His past stories

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WTF YOU GUYS! 300+ FOLLOWERS?💕💕💕 You are telling me that 300 people take the time to read my stories each time T_T I’m overwhelmed honestly…. Thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Some have fixed stories but creating stories for the rest is so much fun ><


Konan was walking back from a meeting with Kakuzu towards Pein’s room. Pein had been away for a while gathering intel and attending some secret meetings with the Akatsuki’s allies and funders, so konan was in charge for the mean time. She made her way into his room to put away some scrolls and stopped seeing you lying on your side on his bed playing with the edge of the blanket sadly. 

She smiled and entered closing the door behind her “Are you bored already?”
You nodded “I have no purpose when he isn’t around”
She placed the scrolls on a nearby shelf and sat next to you “You are still loyal to him…even after he killed your clan?”
You looked away “That was a different case… he did it to protect his secrecy…a thing I also aim to protect. He may be a bit violent and ruthless in his decisions but there is an understandable reason behind them” you stopped and looked at her “Would you ever stop him from being so?”
She shook her head “No…because I have a promise to keep”
You looked at her deeply “Can…I know more about you and Nagato, Konan?”
She nodded and leaned her back to the headboard of the bed “Nagato lost his parents in the war and had to bury them himself when he was just 7 years old. He wandered around looking for food and almost died from starvation… that is when I found him…by that I was also orphaned… I lived with my grandmother alone and never knew my parents… she is the one who made me love Origami so much… a lot of Shinobi broke into our homes in search of food which resulted in my grandmother getting killed trying to protect me… Nagato reminded me of myself and in that situation I wanted to help a lot of children who were just like me…. so Yahiko and I brought him in”
You looked at here confused “Yahiko?....who is that?”
She looked at you almost disappointed that you didn’t know who he is and sighed “He is…Pein” she said sadly
You looked at her confused until you realized what she meant “Pein’s body is Yahiko?”
She nodded “we tried surviving the war as much as we could by stealing food and eventually we crossed paths with the three Sanin. One of them volunteered to train us, soon enough he left when we were ready and the three of us began fighting to protect innocents from bandits and such. That was the first original Akatsuki and the first step world peace….it was all Yahiko’s. Nagato and I helped guide him through and soon enough many people joined us. We made a name for ourselves…we were heroes and the people praised us for our efforts in making Amegakure a better place, calling us the Ame orphans”
You smiled hearing that story and sat up “How did the Akatsuki end up taking criminals in then?”
She sighed “Hanzo thought that we were trying to over throw him with our good deeds by winning the heart of his people…soon enough…we got ambushed. I was taken hostage and Yahiko gave his life for me… He made Nagato stab him so that Hanzo could let us go because he was the leader…that is when Nagato lost it” she stopped and you noticed her eyes water, then she continued “No one can understand the thing we have been through… we’ve come so close, only to see it crash before our eyes. Nagato and I…were never able to part and so we vowed to keep Yahiko as the true leader and the main face of the Akatsuki” She spoke
You hesitantly hugged her and rubbed her back “I can only imagine the pain you’ve been through”
She nodded hugging you back “Yes…Nagato and I are-“
“No….not him…you. You are the one who feels it the most. By the way you talk it seems you truly loved and admired Yahiko… I’m so sorry Konan. If Only I knew I wouldn’t have crossed the line”
She pulled away “No you haven’t. I understand that Yahiko isn’t with me anymore. For now the only thing that remains is his dream and I will do all I can to achieve it”
You smiled and cupped her cheeks “You are by far the most hardworking one here…I’ll be happy to take the load off someday for you…maybe you can rest and take a day for yourself”
She smiled with a faint blush on her cheeks “Thank you”
You hugged her once more “You are welcome”
“And please don’t bring this up in front of Nagato… he will get upset” she warned you and you nodded “Got it… don’t worry”

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