The Family Reunion

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I lack so much sleep that I am beginning to debate if a human needs a job to thrive…
I really hate this day XD it is so superficial and a complete market scam, like why have a day to love someone! Bitch you should have love all year round!!
I’ll go bury myself under the covers with snacks until after then~
No amount of Awws can aww this aww of a long chapter.
Continuation to previous chapter 


You were happy that d/n can walk a bit by herself, while holding your hand because you got too tired of carrying her around inside these long tunnels. She was a brave girl who didn’t fear a lot of things and wouldn’t cry much or mind the dark.
“D/n…I think daddy is close” You said sensing the sage aura coming from him with your natural chakra and she smiled. It was really quiet in the cave with only the sound of dripping water and the echoes of your footstep, until you carried d/n up quickly jumping back, as trap seals attached to the nearby rocks, burst into flames.
“Who would put traps way out here?!” you said hugging d/n close to you because she was crying from the loud sound. You went back to investigate and noticed markings on the wall, as if they were warning signs. It wasn’t a familiar language but you saw something similar to that clan you spoke of that vanished here. The seals were not destructive seals; they were there for warning people…. but of what?”
You decided to leave and try a different route until you heard Nagato’s voice in there and sprinted into that direction without hesitation. You spotted bubbles coming out of a pond in the center of a big cavern and panicked, placing d/n down “Don’t move. Stay there” You said to her and dove into the water. You swam deep down until you spotted Nagato struggling against some sort of creature’s grip.
He looked like he had his chakra taken away, so you preformed a few signs gathering a bunch natural chakra and touched his back to pass on the chakra, making his rinnegan glow. He tore the creature off him in seconds then grabbed your hand and swam out the pond, coughing slightly after getting out.
 He weaved a few signs and blew a mass of fire onto the pond boiling it to maximum level killing the creature inside instantly before it swam back up.
You saw d/n was still sitting in that same spot and smiled. Nagato turned to you and hugged you tight “I’m so glad you came back for me angel…I thought I was done for”
You hugged him tighter “I’m sorry for being too reckless… it is my fault we walked into those caves”
He pulled away “No it was d/n’s fault actually” He said jokingly looking at her with a smile and knelt down opening his arms to her but she didn’t move.
You chuckled “you can move away from there now, d/n”
She smiled and rushed over to hug Nagato tight “I’m glad I came through here though…I saw Yahiko… it was just as you said. Secrets unveil to those of pure hearts… a bit Ironic from its name…I guess the devil was whatever that creature was”
“Nope. You are the devil Nagato” a voice called out and you all looked towards the pond to see Yahiko giving Nagato a cheesy smirk “A devil for having such beautiful girls… and scoring a Miko”
You gasped “Yahiko? It is really you… I wish Konan was here to see you”
He looked down sadly “I would’ve loved to see her again…Can you pass on a message to her for me?....Can you tell her what I failed to tell her years ago?”
Nagato smiled and nodded “I will”
“Thanks… Can I see this future generation of ame?” He asked and Nagato nodded walking over to him and handed d/n to him. He smiled and she smiled back noticing that he held a complete resemblance to Pein then hugged him tight saying “Ame!”
He chuckled “Yes, grow up and make Ame proud D/n….just like your father is doing. I’d ask him to take care of you but he is the one who needs someone to care for him, so stay by your dad’s side and help him open his eyes more to the world”
Nagato smiled then took d/n from him and stepped back seeing the Yahiko was fading. You stood by the red haired man “It was nice meeting you Yahiko”
“Nice meeting you too y/n…oh and that reminds me Nagato! Your parents told me that they left something for you…I didn’t know what it was but they said you would need it. It is in your house under the floorboard of their bedroom. I hope the house is still intact after the war though…be strong you three” He said and vanished completely.
You looked at Nagato “Is that area of Ame still intact? I remember you said the settlement was demolished when we went there”
He thought “Yes the main quarter of my hometown was destroyed but we lived on the outskirts of it...not much damage was done there”
You smiled “Then let us get out of here…Even though d/n doesn’t cry much, I can clearly see she is exhausted”
He nodded and pulled you close “Yes…let us go”

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