He scares you

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Can we take a moment to talk about “the grave of the fireflies” and how disgustingly artistic it is?

Back to the story, all continuations to the previous chapter ~! 
If you haven’t read those then you will get confused.

Inspiring song "Alec Benjamin - If i killed someone for you"



You pulled away from his ravishing kiss gasping for breath after minutes of making out with the kami and he pushed you to the wall then leaned near your ear "Are their more, beautiful?"

You tensed up a bit as he slid his hand to your ass "m-more?"

He moved his lips on your neck "Your Disciples…are there more?" 

You nodded "yes but they betrayed me a long time ago during the war. You see this place...is my clan's settlement...I was born here as the leader's daughter. I dreamt about a savior god that aims to shed peace onto this world. When I took charge I spread my belief into the clan and we built this temple…but then the war happened and they ran off” You stopped as he kissed down on your shoulder then pulled away and looked deeply into your eyes.

“Your story isn’t adding up…if your followers were so loyal to build this temple, why would they turn on you so quick?…it seems to me that you are protecting them but I want to know how many are there and where they are spread” He spoke his eyes growing colder by the second however your refused to speaks, so he closed his eyes and nodded then let go of you and looked towards the main gate. You looked in that direction as well and two of his paths entered holding the semi dying monk in their hands and pushed in front of you. You gasped in shock and got close but Pein stopped you.

“Are there more of you monk? Speak”

The monk looked at your for permission and you nodded, not wanting him to get hurt any longer.

“Yes… they fled this temple in the war by order of my mistress and created their own discreet settlement a few miles from here up north” The man said weakly coughed out after the intense battery he had received.

Pein nodded “Good… end him” he ordered the other paths

“Wait. Kami sama!… I want to be the person to end him… after all he is one of my followers” you interrupted

Pein nodded and began walking away with his other paths “Finish up and meet me in the other settlement”

You nodded and watched him disappear then quickly ran towards the monk weaving a few hand signs and placing a hand on his chest trying to heal his bruised body with your natural chakra. He looked at you deeply “You are defying your Kami’s orders for me…why?”

“I don’t care about the rest. You were my most loyal student… you deserve to live…now please I need you to hide until this is over and flee this place as soon as I leave with him”

He nodded and teared up “Thank you mistress. You were always so kind to me”

You nodded sadly kissing his forehead softly then hurried outside to meet up with the six paths.

Pein was acting extreme dark and cold today. He forced you to follow him around and made you watch as he tore down the settlement and killed all your followers before your very eyes in the cruelest ways possible as they scrambled about trying to run and survive.

The day came to an end and you stood there sadly looking at the once modest thriving settlement turned to a charred mass grave.   

“Why…. Why did you do it?” You asked sadly

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