He sees you naked

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(Oh boy...i didn't want to resort to this but my mind is flowing with such ideas😂 Pfft not that you guys mind 😂

All Shinobi are perverts when given the chance because 'sexual suppression' is a thing 😂



You snuck out of the hideout in the middle of the night towards the dense forest nearby to visit a secret spot. A few weeks ago, when you were returning from a mission, you stumbled upon a small cave with a small hot spring exploding out its walls; the water and area were so perfect that you decided to return.

You sprinted towards the cave and smiled feeling the warm steam enter your skin just as you walked in. Because of the hot water, the entire cave was fogged up with steam which was perfect for a private midnight relaxation.

You removed your clothes, laying them aside neatly and stepped into the water under the thin waterfall, feeling the falling water massage your neck and back. It was intoxicating and you drifted off in your thoughts, until you felt a massive chakra presence in the cave. You gasped and covered your body quick.
"Who's there?....show yourself!" You spoke rather confidently which was sure to scare the intruder away but that didn’t work as you hoped it would.
You saw the silhouette of a man in the fog approach you. Your heart sank and were really afraid trying to channel all your chakra to your hands to get ready to slice through him, until he was small distance away and you could see his face.

Pein stood there holding your red ribbon in his hand taking in your body's curves with his ringed eyes until he spoke "Don't be afraid angel...it is just me"

You blushed darkly and stepped back shyly trying, as hard as you can, to cover your body from him "P-pein sama...please stop looking"

He gave you a small smile "there is nothing to be ashamed of. Your body is beautiful" he said and turned his back to you looking away "I was patrolling the area with the six paths. Your ribbon was fluttering on some branch outside. I directly knew it was yours. So I went to look for you and saw that you were not in bed... I got worried" he spoke and sat down on the edge with his back still facing you.

Your body relaxed and you shyly went back towards the water "you were worried about me?...but I can take care of myself, it’s been that way since I was born”

“Well you didn’t have me with you back then. You belong to me now...as my angel”

You blushed hearing those words "shouldn't you be heading back now?"

"I thought I would keep you company. Plus you think I would agree for my angel to do this out here without any form of protection?...just relax...I'm here for you" he said

You smiled and sunk into the warm water closing your eyes granting the Kami blind trust as he kept his eyes on to the water in front of him seeing your reflection.

<She is gorgeous…this is wrong…but at this point do I really care if it is wrong or not?> he thought


You woke up from your drunken messy night and sat up seeing Hidan sleeping on your mattress with his back facing you snoring lightly. You smiled at the sight and got up noticing it was extremely early, so you decided to take a shower to soothe your massive hangover. You stumbled to the bathroom still a bit dazed and stripped down entering the shower.

After while, Hidan turned around in his sleep and reached out his hands to pull you close but you weren’t there. He frowned and groaned at the pounding headache he had from the alcohol poisoning. His stomach turned and he got up quickly to throw up. He barged, barging into the bathroom and vomitedvomiting into the toilet. He coughed then leaned his forehead in his hands, rubbing his forehead in pain as he sat on the bathroom floor.

Soon enough he came to his sense hearing the running water and noticing the steam filling the bathroom then looked towards the shower quick seeing you covering your body blushing furiously not able to say a word.

He didn’t realize he was staring for too long at your body with a clear blush on his face “Damn” was all he can muster up

You flipped out and tossed your shampoo bottle at his head “GET THE HELL OUT BEFORE I GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT!!!”

He winced in pain at the bottle’s impact on his head and got up with an angry look “DON’T YELL AT ME!! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO FUCKING FORGOT TO LOCK THE DOOR!!”




“SHUT UP YOU ALLURING HEATHEN!!” He left slamming the door behind him.

You sweat dropped “Why does he always yell at *me* when he is obviously the one at fault…stupid pervert” You mumbled to yourself then head over to lock the door and carry on with your shower.

