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This is not a normal day y/n. Remember that. You must stop whatever is going to happen today, or else you will be doomed forever.

I kept remembering those words even though I dont remember who said it. I was worldlessly sitting in the room waiting for someone that I didn't know was gonna come.

Sitting in a black wedding gown, I sat there emotionlessly. Was my wedding really going to be doomed? I knew all brides hesitated but was eloping a good idea? Will I really regret today? I kept thinking everything over and over.

I snapped out of it when mun Yeong was putting jewellery around my neck. The moon necklace and the matching earrings completed the look.

People would think that I died today, but I didn't care. Dressed in all black, I sat in the room holding red roses that matched my lips.

Mun Yeong helped me get up and attached the veil to my hair. I looked like a bride, a very different one but I still felt bridal.

" Are you ready, y/n? " she asked. I didn't know how to answer that. Was I ready?

The thought of this day being ruined was scaring me a lot. I just hoped nothing bad would happen.

Jungkook and I had gone through a lot, so much that it broke us and made us go crazy. At this point, this was the only moment of happiness we ever had in our entire lives.

I was hesitant, we had gone through so much and yet we were going yo do this so easily? I couldn't believe that everyone actually didn't search for us and break us apart again.

But seeing jungkook dressed in his suit and bow tie with a smile on his face reassured me. I took his hand as we walked toward mun Yeong, who was going to pronounce us married.

She had a smile on her face, as she was our only friend. There was no music, we were getting married in the back garden of my old house.

The dried leaves made a crisp sound as we stepped on them, holding each other's hand. Noticing my palms were sweaty, jungkook handed me his kerchief and placed a kiss on my temple.

" I can't believe you look this beautiful " tears fell out of his eyes as we stopped in front of mun yeong.

" Mhm, since both of you don't care about the formalities, I just wanna say that I, ko mun Yeong, act as a witness of your matrimony. Jungkook, kiss her." she said giving me a thumbs up sign.

Our lips touched for a brief moment before he pulled away wiping his tears.

" I'm so glad you decided to become my wife. " he said rubbing his eyes harshly. I kissed his lips again holding his hand.

We were married, but I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't even know who I had offended to be this scared.

" I hope we won't be apart anymore. " I said, feeling weak and lightheaded.

As we stood near our imaginary altar, we cried looking into each other's eyes.  He smiled, pointing behind me.

Ko mun Yeong laughed, giving us some drinks, but seeing that we were too busy staring into each other's eyes, she drank her wine peacefully.

" Jungkook, I'm sorry it had to be like this. " I apologized. I felt so guilty, he lost everything for me.

" You sacrificed a lot for me too y/n. I'm not the only one that lost everything. But we have each other. And you're all I need." he said wiping his tears.

I knew how it felt, losing things slowly, one by one, till you feel so much pain that you can't help but want to die.

As we stared endlessly, I knew, I understood he could see all the flashbacks, the pain.

He understood me too, he held my hand tightly as a form of reassurance, it made me realize, maybe I was being too paranoid?

But what if I was right? What if someone ruins it? Would it turn to a memory? Something that wasn't able to make it to the present?

Would we be together later? Just then, the wind blew, sending all the dry leaves towards our faces and the sand into our eyes.

We held each other's hands as we slowly tried to walk into the house, and as soon as we got in mun Yeong closed the doors and lit up the fireplace.

" Jungkook I'm afraid. " I finally said it out loud, he held my hand but didn't say anything. He was scared too.

I hated this, waiting for the reality to hit and take away the momentary happiness, even if we were used to it, it hurt a lot.

As we sat on the sofa, I looked at jungkook, and I started feeling a pain in my chest, jungkook's white shirt was turning red.

Blood fell out from the corners of my lips, onto the bouquet of the red roses as Mun Yeong looked at us with blood coming from her own mouth.

Jungkook finally spat out blood too, as we started crying in each other's arms. The pain was so strong that none of us could talk.

The tulle dress I was wearing was now going to be soaked from the blood as cuts appeared on our necks. Mun Yeong was just enduring it, laying back in the sofa.

" It's finally back again. It hates our happiness. " mun Yeong laughed, I heard her heartbreaking. I was in much too pain to say anything.

It was drops, but now the blood flew endlessly. I looked at jungkook, knowing we were gonna die for this.
" We couldn't survive like this, the world is against us, we are damned y/n, but let's be damned together in the afterlife " he said before our bodies laid there, lifeless.

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