I love you- Kim taehyung.

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/////Taehyung pov/////

She is, well how should I start? I don't know where to start. She is my best friend. She is an amazing, kind, caring, sweet, and the most beautiful person I've ever seen. She is very cute but can also be very freaking hot if she wants to be. She is extremely shy but once you get to know her, she is really talkative. She is the reason that I smile. She is the remedy to my pain, the moon to my stars, my everything. She makes me feel special like I'm the king of the world. She treats me like royalty. She makes me believe in myself and makes me feel confident. She is the only one that stands on my side even if the whole world is against me. She is the one who saw my dark side, but wasn't afraid of it, instead, she embraced it and made me feel confident about myself. Every day, she tells me how amazing I am and how I deserve the whole world. She makes me truly happy, she consoles me when I'm not okay. She takes care of me through thick and thin, makes me not hide my emotions. She bares with my tantrums, my dark egoistic sides, my depressions, anxiety but never complains about it. She treated me like I'm the most important thing to her in the whole world. I have feelings for her but I don't know if she reciprocates them for me. I love her a lot and I'm afraid that I'll ruin my friendship with her. I'm afraid that I'm not enough. I'm afraid I'm gonna drag her down. I'm afraid to break her heart. I'm afraid of putting her through the pain. I'm afraid of being the one to cause her tears. I'm afraid of ruining everything between us. I'm afraid of making her feel depressed, sad and empty. I'm afraid if I'm ever gonna be enough. I'm afraid if I'll ever be good enough for an angel like her. I don't look good enough for her. I have a really dark past and background. But even with all of this, I can't help it. I can't help falling in love with her so deeply that I can't stop smiling when I think about her. I decided that I'd confess to her. But what if I'm bad? What if I can't make her happy? What if I can't love her as she wants me to? What if I hurt her? All these thoughts kept my mind busy. I gathered up all of my courage and walked to her house. I knocked on it to see her mom come out. She came and greeted me.
" hi taehyung," she said smiling sweetly at me.
" hi miss Garcia, is gabby home?" I asked her, hoping she'd say yes. She nodded and pointed her finger upstairs. I understood what she meant and went upstairs.
Gabby was probably in her room. I knocked on her door and she opened it. She was wearing an oversized black hoodie. Her hair was down and she had her sparkly lip gloss on her lips. She smiled brightly at me as I entered her room. Both of us sat down on her bed and she turned her MacBook off. She looked at me and smiled again.

" um, gabby, I-i wanted to tell you something.." I said to her, hesitating if I should tell her.
" what is it tae?" she asked me.
"well, Uhm, I, " I stuttered.
She looked into my eyes and said to me
" it's okay, tell me"
I then felt reassured and told her.
" I love you gabby," I said to her.
She immediately blushed and hugged me.
" oh my God tae! You don't know how happy you made me! I love you so much!" she said and snuggled into my arms.

She made me so happy, she is the cause of my euphoria, she is my serendipity, my winter bear, my first love, my epiphany, my love.

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