When the director harasses you - taehyung

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I was sitting in the chair in front of the vanity as I waited for freya to come and do my makeup.

" Y/n you're early today? " she asked as she walked in, putting her purse on the empty chair before smiling at me.

" Yeah Freya, The director wanted to take some photos for the promotions and as the antagonist, I have to be here "   I smiled at her slightly and took a sip of my coffee.

" mmh, okay, so you're doing the black robe right? " she asked me before she took out a moisturiser and applied it on my face.

" Yeah, we need bold eyes and lips. I font know if I can pull that off- " I sighed as I let her cold hands touch my face.

" We all know that you perfectly suit anything baby- " I heard a deep voice say, I turned around to see taehyung with a boxy smile on his face.

" T-taehyung you're here? " I was kinda surprised because he was supposed to be shooting his new mv, or so he said.

" Yeah, look I got you doughnuts. " he smiled and opened the box, freya was standing there shocked.

" Freya are you an ARMY? Why are you so shocked? " I asked her as I took a sugar glazed doughnut from the box.

" N-no well yes but that's not the point. I didnt know you were in a relationship with him " she said and calmed down.

Soon my makeup was done and I got changed into the ancient black robe with silver accents, wearing a kind if heavy head piece and some heavy earrings, I finished my look.

I looked like I came straight out of hell, perfecting my devilish smile again, I went to the director.

" mmh, you look like the  kim so ji that I wanted, sit down in that chair and take the tea cup " the director smiled.

I did as he said and he clicked a few shots, the light flashed in my eyes but I kept it together.

Soon, I was holding a sword upside down and my expression looked like the calm before the storm.

The director smirked in a way that sent chills to my spine, something about his gaze seemed off to me.

" Y/n your expression is weird and you look tired, everyone take a break for 20 minutes " the director said.

Everyone obeyed and soon left to do their work, I wanted to get up and go away myself but I couldn't.

The director stood in my way and smirked at me before signalling for me to sit back down.

" where do you think you're going, let me give you a lesson okay? Sit down properly and make your spine straight "

I felt weird but I just obeyed, maybe this was the way he worked right, but soon he walked behind me.

Touching my exposed collarbones with his filthy hands, he whispered.

" Keep your waist straighter y/n, make your boobs pop out more- " he said, I immediately slapped his hand hard as he winced in pain.

" Slut! How dare you hit me! Do you think I cant find a female lead like you? " he said angrily as he held his hand in pain.

" Bastard! You don't think I can find any other director for the movie?" A deep and cold voice sounded from the corner.

I looked there and saw a very angry taehyung balling his fists up tightly, the director's expression changed from one of anger to fear.

" S-sir? " the director looked scared, making me frown in surprise. Why was he that surprised?

" Producer Kim, I'm s-sorry I didnt know- " he stuttered.

" Taehyung you're our producer? " I asked him, he nodded guiltily and smiled at me but his expression changed quickly as he looked back at the director.

" Sir I'm really sorry " Taehyung was silent, the director didnt utter a word as he stood there quietly.

" Is this how you treated all of the female staff before? " taehyung's voice was icy cold, making everyone fear him.

" n-no sir " he said.
He looked like he was in complete fear, I knew people were scared of bts for being very strict but I didnt know they were this scared.

" If everyone in the industry treat people this way, how are the stars supposed to shine? " Tae's cold voice questioned.

Everyone was now back but no one uttered a single word. Tae calmed down lightly as I held his hand.

" Get you and your stupid things out of here, you're not the director of nine realms anymore. " he said making the director wide eyed.

" Dont utter a word, if you do so, I will make sure you wont survive in this industry. " Taehyung warned again, I wanted to stop him but tae shushed me.

" who's gonna direct now? " I asked him sighing.
" I can, its okay " he smiled again.

" Did you really have to send him away?"
" He touched you and called you a slut, he deserves much worse " tae said.
" I can go through way worse if I can you see you like this, you're so cute tae tae"  I smiled at him.
" I love you y/n "

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