Pluviophile: namjoon

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Pluviophile- kim namjoon

Pluviophile: Someone that loves the feeling of being drenched in rain

I was talking to my younger sister on the phone, she was going on and on about this fight she had with her classmates. I comforted her and sighed to myself, of course, I liked being helpful to people, but sometimes it just gets to you, like, it just feels weird that there's no one for you to share your struggles with. After hanging up, I  looked out of my window to see it was raining.

I got a text from the library asking me to return the book I borrowed, I took it and left for the library with an umbrella, after returning it, I walked out, but I felt like I didn't need the umbrella, I closed it and let myself get wet, somehow I believed it would make me feel a little bit better at least.

As time passed, I found myself crying, the tears fell out so easily, showing me how vulnerable human heart could be, I was tired, tired of taking other people's feelings into consideration and abandoning mine, returning home only to be too tired to treat my scars and wounds, I was tired of living, tired of trying so hard to fit myself into a world in which I don't belong.

I found myself sitting down on the muddy ground and curling up into a puddle of tears, I didn't care how I looked right now, all I wanted was ro be free but that was going to be the hardest thing to gain. I kept sobbing without a care, I felt a prescence behind me and didn't feel a raindrop fall on me like before, I tilted my head to notice the tall and handsome man stand beside me.

His hair was now dyed to a platinum blonde, in contrast to his caramel skin, his eyes showed traces of sparkles and tears, his white shirt had spots of rain on them, with his phone in his pocket, he held a hand out as if he was helping me get up.

" Namjoon?" I looked at him confused, he was the only person who ever cared about me truly, he was my best friend, but somehow we drifted apart, somehow our late night talks grew meaningless, our visits to the library together were now just memories.

" Get up y/n-ah, you're soaked." he smiled and gave me a hand. It felt weird, seeing my once best friend like this, always helping me take care of myself, he was the only one who made sure that I was okay, but time made it difficult, drifting apart was so difficult, it would feel like there was knife in your body that wouldn't come out no matter what you fo, I took his hand hesitantly and stood up wiping my tears.

" Gosh I missed you." he hugged me tightly, and as soon as he did, I felt that familiar warm prescence and the cologne that was always perfect, his luscious hair was smelling like a tropical heaven.

" I- I missed you too" I choked back on a tear.
" If you want to cry, you can cry," he said barely above a whisper.
I suddenly felt nostalgic, he never changed, even though we didn't talk with each other much, he knew, he knew exactly how I felt and how I was in pain.

" You didn't change at all" I said and hugged him tight, not caring about how wet I was, he smiled and placed a kiss on my wet forehead.
" I know I said you could cry, but at this rate you're gonna get sick, let's go" he smiled and took my hand. I nodded as we walked towards my home.

" So, what are you doing now?" he asked me, still maintaining that killer smile showing his dimples off.
" I'm in college, but I plan to join yumyung group soon" I smiled at him.
" You plan on dropping out?" he asked as we slowly reached home
" I'll join after I'm done." I said and entered the password for the door, leading us both in, I took off my muddy shoes and gave him a new pair of slippers, be shook his head and took his coat off.

" Let's hit the shower, okay, we both look like we just survived a storm" I said leading him into my bedroom.
" I missed you, I couldn't control myself so I hugged you even if you were covered in mud haha" he chuckled.
" I still have your pajamas so you can start showering" I smiled.
" Okay, I'm gonna go to the guest room, you hurry up lol" he smiled and took the pair from my closet.

After showering, I lay on my bed with wet hair, not caring about how my pillow would be soaked. Namjoon walked in, with three buttons unbuttoned revealing his collarbones and chest, his face had a natural flush from the heat of the shower, he looked at me and smiled.

" Lazy ass, you didn't change at all too, sit up" he said and grabbed a towel, slowly drying my hair with the towel over my head, I smiled, this was exactly how we were, we were like a couple but without the sex and stuff.

" You know this always makes me feel sleepy" I sighed. He smiled and threw the towel onto my chair and laid down patting on the bed, I smiled laying myself onto his shoulder and snuggled myself into his arms.
" Are we gonna talk about your problems now?" he sighed pulling me closer.
" You know, I really missed this a lot" I wiped a tear.
" Well I'm here now aren't I? I'm never gonna leave, now tell me everything, stop hurting yourself" he transformed into my angel yet again

A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.

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