While on the other side of the door Hidan stood there with a tomato red face “Jashin sama is going to skin me alive” he whispered to himself <Fuck!! I don’t think I can restrain myself any longer>


You snuck into the forest along with the two immortals to capture a rogue. The three of you crouched behind a few bushed watching the target fill his water bottle in a nearby river. This was extremely difficult because for once the bounty office asked for this man alive, and handing him alive gave double the amount of money than a normal kill, so Kakuzu wouldn't want it otherwise.

The problem was that the target knew a lot of information and could kill himself, if he was cornered and was a tough fighter and also a sensory type, so the two couldn't attack head on and needed a subtle way to capture the man or make him come willingly without triggering the man’s senses or suspicion.

"How the fuck are we going to be clam and nice? pft...this is blasphemy to me" hidan grumbled

You sighed "I got an idea but you my not like it"

"I don’t care do it" Kakuzu said

You nodded "Before I want 30 percent of the bounty money"
"27 is as less as I will go or else I'll send in Hidan to butcher him and we both get the bare minimum" you said and Kakuzu rolled his eyes "fine do it but fail and I will have your head to compensate the losses"
You smirked and stood up and taking off your cloak. The two men watched as you stripped down nude
“the hell are you doing woman!” kakuzu snapped. You ignored his comments and headed towards the river diving in.

You emerged your head from the water in front of the man and gave him a smile. Kakuzu and Hidan were stunned to see the legendary Siren in action. The target flinched and stepped back then saw you stand up revealing your bare body to him licking your lips seductively. He was entranced and you got closer pushing him back to a rock sliding your hands up his chest.
“I’m hallucinating...the water here must be messed up” he said but gasped feeling you grope his crotch.
The man smirked and placed his hands on your thighs pulling you closer. You kissed his cheek then went down to his neck getting him lost in your touches. He cupped your face pressing his lips on yours sliding his hands down your ass. Just as he was getting too intimate you stabbed a thin needle in his neck, knocking him out with a heavy sedative.

The man dropped to the ground unconsciously and you stepped back victorious. Kakuzu and Hidan dropped from the nearby tree and the miser quickly placed your cloak around your body to hide it from the perverted Jashinsit.

You could see clear blushes on both the men's faces and laughed "you call yourselves poised ninjas...have some control" you said as they both looked away awkwardly.

Kakuzu carried the man on his shoulder while you put your clothes back on and headed to the nearest bounty office with Hidan nudging you, talking about how awesome that was.

<The thing this woman does for money is far off bounds… She is dangerous when she wants to be and it sort of make me furious to know this is how she lived for the past 70 years> Kakuzu thought and pulled you away from Hidan, by your hand making it clear that you were his property.


You didn’t perfect your fire bubble jutsu well yet and were still practicing with Deidara every single day to get it right. Something about it just didn't scream you and preforming fire jutsus while you were and air and water element was really hard to do.
It was one of those nice sunny days for training near the lake. You preformed your jutsu making a bubble out of oil and they always seemed to pop half way because their destiny was much more fragile than water. You were soaking wet with oil but at last one of the bubbles remained balanced without popping.
"Perfect un! Now set this baby on fire!" Deidara said excitedly
You tried to perform a fire jutsu but the thing exploded in your face and set the flaming bubble off onto you oil soaked clothes.

Deidara watched in horror as the flames engulfed your entire body and panicked. The lake shook next to him and a big wave emerged towards you turning off the flames.
You dropped to your knees coughing. The fire didn't hurt you because you were able to protect your skin with a slime-like coating, but there was only one problem. You entire clothes had burnt away and you stood there in the nude trying to understand what happened in the past second.
Deidara rushed towards you blushing darkly. "Are you alright hm?"
You covered your body shyly to hide from his gaze and he quickly took off his cloak and wrapped it around your body as his face burned up. You held on to the cloak tight and laughed nervously “Well that was embarrassing…I’m so glad it wasn’t an actual fight”

“Yeah... let’s go back to the hideout.. I think this is enough for today un” He tried to laugh it off and noticed that even your shoes burnt up; so he carried you in his arms and started walking.

