Bike rides with your brother - yoongi

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Bike rides with him~Yoongi

I was sitting at my office desk, staring at the big ugly screen of my macbook filled with excel sheets and unfinished work and schedules. Being a secretary of the chairman of a world-class organisation was definetely not an easy job for anyone. I had to work a lot these days due to the opening of the subsidiary company, so I was pretty stressed.
After I was done typing and uploading the last schedule, I got a message from my brother yoongi.
" Y/n why aren't you home yet?" he texted me.
" Im done with work, I had to do overtime and I was kinda stressed you know, Ill be back soon, wait for me :)" I texted back.
He replied with an okay, I smiled at the phone and packed my stuff to  finally leave my dreaded office desk. I left the building and waited on the side of the road  to hail a taxi. Since I failed to do so, I went inside the candy store beside and grabbed some jelly to eat while I wait. I finally got in a taxi and reached home in about 20 minutes. I opened the door to see yoongi dressed completely in black while texting someone.
" Yoongi oppa, Im home" I took my heels off tired from the long day.
He looked at me and gave me a slight smile and lifted his arm to show me his keys. I understood what he meant and realised that I needed it badly.
" Give me 10 minutes, I'll be back okay?"  I walked to my room and closed the door behind me. I grabbed my favourite black tank top with some black cargo pants and boots to match and tied my hair into a slightly messy bun with my bangs.
I took one last look at the mirror and left the room.
Satisfied, I left the room while yoongi smiled at me.
" Ready to go?" he asked while I nodded giving a smile. Both of us locked the door and went down the stairs, He opened the garage to reveal our favourite motorbike, Our Ronax that O was quite proud of.
We got on and I wrapped my arms around yoongi's waist holding onto him.
We drove off at a decent speed, he drove to the outskirts of Seoul, our usual place to relax which also had our favourite ice cream store. Both of us walked in and went to order our flavours.
" What are you getting Oppa?"  I asked him.
" I'll take one scoop of chocolate and one of cookies and cream please," he said to the lady.
" Can I have the lavender bloom and jackfruit please?"  I said and sat down at the nearest table smiling at yoongi. He chuckled while holding his helmet in his hands shuffling through his hair with the other.
" How can you tell?" I asked while stabbing my spoon into my bowl of ice cream.
" Tell what?" He pretended to not know.
" Oppa stop kidding, how can you tell when I'm stressed?"  I questioned while I put a spoonful of the fragrant ice cream in my mouth.
" You're my sister for a reason y/n, I know you always pretend to be okay when you're not, and I kinda need this too so, I thought why not." He shrugged his shoulders and ate some of his ice cream.
I just smiled at his care shown to me, I may be eating ice cream but it felt so warm inside me making me smile from ear to ear. After we were done, we went to pay the bill and the cashier chuckled at us.
" You know, I never would've expected that you guys are so sweet, you guys looked intimidating to me at first to be honest" she said, we just smiled helplessly while yoongi blushed slightly at her comment.
" Why dont you go first yoongi? I'll be back"  I said while he left with a frown on his face.
I took a tissue and a pen and wrote down yoongi's number on it and his full name, after she gave me the change, I gave it to her and winked while walking out. She was flustered at first but smiled at me gratefully while I gave her a thumbs-up sign.
I got on the bike and signalled for yoongi to move, he then turned it on and our bike roared, he then drove off in a really high speed making me scream in happiness.
He gave a gummy smile and drove towards the highway, I couldn't control the euphoria and slightly got up enjoying the chilly night breeze and the full milky white moon in the company of the sparkling stars. I smiled holding onto his shoulders and we didnt realise that we drive into the city. We were really flustered by the sounds of police sirens coming behind us, yoongi and I got flustered and he drove faster to escape them, we ended up in front of our homes, both of us got off quickly while he turned the ignition off and both of us ran into our garage and shut it.
When we heard the sound of sirens move further away we looked at each other in relief and sighed. Then we burst into endless laughter.
" That was so close" He laughed.
" Thank you oppa" I smiled.

"Sometimes, all you need is someone who cares for you " -anonymous

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