First meeting

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Hope this one is as good as the other💕
It will be funnier that's for sure but it will remain as realistic as possible :’D

welcome to the new world~


------~Quote inspiring the book~-----

~They aren't monsters, because there is nothing more human than being alone~


You were a priestess from Amegakure. You’ve had a big admiration to the god ruling the rainy skies alongside his angel. You wandered the land convincing everyone of this divine being and forced the people to let him into their hearts and homes. Previously, before you found the path to light, you were a shinobi and became blinded by the divinity and power this god had possessed. You strived as hard as you can to grab his or his angel’s attention building small shrines of him all over Amegakure were people left offerings.

Your research lead you to tall tower in the center of Amegakure, where he was said to live, but it was completely off limits. You didn’t let that stop you, however, and built a small shrine right next to it praying for him to reveal himself to you, so you can serve directly under him, as his angel did. Being his priestess was a dream among dreams you had for years. 

You kneeled down and closed your eyes praying to the god once more as you did every day in the newly built shrine, until two Amegakure shinobi stopped behind you. “Priestess, this place is off limits. We need to ask you to leave” 

You didn’t move a muscle and spoke coldly “You mustn’t disturb when a priestess is in a divine state of mind. Leave” 

One of them lost his patience and extended his hand to grab your arm but you quickly sliced off his hand with a chakra blade forged into your hand. 

The man looked in horror as the other started to scream in pain. You got up looking at a speck of blood on your Kimono sleeve and frowned “you have stained my robes… now I won’t be able to meet our god flawlessly…you will pay for this!”

You raised your sleeve forming another chakra blade and walked up to them. You raised your hand to strike but felt a sudden presence behind you and a heavy gust of wind, causing your entire body to be covered with goosebumps at the immense chakra and presence. 

“I suggest you calm down mortal” A deep authoritative voice spoke near your ear as his warm breath tickled your skin.

You lowered your hand and turned around but you were struck with fear as purple ringed orbs bore into yours.

“K-…Kami sama?” you whispered in disbelief

His stare was immense. He looked into your eyes and motioned for the two men to leave while keeping his gaze on you. You felt your heart beat a million times at the rising anxiety of seeing the Kami with your own two eyes. You heard rumors but never knew he was that intimidating.
"Who are you?" He frowned and you quickly got down bowing on your knees, with your head on the ground "I'm so sorry if I have insulted you Kami sama. It was not my intention" you said with a shaking voice.
Despite his cold attitude he was taken aback and at all the sudden attention and it made him even more curious to know who exactly where you. 

"Stand and answer my question"

You quickly got up still looking at the ground and spoke "I am y/n of the f/n clan. I am from the west outskirts of Amegakure and moved to this district three months ago in search of you and your enlightenment"
<f/n clan?> he thought. He heard that this specific clan had alot of hidden talents and power that would be of use to him; he wanted to see for himself if the rumors were true.

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