“I can walk you know” you complained

“you are barefoot…you might step on something hm”

“I’m not used to this type of handling” you said shyly

“heh well get used to it bubble chan yeah”

You blushed and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He smiled and jumped up into the trees heading to the hideout <who ever knew Kirigakure shinobi had such beautiful bodies …hot damn!> He thought with a clear smirk spread on his face. You knew he was thinking perverted and gave him your usual stare.

“What? Don’t look at me like that hm! I’m not doing anything” he said nervously

“You are thinking it though!” you comained

“Yes, I am thinking about how lucky I am to meet a cute girl like you… who knew Kiri girls are this cute un”

You blushed and gave him a proud smile “they aren’t…. I’m just special” you said making him laugh


You sat inside a blood drawn circle in the middle of the forest watching as Sasori placed a few scrolls around you.

“Sasori…are you sure this is going to work? Your first trial failed… I don’t think you can break this seal…I think we should consult a professional” you complained feeling a bit nervous

“I *am* the professional and I will break that seal” He said and sat in front of you cross legged “I have been reading a lot of books on these and Ironically, Hidan’s religion used some seals similar to yours; they are called ‘Blood seals’, so I figured this ritual would help me get through it”

You bit your lip and nodded “ok as long as you don’t end up stabbing me”

He took your hands gently looking deeply into your eyes and you smiled knowing he was trying to comfort you, until he spoke “Shut up and let me focus”

You frowned and he began the ritual focusing on his chakra then preformed some signs and placed his finger on your mouth. You gasped and black signs emerged from your mouth sliding onto your skin covering your entire body. The ritual stopped and Sasori looked at you curiously taking your hand seeing all the words on your skin and smiled realizing that they were coordinates.

< Subject number 19105, position 39°26'12.9"N 6°11'26.9"E is property of the underground, must be mandatory moved towards the und-…>

He frowned seeing the rest of the sentence was hidden under your shirt.

You noticed and blushed “Oh no”

“Take it off” he ordered

“Are you kidding me ! hell no!!”

He didn’t take no for answer and wrapped you up in his chakra threads, reaching for the edge of your shirt

“Wait!!Ok ok I’ll do it myself” you panicked and he let go

You nervously took off your shirt and looked around to make sure there was no one nearby, then looked at him and he frowned “All of it!! you are covered in symbols and I need to copy them stat!!”

“He still hasn’t bought me lunch” You mumbled and took off your pants then reached for your bra stripping down nude. He turned you around and moved your hair away taking a pen and paper to copy all the writings quick before they vanished.

You sighed “We could’ve done this in the hideout…not out here!”

“you are being too overdramatic. It is just a human body. Nothing I haven’t seen before” he said emotionlessly

“Yes but it is *my* human body and this is embarrassing” you complained

“Well your human body is quite exceptional if that is what you want to hear” he said sliding his hand on your back

“I WILL BASH YOU FACE IN!!” you yelled turning around to give him a glare

“Susceptible to compliments…noted” He said and continued writing.



you tossed and turned in bed trying to sleep but you couldn’t because it was burning hot in the new hideout and the summer nights were at their peak. You groaned and got up heading towards Kisame’s room. You wanted to walk in, then stopped remembering he slept naked and knocked on his door gently “Kisa? Are you awake?...I can’t sleep”

You waited for a while then stepped away from the door to leave seeing that there was no answer, but the door opened quick revealing Kisame shirtless with a pair of pants on and a smirk plastered on his face “the heat?”

“Yeah” you said

“You should sleep in the nude too then” He chuckled and you pouted angrily “do something about it you perverted fishstick! I’m a guest here…and you should treat me well?”

