Date gone right- park jimin.

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I was getting ready for my date. It was at 8pm today at the Italian restaurant. My boyfriend of 3 years, Daniel was working and it was our three year anniversary, I texted him saying I wanted to meet him at the park. He told me he will be the by 7:30pm. He did come and well, I told him I wanted to eat outside, I was in a nice red dress and he, he wore a white shirt with black pants, his work clothes.

We reached the restaurant and I asked for the table I booked. Thank God I made reservations because the line was full and Daniel always hates waiting. Queues just get him really mad. I on the other hand am very patient though. We ordered ourselves some cream pasta with red wine. The waiter poured us two glasses of wine we slightly sipped on.
"so, Daniel do you remember what day it is today?" I asked slightly, hoping he's gonna remember. He tilts his head slightly.
"what is it gabby?" he snaps. I can see a bit of irritation on his face, it's probably because of work pressure. I shrug it off and just calm myself down.

I was very quiet until we are, there was no sound except for the music from the pianist. He was playing a light melody and I just listened to it and ate quietly.
We finished eating and I called for dessert.
"I will have a raspberry sundae, Daniel do you want dessert?" I asked again hoping his mood got better. It didn't.
" let's just get it over with. I'm sick of you." he said. That was a stab in the heart. I'm sick of you. These words sprung tears to my eyes. But I still shrugged it off and signalled to the waiter. He gave a nod and got out everything.
A card, with roses cake and champagne. He smiled at us both and gave me a thumbs-up sign.
"Hey Daniel, I know you aren't in a great mood, but I just wanted to say happy anniversary." I said
"don't you get it gabby? I don't love you. I've never loved you at all. I just accepted that date to make sure you won't feel bad, I, my girlfriend is pregnant."
"But we have been together for 3 years, you cheated?"
"I'm sorry gabby, but I just didn't like you at all. I still love my ex. Now that she is pregnant, I don't see why I can't break up with you." he said and got up, throwing the roses on the floor and walking out.

Then came the tears, just like a flood. Dampening my dress. Someone walked up to me and handed me a tissue.
"Gabby, I think you deserve the best, and that guy definitely isn't the best." the pianist with blonde hair, plump lips and a beautiful face told me while sitting beside me.
I wiped my tears to see him better.
Clear skin, cute eyes, pink lips, platinum blonde hair, and a full packed body.
"so wanna meet the best guy?" he asked again.
"whats your name?" I asked.
This is for @potato3689

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