Kisame - First time

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🍋-Day 5 of lemon week-🍋 

A lot of you have been waiting for this perverted cutie so here he is~

Also this is the last post for this week :0 the rest of the bois (Kazu, Hidan, Itachi, and Sasori) will be posted starting next week because I is too busy on weekends making and splurging money~~


You entered the inn’s room after a tiring mission, tossing your bag to the floor and throwing your cloak aside to take off your shirt and pants.
"What a long hard day. I can’t feel my anything" you mumbled to yourself.

"You know what else is long and hard?" 

You jumped and turned around quickly seeing Kisame lounging on the bed staring at your semi bare body with his face resting on his hand. 

You smirked "you are never going to give up, are you?....when I said be more subtle and gentle, I didn’t mean break into my room and watch me strip like a creep" you said resting your hand on your hip.

He chuckled "sorry to tell you this y/n, but this is as subtle as I can get, because if I weren't trying to be, I would be all over you right now and you wouldn't even be resisting. Luckly for you, I don’t think I have the urge to make a little girl scream in pain tonight"
You smirked "tch just admit it Kisa, you are all bark no bite. You won't do half the things you keep talking about...because deep down you are a cute shy boy"
He smirked getting up "Heh underestimating me? I wouldn't be too sure about the bite part" he said towering over you "And I’m not a boy, I’m a man....and a shark"
You wrapped your arms behind his neck "then show me what you got Same sama~ (mister shark)" you teased

His smile dropped, getting a bit serious and he hesitantly got closer "you.....really mean it?"
You nodded 
"No traps or tricks?"
You chuckled "No Kisame. No traps or tricks...I really love you and if you want to this badly then you are free to go ahead and do it....I'm ready for you"
He couldn't believe his ears and smirked pressing his lips against yours without any second thought. You moaned into the kiss feeling a bit intimidated by his immense body pressed against your small frame. You couldn't lie to yourself, you were extremely terrified but you loved him dearly and wanted to make him happy.

He took off his cloak as he kissed you then pulled away looking into your eyes “y/n…are you scared?... I can hear your heart beat and it is really loud” 

You blushed “I’m just nervous”

He smiled caressing your cheek and kissed you softly “How about a bath to relax those tense muscles?” 

You blushed and nodded. 

He carried you up and headed to the bathroom and turned on the bathtub’s water adjusting it then turned to you lifting your chin to give you a soft kiss and slid his hands to your back undoing your bra dropping it to the ground. You shyly hid your chest and he didn’t pry then slid off your panties helping you step out of them and looked at your body from top to bottom. 

You were completely red by now and placed your small hands over his eyes “Enough staring~” You whined making him chuckle. 

He removed your hands and kissed them softly “Get in the water I will be back in a second” He said and left. You hurried to the tub testing the temperature slid into the warm water. Soon enough, Kisame returned and stripped down as well then headed towards you laughing seeing you had squeezed a ton of liquid soap into the tub to play with the bubbles. He got in behind you making you shudder as his firm chest pressed against your back. 

“That’s a lot of soap” he teased blowing the bubbles away from your hands

“This is an inn and I can spend as much soap as I want and Kakuzu can’t say anything” You retorted making him chuckled and wrap his arms around you kissing your neck softly taking your hand with his to make you cup some of the bubbles.

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