“Fine let’s go out and get some fresh air” He grabbed samehada and headed out the room taking your hand, walking out the base “I wonder if you would be hospitable to me, if I went to Kirigakure”

“Of course” You said cheerfully making him smile “I’ll supply you the bestest jail cell in all of kiri” You chuckled

“So mean” He laughed and reached a small lake. You looked down sadly “There is not even a slightly breeze! This outing was a fail”

He took off his pants and stood there in his underwear making you blush darkly and look away.
“Silly girl.. I didn’t bring you out here for a walk… I brought you out here for a dip in the lake” he said

You smiled then stepped back hesitantly “there are no fish with sharp teeth in this lake... right?”

He chuckled entering the water “There is now”

You laughed and stripped down to your underwear then reached the edge of the water testing its temperature.

Kisame was watching you with a smirk taking in the wonderful sight in front of him, you noticed and splashed him with water then got in. you swam around for a while chatting together until something grazed your skin quickly tugging off your bra in the water making you gasp and hide your chest “Kisame!! T-..There is s-..Something in the water” You stuttered

He looked at you confused until you felt something bite your bottoms off making you scream and quickly run out the lake covering your body with your hands shaking in fear. Kisame got out the water and pulled you close making sure you didn’t have any bite marks as you blushed darkly “This is so embarrassing” You whined.

As much as he was enjoying the sight of you; wet and vulnerable, he kinda felt bad and quickly handed you your dry clothes and turned around for you to get dressed.

You were a blushing mess hiding your face with your hands and he chuckled giving you a kiss on the cheek “It’s alright…I didn’t see much in this dark” He said and wrapped an arm around you heading back to the base.

“Ohh shit, you continue I forgot something back there” He said and headed back as you continued towards the base alone.

He smirked and went back to the lake again “you are in big trouble…but since I liked the view, I’ll let it slide” He said as Samehada slithered out the water with your lingerie in its mouth.
Perverted owner keeps a perverted sword. 


You decided to take up on his advice and   meditate in the shower but Kakuzu told everyone to limit their water usage, so a long bath was out of the question instead you asked Itachi to come with you to the bathhouse and he agreed
You both went separate ways as you entered the females section, stripping down and placing your clothes inside a personal locker then headed out towards the spring. lucky for you it was a time of the day where there was no one there, so you had all the hot spring for yourself.
You immersed your body in the hot water letting out a relaxed sigh and closed your eyes.

It was so soothing that your thoughts were not jumbled up no more. You mentally organized your future plans and questions getting lost deeper and deeper in thought. Hours passed until you felt a bright light glow while your eyes were still closed and heard a few panicking and screaming. You opened your eyes to see the separation wall was blazing with fire and quickly jumped out the water heading inside seeing the entire bathhouse was burning with raging flames. You coughed a bit trying to reach your locker in to the thick smoke and bumped into someone.

You looked up shyly covering yourself with your hands, seeing it was Itachi looking at you worriedly with a towel around his waist.
He wrapped a nearby towel around your body then carried you up in his arms and sprinted outside the bathhouse to the near by forest. The towel was short and his hand was touching the side of your boob and bare thighs as he jumped from a branch to another, away from the eyes of the public.

"What the hell was that? ..what happened?" You asked worriedly

"The coal from the streamers probably came in contact with something and burst to flames silently without anyone noticing til it was too late” he explained
You hugged the short towel around your body shyly "how the hell are we going to go back now?" You asked as you both landed into a small clearing between dense trees.
Just then an itachi clone dropped from the trees as well tossing itachi his bag along with yours and poofed away. He handed it to you with a smile "I'm always prepared for emergencies..so don't worry"

You thanked him with a charming smile and both turned around to get dressed and head back to the hideout.
Though he was a shy and polite boy he couldn't help but smile to himself seeing your bare body back there clearly, between the smoke in all its feminine glory <so beautiful>


You returned from a one week trip at the castle of the Daimyo of the fire country. You were extremely tired and drained and just wanted to face plant into the bed.

