Under the mistletoe - jung hoseok

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I was at a party, it was Christmas eve and I was happy, for the first time in a while, I'm not stressed. I don't have any exams and I have loads of time on my hands. My friends gabby and Mickey made an amazing company for a party. I was wearing a red bodycon lacy dress with a Santa hat. I looked really sexy and I was happy with my choice of outfit. The party was actually amazing and it wasn't awkward like the usual ones. I went to the kitchen counter and took a few jello shots. I slowly walked through the drunk people and the ones that are dancing. It felt really fun to come to a party after finishing the exams. I gave the girls some shots and we all finished them really quick. So we decided to go get ourselves some wine. It was really funny since we kept talking and then we started dancing. It felt like heaven literally. Gabby and I started to dance really weirdly while Mickey was busy laughing her ass off.
We were now really drunk and decided to go sit down for a while. We slowly kept talking when someone tapped my shoulder. It was Adrian, my other bestie. He slowly pointed to the dance floor and asked me
" Y/N COME DANCE WITH ME!" and he dragged me away without writing for a reply.
I danced with him and I felt like I needed more drinks.
" Hey Adrian, I'm gonna go get something to drink okay?" I said hoping he will let me go.

" yeah go," he said and chuckled.

I slowly walked to the kitchen and I somehow found a clean cup and I took some water. I then slowly walked back to the living room but I felt tipsy. Just then my heel broke and I was about to fall and twist my ankles.
I braced myself for the pain but it never came.

There he was, Jung hoseok, the bad guy of the school, holding me upright and looking into my eyes, with his arms around my waist and a smirk on his face.
He helped me up and asked me
" you okay y/n? "
I couldn't get any words out and I slowly nodded. He chuckled at me and I felt a blush creeping up to my cheeks. Then he gave me his lightning smile that made me go weak in the legs. I was now very flustered so I bit my lips.
" y/n are you drunk? " he asked me again.
" no hoseok, I'm not. Thank you "I said.
He then looked up.


I felt another blush creep right back when I heard all of them saying
" KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS" over and over again.

" so I guess we should-  I don't know- well I-" he was stopped by my lips attacking his.
I don't know why I did that but it felt right. I then felt him go still, shocked by my kiss but then he kissed me back. He slowly smiled into the kiss and he brought me closer to him and grabbed my waist. Our lips moved in perfect harmony giving me a bubbly feel

Our lips finally parted and I smiled at him.
" I've wanted to do that since forever," I said, looking into his eyes.
" so, dinner tomorrow?" he said slightly smirking. I nodded and gave him a little peck on his lips.
" Merry Christmas hoseok," I said walking away with a smirk.

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