Kakuzu - First time

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🍋-Day 6 of lemon week-🍋 

Ok here it is…what you all been waiting for.

It may not be perfect because I have never written a Ddlg fic in my life before!  Nor do I like the fetish at all because I got the brain of a pure dom. So bear with me~


Oh no….oh heavens no… why would you do this!?

Kakuzu has agreed to the deal and handed you all your savings account back under the excuse it is only meant to be spent over him and no one else. However seeing all the cash poor back into your account made you think that you can outsmart him by spending a part of it to splurge yourself and leave the rest for him. 

You discreetly returned to the hideout at night holding massive shopping bags and decided to enter your room to put them away before anyone saw and caught you red handed. 

You walked into your room in the dark and put the bags down gently not to make any noise then turned on the light only to see Kakuzu standing inches away from you with a menacing glare on his face. 

You yelped in fear and stepped back not knowing what to say. You looked to the side seeing some papers on the bed revealing numbers of the amounts of withdrawal you made from the bank. 

“y-you are monitoring my account…. That’s illegal” you tried to defend yourself

“Your money is handled by my banker… I have access to all your funds whenever I please. I thought I could trust you”

You looked at him worriedly “No don’t see it as that…it’s just that I needed some stuff that’s all-“

“Enough talk!” He growled and pushed to the wall by your neck then leaned in “You have been a bad little girl”

You gulped and he tossed you at the bed roughly taking off his mask and cloak while approaching you.” Wait Kakuzu don’t!” You tried to squirm away from him but his threads caught you pulling you back against his body. He pinned you to the bed on your stomach with one hand, twisting your arm behind your back painfully and slid his other hand under your kimono on your bare thigh while his threads held you in place. “You will pay back what you took” His hand slid up your inner thigh making you shudder under him then with one swift motion his lifted your kimono and ripped off your panties.

You squealed as the cold air hit your skin “Kakuzu! I’m sorry please” You begged struggling again the restraints.

He growled “You broke a rule! Now you will have to face your punishment”

“H-how about a safe word?” You tried to reason with him but he frowned “Punishments don’t need safe words, because you deserve it” He said as his open hand landed onto your ass. You yelped in pain at the stinging sensation, then came another spank while you were barely recovering from the previous one, and then another hit came down sending electricity up your spine. This went on and on as the spanks got rougher and more painful each time, to the extent there were tears in your eyes

He finally stopped satisfied by the red color that has filled your cheeks. You whimpered in pain not struggling against his grip anymore. He let go and pulled you up to sit you on his lap making you wince as your bare raw ass grinded against his rough pants. He moved your hair away from your face and cupped your cheek looking into your sad eyes “I went easy on you tonight, princess. Did you know what you did to deserve this?”

You nodded 

“Speak, I want to hear your voice!” he ordered 

 You gulped “I spent money when you told me not to” 

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