You tease/seduce him

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Just want to tell you all how much I love you guys ❤ thanks for all the cute comments that make me smile each morning. You are all adorable and amazing peeps~

~ 🚫Warning contains lemony themes🚫~
Should be obvious from the title but I am entitled to warn I guess 🤷‍♀️ ~


~Don’t tease, unless you’re gonna please~


Since your robes were now ruined you had to make do with what you could get your hands on from Konan. You never really showed too much skin but desperate times call for desperate measures. You got up from bed and put on a tight tank top and the classic Akatsuki pants with white socks then headed down the hall to help Pein with his paper work for the day.
The members had just left and you entered his office peeking your head in “Can I come in?” 
He flashed you a small smile and nodded. You walked in and took a seat next to him on the ground, picking a few paper’s from in front of him and started working. He couldn’t help but dart his eyes towards your bare shoulders, neck and your cleavage. He was zoned out and you noticed this with the side of your eyes. You liked him giving you this much attention and decided to tease him. So you stretched your hands up a bit, causing your chest to squeeze at the top your wore while arching your back, revealing a bit of your waist to him then lowered your arms forcing your bra strap to slide down your shoulder by ‘accident’. 
He gulped and felt himself getting extremely distracted. He never knew he could be such a pervert and have such thoughts just by seeing you in a mere tank top. He blushed seeing the way you were biting the pen in your hand as you thought and couldn’t take it anymore. Pein pushed you against the short table in one swift motion trapping you between his arms knocking away all the stuff and papers.
You blushed darkly “P-pein” 
He didn’t say a word and smashed his lips against yours as he took off his cloak. You moaned into the kiss knowing where this was going and wrapped your arms behind his neck as he impatiently snuck his hands under your shirt. He pulled away looking into your eyes “You are in deep trouble angel… who knew you could be such a devil” 
You bit your lip seeing that he noticed your little tease “Well devils are just fallen angels… and I’ve fallen for you” you said making him smirk widely, a thing you’ve never seen before.


He was on the bed feeling a bit bored, he grumbled and turned to his side then saw your girly stuff at the dresser. He got up curiously to sit in front of the mirror and touched your perfume smelling it slightly then smiled remembering your flowery scent that directly calmed his nerves. He looked over seeing your make up bag and opened up your lipstick curiously then tilted it down trying to get the lipstick to come out but frowned scratching his head “The fuck is this?” 
He touched it with both hands and it twisted up revealing the lipstick inside. He smirked twisting it back and forth “So weird…like living with an alien” (“Vandread” anyone?) He placed it on his lip and gasped at the strong color, then wiped it away with his sleeve smudging it all around "stupid shit won’t come off" he closed the cap back placing it aside and saw your hair brush then brushed his hair with it “This is way better than my comb!…it is officially mine” He smirked then reached for one of your drawers seeing more makeup and frowned “Why does she need so much fucking makeup? We roll in blood and guts each day” he mumbled then opened another.
He titled his head in confusion seeing your pads/tampons. “The fuck is this?” He squinted
“HIDAN!!! WHAT THE HELL!” You yelled startling him so that he quickly closed the drawer and stood up straight like a soldier.
“I…uhhh” He started but didn’t know what to say and you got close putting your stuff back where it was “Don’t touch my stuff idiot!” 
“Don’t put the blame on me! I was curious!” He yelled then noticed you only had a towel around you with your hair dripping wet and looked away “At least put some clothes on… Sick blasphemer” 
You smile at his behavior and noticed a bit of smeared lipstick on his face “Silly boy, that is not how boys put lipstick on” You said making him look at you curiously. You put some lipstick on your lips then pulled him close placing your lips on his then pulled away ”there we go “ You said and Hidan blushed darkly at the action. You smiled slyly and wrapping your hands behind his neck “You want more?” 
He smirked “As long as your demon doesn’t interrupt us this time” 
You chuckled “I’m sure he learned his lesson” 

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