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I was on the bed with a black towel laid down on the bed, holding a bar of dark chocolate close to my mouth as I watched Netflix, clutching my stomach.

The door to the bedroom opened, revealing a very excited yoongi with some papers in his hand and a smile on his face.

But he frowned looking at me laying down that weakily, he sat beside me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

" Baby? Are you okay? " he asked holding my chin and smiling at me brightly.
I nodded and sighed at him.

" What are those in your hand? " I asked pointing at the papers in his hand but soon realized they were tickets.

" Tickets for the movie you wanted to see, but you were busy so yeah " he smiled awkwardly, I felt a cramp coming in and frowned in pain.

" You know what? Never mind, let's stay in and enjoy today in bed. " he said and stood up, trying to walk out of the bedroom.

" Where are you going baby? " I asked eating a huge chunk of chocolate and relishing it happily.

" I'm gonna give these to kook and jimin, they're free anyway. " he said, I just nodded and watched him go.

The pain was getting higher and the dark chocolate seemed like it had no effect what so ever, I got up with a meagre amout of energy and took some painkillers and laid back down, hoping for the pain to go away.

The position was uncomfortable so I got up angrily and went to the living room with the towel and laid it down and sat on the couch after sighing.

Soon, I heard the door open, as a yoongi who was carrying some heavy stuff filled my sight.

He smiled at me before placing the bags on the dining table, he digged in for something and pulled out a family pack of chocolate ice cream, making me appy in seconds.

He walked into the kitchen and got a spoon out and passed me the ice cream and the spoon after opening it considerately.

Before I could call him to accompany me, he walked into the kitchen again and started doing things.

" Baby? Do you need help? " I asked while holding the ice cream, trying so hard to resist eating it without him.

" No y/n, eat the ice cream first, make sure your tummy feels a bit better. " he said from the kitchen, making a smile appear on my lips.

I sighed, knowing I couldn't convince him to do otherwise, soon he walked out with a silicone hot pack and placed it on my abdomen and kissed my temple before going back away.

Finally he put the bags away and walked beside me with a very fluffy velvet blanket and holly in his left arm.

I smiled rubbing holly's head, yoongi placed the blanket on my lap and walked to the tv to put on my favourite drama.

I didn't know how he managed to do everything and he even downloaded the dramas too. Happiness bubbled up in my heart.

He cared too much about me, and he was so prepared.
" Is mommy warm? " yoongi said to holly patting his head as he barked in my lap continuously.

I smiled and kissed yoongi's lips, while he chuckled wiping the ice cream off of the corners of my lips.

" How did you have the time to do all of this? " I asked him, passing the ice cream to him as I held holly close to me.

" I knew you'd get your period by today or tomorrow  and I bought the tickets so we could watch the movie, just in case you didn't get it and I downloaded the drama yesterday, thinking you'll probably get it so yeah " he laughed.

He had planned so far ahead and knew exactly what I needed to feel better making my heart all warmed up. I pecked his lips happily and got into his arms as we watched the drama quietly.

" Give me the box, I'll theow it away for you "  he stood up and took the empty box from my hands before wiping the corners of my mouth with a tissue.

" Yoongi don't go. " I held his waist close to me as I let my head rest on his soft tummy.

He smiled and left the ice cream tin on the table before sitting on the couch and letting me snuggle him and find a comfortable position on top of him.

" This couch is too small for us, let's go to the bedroom. " he smiled and picked me up kissing my nose as we slowly walked in.

After letting me lay down, he got his laptop and holly was laying on yoongi's left arm while I cuddled his right

We continued watching till I felt sleepy, he turned it off and kissed my forehead before covering me with a warm blanket.

He held me tight and the last thing I heard before falling asleep was
" I love you so much my koala bear "

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