Engagement - joon

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" Y/n Stop running! " namjoon yelled as he chased me with the help of a very excited jungkook trying to get ahold of his phone from me.
" You liked someone huh? Texting jungkook when I'm right beside you, we will see who exactly it is that you like-" I said as I ran quicker, but my efforts soon turned to nothing as jungkook got a hold of me and took the phone, throwing it to joon.

All of us fell down on the sand, melting under the evening sun into piles of laughter and tiredness from running halfway along the shorelines.
" Are you really that worried joon? " I asked, feeling a little sad, me him and jungkook were best friends, you could even say we were soulmates.

" It's not that y/n, he is just nervous. " kook said, taking deep breaths as he wiped off the sand on his black tee shirt.
" Who is it exactly? " I laughed as I stood up with the support of namjoon's hands.
" It's complicated, its someone you know." Namjoon said sighing.

" Someone I know? Is it maya? " I asked him smiling.
" Eww no, she's like my sister-" joon said but stopped himself.
" I didnt mean it like that, I mean she is like your sibling so yeah, I've never thought of her that way- " he quickly explained himself.
" Oh okay lol " I said and sat down.
" So while we speak about Maya, y/n would you be mad If I liked Maya? " jungkook asked.
" I wouldn't, as long as you dont break her heart."

" Hyung I think you should just tell her, dont delay it." Jungkook patted namjoon on the shoulder and got up.
" Tell me what? Joon? Am I the person that you like? " It finally clicked to me.
He looked taken aback as jungkook let out a laugh.
" I- How'd you know? " he asked, looking still shocked.
" Well with the way that you're acting now, it clearly gave away the feeling." Jungkook said laughing.
" So, what now y/n-" Just before namjoon could finish his sentence, my phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked to see that it was my mom.

" Hello mom? " I said to her calmly.
" Y/n I need you to come home right now, get namjoon and jungkook too." my mok said.
" What why? " before I could continue, she ended the call abrubtly making me feel frustrated.

" Guys we need to go. Mom's calling all three of us over." I said to them standing up.
" I think we should head back, miss chi wouldnt call unless it's important." namjoon understood the urgency and stood up and walked towards the car.
All three of us sat inside as jungkook drove the car, the atmosphere was dead silent and all of us were occupied in our thoughts.
Soon, we reached the main gate of our house and entered it quickly.
" Go take a shower and come down all of you. " my dad's cold voice echoed in the room as all three of us nodded.
" Guys get some spare clothes from my closet, you left them here when you came over last time." I reminded them.

Soon, all of us were dressed in casual clothes and were seated on the sofa.
Looking at our parents who were drinking their evening tea and laughing.
" Okay I know all of you feel bored but we are waiting for someone." Namjoon's mom said.
" It's okay miss kim, it's not a problem" I smiled sipping my fruit juice.
" Is it soo ho? " Namjoon said  frowning.
" Wah is he coming back from paris? " jungkook asked as he ate his sandwich.
" yes, he should be here by now, he's probably running late- " Mr.kim said.
" Okay so Jungkook I think I need to tell you first- let's not waste time guys " Mrs. Jeon smiled.
" Um- what is this about exactly? " Jungkook now looked serious. Our parents always plotted something whenever they invited us for a tea party so neither of us trusted them. Maya sat quietly in the corner fiddling with her fingers.

" So, we think it's a good idea to have you and y/n engaged. " my dad spoke up making jungkook choke on his sandwich.
" Uh what? Jungkook is just 24-" namjoon frowned.
" Yeah, y/n is 24 too and we think they are a good pair-" my mom tried to convince us.
" Let's just tell them the truth honey-" my dad sighed.
" So Yi lan investments are planning to make a move on our company's so this is like a form of alliance- " mr. Jeon explained.
" That's- mom- you- " I was speechless
" Jungkook and you are not the only ones who are getting married- maya, siyeon and namjoon are getting married too. " Mr. Kim smiled.

I was speechless, I wanted to tell joon that I liked him too but it turned out like this.
" W-why is soo ho coming? " Namjoon stood up.
" Woah woah woah! Wait a minute! You wanted to marry y/n- " Mrs.Jeon looked awkward.
" You have a problem? " My mom asked.
" Namjoon you are going to be married into the chi family, to maya, I dont need any opinions. " mrs.kim quietly said making both me and joon shocked.

" Okay guys I'm here, sorry for being late- " soo ho walked in, wearing his trademark black shirt and black slacks with his long hair combed back.
" Y/n, You're going to be engaged to jungkook , not namjoon- " my dad said, making jungkook spit out his sandwich in fury.

" C-can't I marry namjoon? " my voice was now filled with fear waiting for their answer. If I was going to be engaged to someone for an arranged marriage, it should have been him.
" You can't. Namjoon's chart perfectly suits maya, if you do so, you'll end up hurting each other" my mom's voice rung in my ears.

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