Dont we love each other? - jungkook

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Disclaimer :
Contains strong language
Contains slight violence
Please skip this if you're uncomfortable with the above.

I was sitting on the couch, holding my phone in my hands, scrolling through a webtoon as I thought of jungkook.

As if he knew, he walked out of his room, looking tired as he held his headphones in his hands.

I wanted to ask him if he wanted dinner, but I just sat there, he wordlessly sat on the couch putting the pair of headphones on the table.

I sighed, we weren't rude to each other or anything, but it just felt like something was wrong, it felt like we didn't care.

He turned the TV on and walked to the fridge to get himself a beer, he sat beside me and handed me the second can.

I took it and opened it, taking large sips as I stared at the screen lifelessly, I didn't care much for the show that was playing in the background.

" Don't you have work today? " I asked him, placing the half-empty tin on the table.

" No, I called in sick. " He said, I frowned before putting my palm on his forehead, and as expected he had a high fever.

" Why would you drink that beer when you are having a fever? Put that away! " I took the can from his hands as I walked to the kitchen to throw it in the trash.

" Y/n I'm not a kid, I know. " he said coldly before he walked to the fridge, probably to take another beer.

" What part of don't drink when you are sick do you not understand? " I snapped at him, he didn't bother to answer me.

" I don't fucking care. Can't you see me? I'm stressed and I need space or a hug right now! I feel like I'm going crazy and I can't tell why " he snapped.

I was speechless, he would usually tell me when he was feeling like that but this time he chose to drink it out. I scoffed at his answer.

" So you think drinking is gonna reduce that? " I asked, standing up as I turned the TV off.

" Well atleast it helps a little, at least I don't feel anything after I get drunk. " he shrugged emotionlessly as he replied in a cold voice.

" So? You could have told me? Couldn't you? " I scoffed at his words, feeling like the distance between us grew by leaps and bounds.

" Tell you? Either you act really really worried and cling onto me like I was gonna die or you act emotionless and you dont care. It's like you're bipolar or something " he laughed sarcastically.

" That's because I have feelings too! I can't always be there for you and ignore everything else. " he was silent. I continued without bothering to look at him.

" Fucking hell, do you think I belong to you and have nothing except for you? I have my own life, I can think of things that are way too important and stress me out, but I'm not complaining am I? " I asked.

" You do have your own life, I never said you didn't, that's why I didn't tell you this time and also, things that are way too important? Can't you hear what I said? I said I needed a hug. I fucking said it. But what did you do now? Nothing. " he pointed out.

" Don't we love each other y/n? What person can actually ignore the fact that their lover said they needed them? Do we really love each other? I want to know, I really wish I fucking knew. " he said, as a tear fell out of his eyes.

" Jungkook I- " I wanted to say something but he stopped me from doing so.

" I need to go right now. " he left the house with his phone and keys, leaving me feeling extremely guilty.

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