slowly chewing onto the cheesy part.

" Well you can't blame me, I love food-" I happily finished my pizza, moving onto munching on some potato chips.

" Well guess who got you brownies?" he smiled as he pointed to the smaller couch.

" You didn't- wait did jin make his Nutella brownies?" I said before getting up and holding the metal box in my hand.

" I made them for you, well hobi helped me but I made them mostly-" he smiled as he held the back of his head nervously.

" You made brownies? Are they edible?" I laughed, slowly trying to open the box.

" Wait-" he said looking kinda nervous.

" What why?" I whined, brownies were my favourite and resisting them was a hard thing for me to do.

" You know what just have them, jungkook said they're good, and I trust him." he shrugged it off.

I opened the box to see cute brownies with lots of Nutella spread on top of them, looking extremely delicious with lots of choco chips on them, just how I liked it.

I took a huge bite, savouring the amazing taste, I only sat down after I ate 3-4 brownies, licking the Nutella off of my fingers.

" They're good?" Namjoon smiled fondly, looking at me enjoying them.

" Damn these are good, even better than jin's but dont tell him I said that-" I smiled before sitting down comfortably.

" Haha, it's okay I won't, hobi was helping me a lot tho, so you like them?" he asked looking excited.

" Namjoon are you kidding me? I ate like half of the box, I love them." I smiled before pushing the box to him.

" So, you said you had something important to do?" I asked as I faces towards him.

" um, I had something to say to you but you know nevermind." he said waving his hands and taking another slice of pizza.

" Come on joon, we're friends, you can tell me, I wont mind." I smiled patting his back.

" You, um well, it's kinda complicated." he said before taking a deep breath.

" Okay so y/n, this may seem out of nowhere, but I think I- uhm, kinda have feelings for you?" he coughed slightly.

" You-?" I was kinda confused. I didn't expect him to confess to me and it hadn't even been six months since I met him.

" I know it shocks you a bit, but I think I took an interest in you right after the rainy day-" he said smiling.

" Joon I-" he interrupted me again.

" You know y/n, you looked so cute wearing those dungarees and a ponytail, you were so angry thaamt you couldn't reach the campus in time, whenever you curse you look so cute and warm-" he sighed and coughed.

" Sorry, I kinda got carried away, but I really like you, it's driving me crazy but I just can't hold it in longer, and you don't have to give me a response right now, if you want time you can think about it." he smiled as he fiddled with his fingers, a drop of sweat fell down from his forehead.

" Joon I don't think I need time." I said sighing at him.

" What do you mean y/n? " he looked kinda worried.

" I can't be with you joonie, I'm really sorry." I said as I noticed a sad expression on his face.

" Oh, I- um well that's okay, but can I know the reason?" he looked hurt but recovered his composure.

" I- I like girls."

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