Sneaking in- jimin 🔞

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Sneaking into your house- park jimin.

I was sitting on my bed, working on my last project that I had to give in the next week, my parents had already went back to their bedroom. I sighed as I typed the last paragraph and sipped on my coffee, trying to stay awake. Just then, I got a call from my boyfriend, jimin.
I smiled and picked it up, hearing his mellow and beautiful voice call my name made it more special.
" What are you doing baby?" he asked me hesitantly.
" mmh, I'm just working on laura's part of the project, why are you up rn?" I asked him, he wouldn't call me this late at night unless we were having long and deep conversations.
" Can you look outside your window?" I could hear the cheekiness of his voice from the phone as I got out of bed and looked out.

Sure enough, a jimin dressed in some sweats and a t-shirt was smiling at me as he hung up. I opened the window so that he could crawl in, he rubbed his arms quickly as he got in the bed covering himself with the blanket.

" Why did you sneak out at this time?" I pouted as I took my school supplies and put them on the bedside table.
" I missed you baby, that's why" he held me tightly as I chuckled and hughed him back, giving my warmth to his ice cold body.

" I still need to finish the project tho" I said feeling stressed while slowly moving out of his embrace.
"mmh, I know but you need rest baby, I can see your bags." he ran his arm over my exposed thigh unknowingly sending chills all over my body, now goosebumps formed and he was shocked at how my body reacted like that.

" Looks like we didn't do it since a long time hmm?" he smiled as he kissed my lips lightly.
" We just had sex at school today-"  I mumbled halfway as his arm moved higher.
" Your body is saying otherwise y/n" his smile soon turned to a smirk as he slowly gripped my shorts pulling them down painfully slow.
" mmh I-" he kept a finger on my lips, shushing me.
" Look how soaked your panties are, do you still wanna deny it?" he rubbed me through my panties sending chills all over.

"B-but my parents-" I was unsure of everything.
" You just have to be quiet then doll" he kissed me slow and smooth as his hands roamed my body, his fingertips grazed my bra, tingling the area as his lips moved lower, finding their way to the nape of my neck as I moaned uncontrollably.

"mmh, if you moan like that I wont be able to control myself baby" he warned as he removed my top, leaving me in just a strapless bra and silk panties.
"Jimin I-" I tried to speak but I couldn't, as soon as his hands touched my core, no words came out.
" shh, let me take good care of you babe, sit back and relax okay?" he placed a kiss on my forehead as he took a blanet laying it on both of us, his kisses went down to my stomach as his hands drew lazy circles over my dripping core.

"You're so hot babygirl" he smirked as he pulled my panties down and kissed my core lightly as I tried to control my moans.
" Stay still for me kitten" he ordered as he slowly licked my clit, making me whine at feeling so empty.
He flicked my clit with his tongue and sucked on it lightly making the bud turn into a dark pink at the sudden action.
His finger entered my hole as he moved it slow and steady inside my wet and tight hole.

His finger grazed all of my spots making me go crazy as he increased his pace as I opened my mouth in delight.
His licks got sloppier and rougher as he slowly added another digit to my hole pounding the two fingers so deeply inside my womb. I gasped at the sudden feeling as I grabbed a hold of his blue hair, holding onto it for support as he spread my legs wide open.

He removed his fingers making me pout and soon replaced them with his wet and warm tongue making me go insane at the amount of bliss I was feeling. His movements were so good and they were just right. He knew exactly where to touch, lick, suck and smother. He looked contended with the way he had me in his control as he kept going.

All that pleasure turned to panic due to a knock on my door, it soon opened making me realize I didn't lock it. It opened to reveal my dad with his hair all over the place.

" why aren't you asleep y/n?" my dad asked as he scratched his head.
I realized he was not able to see jimin from there as only half my room was visible.
" I- I just finished my project da-dad" I managed to get out while jimin ruthlessly kept going making it hard to speak.
" Why are you dressed in so little?" he asked as he looked at strapless bra.
" It wa-was hot" I mumbled as I pulled the blanket higher when jimin tapped my thigh, signalling me to open wide, I obeyed.

" Its 45 F, stop saying nonsense and go to bed" he closed the door leaving me in relief, jimin smirked as I felt myself close and soon I came all ocer his tongue, filling his mouth with my juices.

He got up and kissed my lips, slowly letting me taste myself as he passionately kissed me. He smiled and got up, locking my doot and he stood there wiping the corners of his mouth. I got up and helped him get out of his shirt showing his pecs as I removed my bra in a swift swipe revealing my tits filled with hickeys by him.
I smirked as I took his hand and placed it on my boobs as I looked into his eyes.

" fill me up with you, daddy" my voice echoed.

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