Meeting your fiancee for the first time;)

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It was a normal day. Being in college meant, independent me and that meant I had to look after everything. I recently moved into an apartment with my childhood bestie Stefan and we were literally exhausted. Adulting sucked a lot and it wasn't exactly easy to go to work and college and pay all the bills but we had to settle properly. I was an art major at Harvard and it feels really good to do what I love and what is passionate about.
Today I and Stefan had to go grocery shopping and we did. We went to the nearest mart, Target. I wrote a list of things we needed and I was waiting for Stefan outside.
Just then I had a ding on my phone.
I opened it to check Stefan's message to me and I read it.
" sorry y/n I didn't want to bail on you but Caroline finally asked me out so I had to go, bye." I sighed and decided to go in by myself.

After walking in, I took the cart and slowly went to the snacks aisle. I decided to get some gummies, cookies, chips, hot Cheetos, Nutella, chocolate bars and I also bought 7 pints of Ben and jerry's
I know it's a lot of calories but hey I don't complain.
I then went to the toiletries and bought some shampoo and conditioner and that's when I noticed a group of seven boys walk in. They all were dressed in completely different outfits and a tired guy was leading all of them while the others kept taking selfies at the security cameras. The tallest guy sighed and pulled them to the snacks aisle and not long after, they were in the same aisle as me.

I then tried to grab a toothpaste but it ended up falling out of my hands. Do I bent over and took it and kept it in the cart.

I then felt the guys stare at me. There was this tall guy that whispered to the guy with the blonde hair. It was probably about me but I didn't pay attention to them anymore.
I didn't want them staring at me like that so I decided to walk away.

But before I could, I heard a deep voice.

" umm, ex-excuse me, miss?! " he said.

I turned around to see the blonde-haired guy walk up to me with an overcoat in his hand.

" y-yes? " I said, but I immediately regretted it cause I sounded like an old woman who was talking to a kid.

He then hesitated to tell me and looked at the tall guy who signalled him to keep going.

" I'd like for you to have this coat," he said pointing to the long black overcoat he had in his arms.

" sorry? " I said, unable to delude what kind of flirting that is.

He then cleared his throat and said
" miss your white pants are stained, I think you will need it." he said.
I looked down to see my pants covered in blood. I blushed hard due to embarrassment and I took his coat.
I wore it and buttoned it completely and I bowed to the guys.

" thank you for not letting me embarrass myself." I said.

He blushed and bowed back.
" We should help anyone who's in need, it's our responsibility." he said.

" So what's your name? " I asked.

" I'm Kim namjoon," he said revealing a smile with his adorable dimples.

" I'm cha y/n," I said.

That was how I met him.
My world, my life, my one true love, my everything and my soon to be husband.


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