He is being a pervert

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Impatience. Impatience. Impatience. These bois need restrictions.

Also after this I'm gonna start with de Lemonz🍋🍋🍋~ (fortunately or unfortunately for you, they will be drenched in kinks and weirdness. There is a ZERO vanilla factor😂 unless I got bored from writing all nine of them...no idea~

But our boys are all weird and full of material lol)



You were hanging your laundry on the top of the base's rooftop in the early morning. You refused to hang them with the rest of the members because they were all complete perverts. So you found a discreet place to do so and that was the roof.

You were happily humming your favorite tune as you hung up your clothes.

"There you are! I've been looking for you" You heard a familiar voice speak behind you.

You turned around seeing Pein approach you "Kami sama"

He gave you a smile and handed you an envelope "You missed the meeting with Kakuzu. He was handing everyone their pocket money for the upcoming missions"

You took the envelope with both hands and bowed your head slightly "Thank you Pein sama. I apologize for losing the track of time and missing the meeting but the laundry was done and had to be hung before they rotted in the wet basket" You spoke and noticed Pein's attention wasn't with you anymore. He was looking somewhere else. You looked into his eyes and turned around following his line of view to see what he was looking at then spotted your white laced panties and bra hanging nearby.

You blushed furiously and lunged at him closing his eyes with your hands "Nooo~~~ Don't look please!! This is embarrassing"

He chuckled and removed your hands from his eyes then kissed them and pulled you close to his body "Sorry... you are right. I shouldn't"

You relaxed slightly hearing those words until he leaned in near your ear and whispered "Because I would rather see them on you"

"NOOOOoo~" You screamed blushing furiously and pushed him away from you but the push was too strong and you ended up tossing him off the roof.

You gasped in horror and ran to the edge looking down seeing that he fell on his back groaning at the impact.

He sat up rubbing the back of his head "I deserved that"

You pouted seeing he was okay and turned around ignoring him making the Kami chuckle.


You laid on his chest in bed while he stared at the ceiling. Normally he despised sitting still for a long time but after he got his leg chopped off in a mission today; he had to wait til his leg healed because the stitches weren't strong enough to hold it in place and you took that opportunity to cuddle with him.

He looked down at you and sled his hand up your waist to the side of your chest.

You looked up at him "Hidan"

He hmed in response.

"this is going to sound weird but why do you always try to grope me in secret?...it's not like I'm going anywhere and I already said I belonged to you" you said

He looked at you like you were stupid then smirked "Are you giving me permission?"

You blushed and looked away "Well I don't know that depends on what you want ...I guess"

He sat up and pinned you down to the bed sliding his hands under your shirt to your breast in seconds "You know if this is what you wanted, you could've just told me so... I've been restraining myself ever since we met" he went down kissing your neck passionately and bit down on your shoulder making your scream in pain trying to push him away "That hurts you fucktard! Don't bite!"

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