He holds the baby

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Sorry for yesterday, I was in my “hormonal panic attack - rip a person’s head off with my teeth” mood. :) I’m fine now~
I’m shocked at the amount of love by you guys >w< it was like this day last year when I opened this account with zero peeps around and a really bad Reader X Kakuzu story XD (it was mega cringe so glad I removed it~)

You headed down the halls of the new hideout, while holding d/n in hand and reached a cave looking room at the entrance of the base. Pein was there getting ready for a meeting and you rushed to his side “Pein, can I ask a favor?” You said 
His eyes widened seeing you get close with d/n and frowned “Y/n it is very dangerous to be holding d/n around way out here!! Please return her to her room immediately” 
You frowned “I wouldn’t have come here, if it wasn’t urgent. Konan is not here to watch her and I ready need to go to the herbiologist to get her some medicine, because she isn’t eating well. I’m just worried about her health”
He looked at you baffled “I have a meeting!… What do you expect me to do?” 
You smiled not answering as the baby girl extended her arm towards him. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose “Alright fine” He said and took her into his arms holding her tight to his chest. 
“Thank you so much” You kissed his cheek and then sprinted off “Won’t be long just 10 minutes”
He looked at the little girl in his hand and she started touching his face and piercings curiously, making him smile at how innocent and cute she was. She was used to seeing Nagato only, not Pein, but it was like she knew it was him because she wasn’t afraid and didn’t cry.
“HOLY FUCKING FLYING SHIT!!! When the fuck did this happen? Y/n gave birth already?” Hidan gasped walking into the cave with the rest of the members, who laid eyes on their almighty leader holding a little baby girl, snuggled in his arms with a small red bow in her hair.
“I hope the Akatsuki funds don’t go to this brat now” Kakuzu spoke 
Pein sighed knowing that this meeting was going to be hell as all the members stared at the child.
“She looks just like y/n un” Deidara smiled
“No she doesn’t. She looks nothing like her except for the hair” Sasori frowned staring at the blonde
“You wanna bet on it danna hm?” 
Kisame chuckled seeing Itachi mesmerized with the little girl “Can we at least know her name?”
Pein frowned “Are you all done saying useless things!?” 
They all stopped talking but kept their weird looks and smirks and he continued “First of all my family and personal life are of none of your business. Second, you are here to get your next coordinates nothing more and nothing less” He said and they all groaned “Come one just tell us her name~” Kisame teased
Pein glared at them coldly but eventually succumbed knowing that if he didn’t answer them, they will keep this going for hours “D/n” he answered and their smirks got bigger.
Soon enough you returned and stopped seeing Pein had already dismissed the members and was playing with y/n trying to tickle her to get her to laugh. You awed and the sight and left not wanting to interrupt the sweet father-daughter moment.


"So the baby is born now...and you will give me less attention" Hidan grumbled while you both sat in the hideout in your room, as you nursed the child.

You laughed "jealous?… already?"

He frowned and looked away "Maybe…but it has been so long since we killed something together" 

You smiled and pulled the child away wiping his mouth gently with a cloth and adjusted your clothes "Come to think of it, you didn’t hold s/n yet"

He tensed up and looked at you in shock "but he was born just a few fucking days ago....Won’t he break?!"

You shook your head "You will be alright just hold him gently"

"Gently and me do not go in the same category y/n! The fuck is wrong with you?! It is like you want m-....w-wait wait! w-hat the fuck are you doing??" He asked in fear as you placed the baby in his arms gently and taught him how to hold him. The baby stirred a bit ready to cry but you told Hidan to rock his arms, so the baby would quiet down. Hidan was never this tense in his life, not even when he is inches away from death itself. He was so afraid to crush the child in his hands but later on relaxed seeing s/n cuddle into his bare chest for warmth. 

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