Lunch date - jin

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I was on a call with jungkook when I realized that I only had 30 minutes to get ready.
" Y/n are you there? " jungkook asked making me snap into reality.
" Uh yeah yeah, Jungkook what is jin's favourite colour? " I asked getting out of bed and walking to the closet.

" Oh right! You have a date with hyung today right? " he asked me.
" Yes. Now answer me hoe cause I have to get ready fast. " I said, I was in a hurry but I managed to pick out a miny dress and a simple white bodycon.
" Wear your white one. " jungkook said smiling.

" Oof okay sir. Go play your overwatch. Bye " I waved my hand giving him a smile.
" Mmh, make sure you don't get preg-"  I cut the call before he could complete his sentence.

Sighing, I took a quick shower and got dressed, since I didnt wash my hair, I put it up in a clean high ponytail and applied some lip gloss and mascara. Now I put on some gold jewellery and white heels to match and left the house.

" Damn I'm late- " I ran out of the car, barely managing to maintain my balance, I almost fell but someone caught me.
I turned around to thank them but I was surprised when I saw jin dressed in a white shirt and jeans, looking extremely handsome.

" Don't rush y/n " he laughed a little after helping me. I was embarrassed. I thought I could be confident but I was flustered like a teenager in front of him.

" Ah, I'm sorry I'm late. " I smiled apologetically at him and bit my lips feeling awkward.
" That's okay, and I just arrived too, so I should apologize for making you rush " he said giving me a smile, his plump lips looked so fruity and pink.

His black hair was now dyed to blonde and he had a mullet, looking extremely handsome that I couldn't stop myself from staring.
His eyes sparkled from the bright sunshine and his exposed forehead was enough to take my breath away.

" Y/n? You're zoning out- " he waved his hand infront of my eyes and laughed.
" Am I so handsome that you are distracted? " he was chuckling at me.
" Yes. " I replied without thinking but realized later as my cheeks slowly turned bright red. He was now shy and his ears turned red.

" L-let's just go in. " I said opening the door for him, he smiled before he walked inside and looked around to find a table.
We found one at the very corner where no one would recognize jin. Both of us sat down and smiled at each other.

" It's self service here, but yeah, do you want burgers? " jin asked smiling as he passed the menu to me.
" Mhm, I'll have the tofu special, and a green salad. " I smiled after choosing.
" Honestly yeah same, I had a bet with yoon about not eating meat. " he replied, I took the menu and stood up.

" Wait where are you going? I can get them. " he said, standing up.
" Let's just both go. " I said shrugging my shoulders, it was slightly awkward but we just stayed quiet.

After getting our food, we sat back down at the table and I started to eat my salad.
" Jin do you want some? " I passed the plate to him.

" Ah that looks good, sure I'll have a bite. " He said and chewed on a piece of kale and lettuce.
" Sadly it isn't that good tho. " He said sighing.
" the seasoning isn't enough right? " I said, I felt like all we were doing was small talk but I couldn't find another way to communicate.

" Ah this is awkward. I'm sorry I can't communicate. " I said shoving my mouth with food to take the awkwardness away.
" That's okay, it's cute. " he smiled and cut a piece of his burger and brought it to my mouth.

Without thinking much, I ate and he didn't think much of it but the people were staring holes into us. I coughed a little at all the gazes.

" Jin, how does it feel to be worldwide handsome? " I asked, as a result he choked on his food and had to take huge gulps of coke to calm himself.

" So you get embarrassed too. " I laughed, I liked this atmosphere much better than the previous one.
" Why wouldn't I- it was just a nickname."  he said .
" No. Jin, you were proven to be the most handsome by scientists themselves. " I opened my phone in all seriousness and showed him.

" I didn't believe it when that punk jimin told me- it was true- " he said laughing.
" You deserve it tho. " I smiled.
" So how does it feel to be on a date with worldwide handsome? " He asked.

" I still cant believe it. " I said eating my burger nonchalantly. I laughed and shrugged everything off.
" You look amazing today to be honest " he said pointing at my eyes.

" Ahh thank you, I don't usually dress like this " I said pouting. He frowned.
" Did jungkook tell you to wear this? " he asked. I nodded.
" I mean, I really like this but I didn't feel like I could pull it off. " I said looking off into the distance.
" I could. " he said making me cough. He was getting better and better with his words.

I don't know how, but I soon found myself in his bed making out with him as he lay on top of me. Just when I thought this was gonna be the best second date, the door opened.

" I SAID NOT TO GET HER PREGNANT HYUNG! " jungkook walked in with a megaphone as we covered ourselves with a blanket and looked at him mad.
" Y/n WHY ARE YOU NAKED?! " he screamed as Jin pulled the blanket up and shouted " Jungkook I was helping her to clean up wounds, its nothing like you thought. " jin was flustered.

" I know how babies are made hyung, you already have six, take these condoms I got them from the grocery store. " jungkook threw the box at us and closed the door. I was gonna have to kick his ass later.

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