You entered the castle and smiled seeing that everything was in order as Zetsu waited for you on the top of the stairs with a smile. You walked towards him and gave him a tight hug. You were too busy that he barely got to see you during your visit.

“How was your trip dear? **Is the fire country’s daimyo still an idiot?**” he spoke

You chuckled “Yes he is…and my trip was extremely tiring and uncomfortable…he held feasts 24/7 a day and made activities and stayed up til 3 each day drinking. He may look like an old man but he is more energetic than I am. I can’t feel any of my muscles” you complained heading towards your room “I had to stay in the wraps all the time and they are killing me”

Zetsu closed the door behind him as you entered the room and he pulled you close “Can I help? **We can soothe your muscles**”

You smiled and nodded. He tugged at your kimono belt and slid it off you then told you to lay on your stomach on the bed. You lay down and he got on top and began massaging your neck and shoulders with his skilled hands. You smiled widely enjoying it fully “You can remove the wrap” You said shyly and he smirked getting a kunai to rip them off  sliding his hands down your bare back and leaned in to leave small kisses down your spine reaching your pants. He pulled your pants down without warning along with your underwear making you gasp and try to sit up but he pushed your head down “**Hold still! This is nothing we haven’t seen before** calm down now…don’t be scared Kuro just likes doing things rough. He won’t cross the line as long as I’m here y/n” He said and slid his hands on your legs to your butt then pressed his thumbs on your spine going back up to your neck taking in every detail of your body loving every moan and gasp you made.

It felt so good that you stopped struggling and relaxed your tense muscles. He continued until you fell asleep and smiled “She is asleep?...she trusts us this much? **heh why wouldn’t she? there is nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for her. She is perfect and worthy of my affection** it is just funny because even *I* don’t trust you this much” the white side joked and laughed “**shut up or you will wake her**” Kuro spoke covering your body up with a blanket then placed a kiss on your cheek and left the room.  


You were training with Tobi outside the hideout. Well that is what it was for you but to him it was just playing tag. He was so hyper and fun, you always were an only child who was focused on study, so you never got the chance to actually play with someone and have ‘fun’ amd lucky for you, Tobi was the perfect candidate to fill up that gap.

You finally managed to pin him down on the ground after running a marathon around the base and took heavy breaths “I…caught…you” You said feeling the pain in your chest from the exertion.

He chuckled and sat up pressing his mask on your cheek as if giving you a kiss “HURRAY FOR Y/N CHAN!! y/n chan 1 and Tobi 43!! You only have 42 rounds of winning left and we will be a tie!”

You sighed and got off him “No…sorry Tobi maybe some other time… I’m exhausted and I need a shower” you said heading into the base.

He nodded “Okay y/n chan!! I’ll follow you in, in a moment!”

You gave him a smile and headed to your room closing the door behind you. No one was in the hideout and it became a routine. The members would leave early in the morning and comeback late at night leaving you alone with Tobi to do the house chores and buy supplies since your face wasn’t on any wanted lists and you could easily cross borders.

Tobi giggled mischievously “Tobi is going to be a bad boy” he said and crouched down in front of your door peeking through the keyhole watching as you stripped down.

He face burnt up at the sight but little did he know that someone was standing behind him with a smirk.

“Heh didn’t think you would be a pervert un” Deidara spoke startling the masked man


Deidara laughed devilishly and kicked Tobi forward causing him to burst open the door and stumble to the ground infront of your feet while Deidara made a run for it.

You blushed darkly covering your body from him as he got up groaning in pain.

Your face was completely red and you quickly turned his mask to the side covering his eyes completely and pushed him out the room “YOU PERVERT!!how could you?!” you yelled the slammed the door behind him. He fixed his mask and stood up knocking on the door “wait y/n chan!! It wasn’t me!! I’m sorry!! Tobi is a good boy!”

“Go away!” You yelled and he left feeling a bit sad but extremely satisfied with what he saw. <*I can’t believe I just did that… Tobi this is getting out of hand* hehe I merely follow orders Obito san>  

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