You have a miscarriage

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I’m in a very bad mood today so I will fuck up everything.
They will all have a joint intro or beginning 
Enjoy...or not~

~Those who trust, suffer loss~

(these apply to them all but Zetsu. He is still in the land of wind and the doctors are the maids and midwives etc~)

You woke up in the middle of the night feeling excruciating pain. The baby wasn’t due for another three months or so so. It came to a surprise to you that you were having strong cramps this early. You woke your boy up and told him that you were in pain, while freaking out. Lucky for you the Akatsuki have moved back into Amegakure for the time being, so you were close to the Amegakure hospital. There was a lot of panic and blood and screaming in the hospital. It made you dizzy and confused as to what was happening. A lot of doctors and nurses appeared then placed you on a white bed telling you that you were going into a early premature birth. You didn’t know what or how to feel as you watched your man get pushed out of the room in the course of the panic. 
You then had to go into a painful three hours labor. As the cramps just kept getting stronger and stronger. You just screamed and cried all the way through this hectic procedure hoping you would hear the cry or scream of your child but it was born and then there was complete silence. Your eyes widened in horror as you laid eyes on a small glimpse your dead child in the doctor’s arms. Time froze in that moment. You didn’t how to feel you were going into shock and weren’t sure if this was grief or madness or pain…your emotions were all jumbled up and your heart stopped beating. Your mind started to spin and everyone started to talk to you all at once with muffled voices until your eyes got heavy and you fainted.
You opened your tired eyes hoping that is was all a dream but to your disappointment you saw Pein sitting next to you with your hand in his. He perked up slightly seeing you wake up then gave a sad look. You felt such shame looking into your kami’s eyes after you failed him. You looked away and burst into tears, as the shame ate you away. You could barely look into his eyes anymore. You failed….you were a failure who promised him this child but never lived up to your promise. 
He knew you were hurting and tightened his grip on your hand “Y/n…. look at me… don’t do this to yourself angel” He kissed your hand and got up to sit on the side of the bed cupping your face in his hands “Look at me….This isn’t your fault…Just rest… I’m just glad I didn’t lose you” 
You shook your head “I always seem to fail you when you ask for things…I can’t do anything right… I should’ve died back then than lived to see this day…how can life be so cruel to me this way?” You cried “I was never happy a day in my life…everyone I cared for died! Everyone I cared for abandoned me and now you will do the same…why would you want a disappointment like me?” 
He sighed and pulled you up into a hug “Please don’t make this harder than it already is…I still love you…you are my angel. I don’t care what happens. The main thing here is that you are alright” He said rubbing your back gently “I will never ever leave you…never in a million years”
You hugged him back sinking into his embrace for comfort as you cried. He felt torn apart because of this and wanted to demolish this hospital and land to the ground. If it weren’t for Konan calming him down in the halls, he would’ve done so, but she told him to think of you. He needed to be strong for you… To be able to hold you and tell you that it was okay…That is what a kami was for… For comfort and unconditional love.
<**y/n…..Y/N wake up!!**> You demon called out. You came to your senses and opened your eyes looking around, seeing the bright white hospital light above you and bit your lip in frustration until you heard commotion outside your door. 
“Sir please she needs her rest”
“I DON’T GIVE FUCK!! LET ME THE FUCK IN OR I’LL SLAUGHTER YOU ALL!” a familiar voice yelled until the door burst open and Hidan hurried in followed by a couple of doctors. He grabbed your hand looking at you worriedly “Y/n!!! are you alright??” He asked and you looked at the doctors and nodded for them to keep him here and leave. They left the room and you tried to sit up while he helped you. 
“I-I….don’t know what to say to you Hidan” You looked down sadly and he frowned “Stop!! Stop being sad…. Shit happens… Just fuck it!! You are still alive and alright and that is all that matters to me!” 
You looked at him deeply “Didn’t you want to be a father though?” 
His anger subsided and he got sad “I did… I was so excited…This child is a part of me and you together. I was waiting so impatiently…. getting connected more and more each fucking day but it is out of our hands…If Jashin sama could bring back what was lost, I wouldn’t hesitate to demand it for you… but he doesn’t, he only takes and…this stupid fucking shit always follows us around doesn’t it…our families never seem to strive. Immortal or not” He said and grit his teeth then shook his head and held your hand in both of his “You are stronger than this… we can get out of this shit together, so don’t you worry…I’ll be here to do and get you anything you need and if you want me to set this entire fucking hospital on fire then I wouldn’t hesitate. I’ll burn down all the wards and slaughter all newborns in honor of our child...but only if you want me to” He said rubbing your hand gently with his thumb. You shook your head “I just want you near me”
He nodded “Anything for you baby” he whispered getting close to hug you tight.
Kakuzu was certainly crushed to get the news. He didn’t take it so well and got too violent with the doctors to the extent he had to be stopped by Pein from destroying the Amegakure hospital. He felt miserable…he had already accepted the fact that he was going to be a father and was proud of it. After all those years, he finally found the love of his life whom he wanted to have a family with and all his aspirations came crumbling down seven feet deep. He looked extremely upset staring at himself in the bathroom mirror, after Pein told him to go cool down. He took a deep breath then exited the bathroom, brushing past Pein and headed towards your room hoping you would be awake by then. You already were but still a bit dazed from what happened. He entered your room, closing the door behind him and looked at your saddened expression. 
“Y/n” He said your name making you jump because you didn’t hear him enter, nor did you want anyone to enter in the first place. You coughed heavily and tried to hide the blood on your hand from coughing so hard “I don’t want to see anyone right now Kakuzu… I need a bit of time” You said weakly and continued to try and muffle you coughs but he walked up to you sitting on your bed “I’m not just anyone y/n! That was my child too!!” He yelled making you flinch still on edge from what happened. He quickly softened his voice “I’m sorry...I’m so sorry” He said cupping your face and pulling you closer for a hug. You felt his rapid heartbeats and teared up “I’m a horrible mother… I guess it was never meant to be…even after all these years” 
Kakuzu frowned “No!! not true! You are a great mother…I...I’m sorry for not being too supportive…I really wanted to this child and can’t begin to imagine the emptiness you are feeling right now” He said and teared up. You tightened your hug around him “Do you still love me?” 
He buried his face in your neck kissing it softly “Of course I do… you are my girl. All mine…no matter what happens…I’ll forever be loyal to you” 
Everything happened so fast that you were barely able to comprehend the reality you have woke up to. You sat up quick placing your hand on your stomach and gasped then looked around in panic until the door opened and Deidara walked in seeing your scared expression. He rushed to you giving you a hug and started apologizing over and over for having to put you through this at such a young age “I’m so sorry un… I did it again… I was selfish. I only thought about myself and how I wanted to redeem my past that I ended up ignoring how you truly felt about all this hm” He said in panic rubbing your back. 
You bit your lip and hugged him “Did this really happen?... Did I really just go through with that?” You said worriedly. He pulled away cupping your face in his hands and leaned his forehead on yours “it doesn’t matter now yeah. You are still fine and I’m still here with you and I love you to bits with all my heart un” He said and kissed your cheek. 
You moved away and burst out crying covering your face with your hands. He knew you wanted to release your sadness and didn’t say anything anymore. He got up on the bed and hugged you tight rubbing your back gently waiting for you to calm down. “Deidara” You spoke weakly and he let go “Yes… what do you need beautiful?… I’ll do anything hm”
“I want out…. I want to get out of here… I don’t like this place” You cried and he nodded then kissed you softly “Just a bit more for the doctors to make sure you are a hundred percent okay and I’ll carry you out of here myself hm…. Just bear with it a few moments longer my sweet girl yeah” He said kissing your cheek and wiping away your tears then pushed you down on the bed gently so that you can get some rest but you grabbed on to his sleeve “No…please! don’t go…don’t leave me” 
He felt his heart break to pieces at how frail and fragile you looked then nodded and laid down with you hugging you tight “I’m not going anywhere without you y/n… you are too precious hm” He said as you cuddled into his chest. 
You sat up gasping for air, as if waking from a nightmare and looked around the room seeing Sasori get up from his chair and approach you worriedly “Y/n!… Are you feeling alright? …Are you in any pain?” 
You panicked thinking it was all a dream and looked at him with widened eyes “W-where am I?” 
He looked at you deeply “You are in the hospital Y/n… do you not remember?”
You shook your head “No…It was all bad dream right?… the baby is alright and healthy …..Right?” You said with a smile as your eyes teared up. He took your hands in his “Don’t make this harder than it already is Y/n. I don’t blame you for it….so don’t worry” 
You shook your head “No you are lying to me! You are lying aren’t you?! THIS IS ONE OF YOUR STUPID SICK JOKES, ISN’T IT!??!” You said as your heart pounded and your breathing became more frantic. He kept his blank face “Y/n I know you are going through a denial phase right now but you should just accept what happened and try to let this all pass” He said and you pushed him away “YOU EMOTIONLESS JERK!!! MY CHILD IS DEAD!! AND YOU WANT ME TO JUST LET IT PASS!!! HAVE YOU NO COMPASSION…. NO SYMPATHY!!! YOU JERK!!” You yelled but he stayed silent and waited for you so stop yelling and thrashing around accepting a few weak hits and slaps, until you burst into tears and buried your face in your hands. He knew for sure that if he said or did anything he will surely breakdown in to tears as well, but he wanted to be strong for you…he was devastated but your mental health was more important to him now and he had to stay alert and guide you through the grief. “Y/n” He said your name in a whisper and you can almost hear the sadness laced in his voice clearly. You looked up at him to see tears streaming down his face. It was weird to see him cry because he never really did. It was always zero emotions with him but not in a time like this. Even though he promised to stay strong the only way to get you to stop being angry with him, is if he showed you his sadness… Only then you will believe he is truly sincere and that he cared. You hugged him tight and he buried his face in your neck and rubbed your back “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that pain…I’m so sorry for appearing as if I didn’t care but I do…I just don’t know how to reach out to you…but I promise you, we will get through this” He said and you just sat there in silence weeping in each other’s embrace. 

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